Senior Independent Study Theses | The College of Wooster


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2024


Mechanics of an Absorptive Anisotropic Particle Under The Influence of An External Electromagnetic Field, Yohannes N. Abateneh
Department: Mathematics; Physics


Effects of Gap Junction Deletion on Seizure Severity and Sleep in Drosophila melanogaster: Implications for Epilepsy in Humans, Chamari Abercrombie
Department: Biology; Neuroscience


Investigating The Impact of Work-From-Home On Housing Prices In Major Urban Areas, Emmanuel Aboagye-Wiafe Jr.
Department: Business Economics


How Deep Can a Tattoo Go? The Perceptual Processing of Tattooed Individuals Through the Lens of College Students, Alona Abufarha
Department: Neuroscience


Probing The Relationship Between Partial Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal-Transition and Cell Shape in Epithelial Cells, Fareeda E. Abu-Juam
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Earnings in Another's Land: An Exploration of the 2016 OPT Extension on Earning Outcomes for International Students in the United States, Sam Adjei-Sah
Department: Economics


All “Wrapped” Up: Strangers Predict Personality Looking Only at Spotify Listening Habits, Abigail E. Aitken
Department: Psychology


The History of Mental Health in Urban Schools: A Case Study of Crenshaw Middle School, Canton City School District, Noah Albright
Department: History; Education


Accessibility in the Production Environment: A Stage Manager's Perspective, Claire Nicole Alderfer
Department: Theatre and Dance


Immersive Spectacles: Exploring French Cultural Landscapes of Immersion, Grace Alexandrowski
Department: Art and Art History; French and Francophone Studies


Burning Up: An Investigation into Perceptions of Messages on Social Media about Urban Heat Islands, Garrett Anderson
Department: Communication Studies; Environmental Studies


Jesus from the Desk Drawer: Sacred Authorship in The Master and Margarita, Nina Anderson
Department: Religious Studies; Russian Studies


Analysis and Statistical Correlation of The College of Wooster Fern Valley Field Station, Holmes County, Wooster, Ohio, Alex Anikeeff
Department: Geology


Island of Interest: Political Rivalry, Violence, and Diplomacy in Early Modern Sri Lanka, Tim Arace
Department: History


The Effect of Genes in the Survival of Motor Neurons Complex in Drosophila Melanogaster Larval Locomotion: Potential Implications in Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Andrew Armile
Department: Biology


Speech-Language Therapy and Neurodegeneration: An Investigation of Speech-Language Pathologists' Perceptions of Maintenance-Based Semantic Feature Analysis Treatment for Adults With Primary Progressive Aphasia, Sabrina Azad
Department: Communication Sciences and Disorders


Periodontitis in Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease, Annie Baeg
Department: Biology


A Power in the Land: The First Transcontinental Railroad and the Second American System, Drew Baird
Department: History


Analyzing the Impacts of Spectator Sports of Residential Location Decisions, Sebestyen G. Balassy
Department: Business Economics


Ferrari Versus Red Bull: An Investigation of the Different Marketing Strategies of Two Formula 1 Juggernauts, Charles Ballou
Department: Global Media and Digital Studies


Ciclo de la Historia Repetida: El Juego de Espera de los “Dreamers”, Fernanda Banuelos
Department: Spanish

MAP3K8 in Swine Testicular Cells Serves as an Anti-Viral Gene Against Porcine Delta Coronavirus, Brayden Beathe-Gateley
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


MAP3K8 in Swine Testicular Cells Serves as an Anti-Viral Gene Against Porcine Delta Coronavirus, Brayden Beathe-Gateley
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


The Russo-Ukraine War and How Crimea, Mercenaries, and Drones are Impacting the War, Ethan Becker
Department: History


The Influence of the Gut Microbiome on Physiological Function: A Focus on Microorganisms and Their Role in Human Metabolism, Madison Becker
Department: Biology


Using Seismic Stratigraphy to predict the Tectonics of the Morant Basin, Jamaica Passage, James VanWyke Beever
Department: Earth Sciences


"Under Observation, We Act Less Free": A Study of Surveillance-Based Contemporary Installations in the United States, Isabella Suyapa Begley
Department: Art and Art History


A Comprehensive Review of Cybersecurity Threats and Mitigation Strategies to Secure Health Data for a Full-Stack Web Application, Tigist Adane Berhe
Department: Computer Science


Global Feminist Perspectives on Venezuela: A Historical Feminist Analysis from a Venezuelan American, America Betancourt Guevara
Department: Global and International Studies; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Investigating Theory of Spelling Performance, Mali Beyer
Department: Psychology


Creating an Artificial Opponent for the Game Minotaurus, William Bielski
Department: Computer Science


Among Us: An Examination of Imposter Phenomenon and its Relationship with Educational Performance Within Marginalized Communities, Erica S. Bigham
Department: Psychology


Assessing Sediment Contamination Effects on CYP1A Expression in Bottom-Feeding Fishes in Northeast Ohio, Babita Biswa
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Zines Unearthed: Affirming Identity, Navigating Community and Communicating Emotions Within Queer Rural Zines., Rae Blankemeyer
Department: Environmental Studies


The Effects of Magnesium on Alcohol Intake and Locomotor Sensitization in Mice, Selali Adjoa Blege
Department: Neuroscience


Taking Bows and Batting Zero: An Inquiry into Mothers' Selfhood as Represented in Narrative and Film, Johnna Blystone
Department: English; Philosophy; Interdepartmental


The Professor Within: The Effects of Sleep and Psychosocial Factors on Professors’ Anxiety, Angelina Bolivar
Department: Psychology


A Family Matter, Ethan Boudreau
Department: English


Embodied Reimagining: A Queer Mapping of Identity Performances in Percy Jackson Fan Fiction, Kaleigh Bozick
Department: English; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Small Scale, Big Impact: The Power of Local Food Systems in Repairing Food Literacy and the Consumer-Producer Divide, Claire Brennan
Department: Environmental Studies


Genome Organization of Culicine-Associated Z Virus (CAZV) in Wild-Caught Aedes japonicus Mosquitoes from Wooster, Ohio, Orion M. Bress
Department: Biology


Terug: An Exploration of Homesickness, Community, and Land-Longing, Tara Brunner
Department: Art and Art History


The Impact of Lobbying by the Military Industrial Complex on the Voting Behavior of Maryland Democrats, Nathaniel Buckley
Department: Political Science


Our Quest for a New World Order: The Effects of Collective Narcissism and Conspiratorial Belief on Sharing Conspiratorial Headlines, Carrie Buckwalter
Department: Political Science; Psychology


Morphological Measurements of Vision in Juvenile Carolina Grasshoppers, Liliana Burlingame
Department: Neuroscience


Evaluating the Content Validity of Current Sport Participation Motivation Measures: An "Expert" Review, Melissa Burtscher
Department: Psychology


Playing For Power: Evaluating Sportswashing With a Case Studies Approach, Ben Byars
Department: Global and International Studies


Efficient Operation of Soccer Club, Zhenze Cai
Department: Business Economics


The Effects of Early Christianity on Early Medieval Scottish Mortuary Practices, Auna Campbell
Department: Archaeology; History


Home is Where the Hate is: An Investigation into the Influence of Social Bonds on the Experiences of Former Members of White Supremacy Groups, Eli Cantrell
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Ripple Effect of Volunteerism: Examining Its Reach and Impact on Conservation Organizations, Alena Card
Department: Environmental Studies


Religiosity, Pornography Consumption, and Sex Differences: Associations with Young Adults' Sexual Satisfaction and Infidelity, Amelia Carmack
Department: Psychology


Unpacking the Impact: Analyzing Airbnb's Influence on Housing Prices in Urban Markets, Paul Chandler
Department: Business Economics


Collecting the Collectors: Archives and their Administrators in a Digital World, Tobin Chin
Department: History


The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade: A Study of Indian Agricultural Trade in the Post Liberalization, Privatization And Globalization Era, between 1990-2019., Sukriti Chiripal
Department: Economics


Identifying Crime Trends and Patterns: Exploring Data Driven Approaches to Study Crime in L.A., Keeyeon Choi
Department: Statistical and Data Sciences


The Effects of Prenatal Androgenization on Estrous Cycle, Body Weight, and Voluntary Exercise in Sprague Dawley Rats, Saiyka S. Chowdhury
Department: Biology


Analyzing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Concentrations in Bodies of Water Across Northeast Ohio as a Marker of Environmental Pollution, Alyssa Hope Chritz
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Characterization of Aedes japonicus Complex in Medina, Ohio, Kaydee M. Clark
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Characterization of Aedes japonicus Complex in Medina, Ohio, Kaydee M. Clark
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Treatment for Pediatric Patients with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder: An Investigation of Audiologists’ Treatment Options for these Patients, Neil Clayton
Department: Communication Sciences and Disorders


Cosmopolitanism, Commercialism, or Confessionalism? Beirut’s Privatized Heritage Management and its Effects on the Local Identity, Fritz Clingroth
Department: Archaeology; Art and Art History


Maximizing Engagement: The Impact of Combined Framing Strategies on Men and Women’s Response to Climate Change, Christian Yvetot-Antoine Condé
Department: Political Science


Relationships, Attachment, and Stress: How Do College Students Manage Romantic Relationships Under the Influence of Attachment Style and the Stress of College Life, Emma Connors
Department: Psychology


Exploring the Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Mental Well-Being Post-Pandemic Using Random Forests and Decision Trees, Kathryn M. Conway
Department: Statistical and Data Sciences


Displacement or Transformation: Which Design Strategy Is Most Desirable in Magazine Advertisements, Jennifer J. Copeland
Department: Communication Studies


Election Candidates on Social Media: Does Having a Strong Social Media Presence Affect a Candidate’s Electability, Benjamin Cornelius
Department: Political Science


Si Se Puede: Underrepresentation of Latina Students in the Economics and Business Departments, Jesenia Cruz
Department: Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Comprehensive Usability Testing and UX/UI Evaluation of Ni Hao Pengyou: Advancing the Traveler’s Experience Through an Innovative Application, Nini Curcione
Department: Computer Science


Consuming our Future: The Ideology of Contemporary Fossil Capitalism and Related Ethical Concerns, Colin Curnow
Department: Environmental Studies; Philosophy


Examining Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) North American Dinosaur Teeth and Their Paleoecological Implications in the Hell Creek of Carter County, Montana, Hudson B. Davis
Department: Geology


Burning Questions: Exploring the Effects of Prescribed Burns on Plant-Pollinator Interactions in Fragmented North American Tallgrass Prairies, Jakarii Davis
Department: Biology


Diversifying the Pocketbook: The Rise of Criminal Funding in International Terrorism, Noa Davny
Department: Political Science


From Delays to Data-Driven: Exploring Flight Departure Delay Causes with Random Forest and Interactive Dashboards, Dharmarak Dawrat
Department: Statistical and Data Sciences


Mindless Organism, Ana T. de León
Department: Art and Art History


StarPoint CRM, Erick Delgado
Department: Computer Science


Developing A Web Application For Displaying Major League Baseball Statistics, Alex Delicer
Department: Computer Science


An Economic Assessment on the Relationship between Human Capital and GDP Per Capita, Dominic DeMarchis
Department: Economics


The Future Medical Technology: A Study of the Impact of Clinical Trials on Medical Devices and Adoption Rates, Domenic Ignazio DeMuth
Department: Business Economics


Remote Work and The Effects of Intrinsic Motivation and Incentives on Employee Productivity, David Dennis
Department: Business Economics

Elucidating the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species on Dopamine 𝛽-Hydroxylase Activity and Aggregation, Shivam Dewan
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Elucidating the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species on Dopamine β-Hydroxylase Activity and Aggregation, Shivam Dewan
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Investigating A Potential Mutualism Between The Poison Dart Frog Species O. Pumilio and the Bromeliad Species G. Lingulata, Vincent DiLeo
Department: Biology


Visualizing Economics: Design and Development of an Interactive Dashboard, Ahmed Nassir Dino
Department: Computer Science; Economics


Divine Interventions and Human Competition: Horses, Prizes, and the Gods in Homer’s Narrative of the Funeral Games for Patroclus, Helen Dobransky
Department: Classical Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Role of Residues R184 and W273 in 6-HNA and NADH Binding by 6-Hydroxynicotinate 3-Monooxygenase, Jack Donahue
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Differentiating the Effects of Androgenic and Anti-Androgenic Oral Contraceptives on Rodent Behavior, Rachael N. Dudziak
Department: Neuroscience


Repost and Share to Make a Difference: Political Engagement and Media Fatigue in Online Spaces, Elena Dunn-Acosta
Department: Psychology


Advocacy or Authorship: A Sustained Organizational Influence Analysis of the American Legislative Exchange Council's Voter ID Act, 2011-14, Hannah D. Eastman
Department: History; Political Science


A Study of Fungal Pathogen Frequency and Intensity of Northern Two-Lined Salamanders Eurycea Bislineata Within Wooster Memorial Park, Martin Elliot Edwards IV
Department: Biology


Creating a Chess AI of Myself, Eltahir Elawad
Department: Computer Science


Someone Knows Best, Sam Elwood
Department: English


Developing "WoOral": A Full Stack Web Application for Streamlined Thesis Defense Scheduling with User Interface Design Focus, Turbat Enkhtur
Department: Computer Science


Boom or Bust: An Investigation of Rookie Running Back Performance Through the NFL Draft, Shane Epstein-Petrullo
Department: Statistical and Data Sciences


Pesticides in the Atmosphere: The Heterogeneous Ozonolysis of Triticonazole, Sarah A. Epstein
Department: Chemistry


There’s Something about The Fifth Season: Negotiating Difference, Violence, and Freedom, Isabella Ergh
Department: English


Tending to a Garden of Desires: Epicurus’s Contribution to the Discussion on Happiness and Well-Being, Liam Ertsgaard
Department: Philosophy


Genetic Interactions Between Disease Prone RNA Binding Proteins in Drosophila Melanogaster, Andrew Nicholas Esber
Department: Biology; Neuroscience


Camping With The Birds: The Use Of Automatic And Manual Bird Surveys In Cass County Michigan, Patrick Estell
Department: Biology


In Their Words: A Qualitative Investigation Exploring the Experiences of Body Image and Eating Behaviors among a Group of Bisexual Individuals, Emilie Eustace
Department: Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Psychology