Sociology and Anthropology Senior Independent Study Theses | Sociology and Anthropology | The College of Wooster
The full text of Senior Independent Study Theses submitted during and after 2012 are available to download only by College of Wooster users. Unless listed as an exemplar, all other theses are restricted.


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2024


Home is Where the Hate is: An Investigation into the Influence of Social Bonds on the Experiences of Former Members of White Supremacy Groups, Eli Cantrell
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Divine Interventions and Human Competition: Horses, Prizes, and the Gods in Homer’s Narrative of the Funeral Games for Patroclus, Helen Dobransky
Department: Classical Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Adapting to Thrive: Feminist Identity Formation and Maintenance through Adjustment in Action and Care as Activism, Mai Fukuhara
Department: Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


My Language is My Culture: Language Attitudes, Language Use, and the Linguistic Identity Construction of Moroccan University Students, Kiki Giles
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; French and Francophone Studies


Teacher’s Perspectives, Barriers, and Training: Exploring Factors in Recognizing and Reporting Child Maltreatment, Stephanie Marilyn Griffin
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Unrelinquished Voices: Exploring the Experiences of Black Students at Predominately White Institutions, Daphnye Henderson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Buried History: Exploring Sacred the Bonds Between African Americans and Their Cemeteries, Troy V. Johnson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Betwixt and Between: The Role of Mediumship in Contemporary United States Society, Madeline Lawrence
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


怖い(kowaii) to 可愛い (kawaii): The Transformation of the Kappa and Tsuchigumo in Japanese Media, Mia Mann
Department: East Asian Studies; History; Sociology and Anthropology


“Creating Landscapes of Inclusion”: Analyzing NPS Community Engagement Through the Perceptions of Staff and Community at Cuyahoga National Park, Ryan Meyers
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Effects of Labeling Theory in Specialized Program Placements, Carter Pepa
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


A Girl's Girl: Media Analysis of Intersectionality in the Barbie Movie, Lily Romo
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Identity and the Shadow of Charisma: The Gap Between Bureaucracy and Need, Colson Rudd
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Coevolution of Humankind and Lake Erie – Past, Present, and Future Interactions, Natalie Tanner
Department: Earth Sciences; Sociology and Anthropology


"I Know Where That Happened!": How Local Museums Interact with Their Communities, Diana Tobin
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Grief in Prison: How Incarceration Shapes Inmates Experiences with Loss, Anna Walsh
Department: History; Sociology and Anthropology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2023


Black and Red Markers on White Boards: Applying John Ogbu's Cultural-Ecological Theory of Minority Student Experiences to Higher Education, Geoffrey Allen
Department: Chinese Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Reality Television’s Vision of Class: A Deep Dive into Class Performance in Windy City Rehab, Gillian Rhiannon Ashley
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Establishing Mixedness: Exploring the Role School Plays in Multiracial Identity Formation, Langston Bealum
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Creating a Caring Community: An Examination of Mutual Aid Networks, Abigail Beard
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Towards a New Political Sovereignty: A Case Study of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s eBird Citizen-Science Project, Sam C. Boudreau
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Asian by Birth, American by Circumstance: How Transcultural East-Asian Adoptees in the U.S. Create Multi-Cultural Identities & the Toll of the Covid-19 Anti-Asian Hate Crisis in Altering Identity Conception, Maud Bulman
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Footsteps in the dark:" An Analysis of Identity Salience in Queer Christian College Students, Allison M. Cunningham
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


In the Spotlight or In the Wings? Looking at African American Culture and History in Museums, Anailah Funchess
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


“Newgenics”: A Comparison Study of Parents of Children with Down Syndrome in Denmark and The United States, Lauren Ganson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Sexless in the City: Performances of Masculinity by Involuntarily Celibate Men in Online Forums, Dana Giffen
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Summer Camp as a Social Institution of Change: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Summer Camp as a Total Institution that Cultivates and Fosters Self-Discovery and Personal Growth/Change Among Counselors, Conor J. Greene
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Ink Exchange: A Study of Traditional Japanese Tattoos Migration from Japan to America, Samantha Harrison
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Examining Influences Behind Perceptions of Inequality in Education: Meritocracy Through Multicultural Perspectives, Alicia Krielaart
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Becoming a National Park Ranger: An Ethnographic Research Study Examining How Rangers From the Cuyahoga Valley National Park Conceptualize Their Role in Nature and the Park’s Preservation for Visitors, Abby Kushner Benson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Socio-Cultural and Biomechanical Impacts of Throwing Velocity for Professional Baseball Pitchers, Steven Leicht
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Eat Your Heart Out: The Role of Food in the Health and Livelihood of a Free-Meal Site Community, Brianna Lyman
Department: Biology; Sociology and Anthropology


Together, We Can Everything: The Social Outcomes of Cohousing Communities in Denmark, Alice K. Markey
Department: Environmental Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


"Does this spark joy?": Aesthetics, Gender, and Ideals in Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Kayla E. Stevens
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Why Athletes Lose Money: Examining Social Factors That Cause Male Professional Basketball Players to Go Broke, Paige Wells
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Somewhere In Between: Examining Mixed-Race Beauty Politics in The United States, Chloe Dawn Wright
Department: Sociology and Anthropology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2022


On The Basis Of Biological Sex: Examining The Social Impacts Of The Maintenance Of The Two-Sex System In Sports, Camille Carr
Department: Religious Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Clifton Canidae: An Anthropological And Sculptural Exploration, Sydney D. Clifton Ms
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Art and Art History


Biopolitics And Immunitary Paradigm: Understanding College Of Wooster Students Opinion Towards The Covid-19 Pandemic, Sky Crain
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Identity Crisis: The Internet As An Alternative Source Of Sex And Reproductive Health Information For LGBTQ+ Individuals, Ruth Dahlhausen
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Right To Healthcare In Practice: Affordable Health Clinics & Spanish-Speaking Patients, Nicholas J. Harling
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


You Can’t Build A Canoe Online: Activism And Identity In Indigenous Taiwan, Adam King Hinden
Department: Chinese Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Meat Your Vegetables: An Exploration Into Food Sustainability On A Small Liberal Arts Campus, Audrey R. Holder
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


“Orange Is The New Mistreatment?”: An Analysis Of Knowledge And Perceptions Of Incarcerated Women And Their Mistreatment Through (Non)Viewing Of Orange Is The New Black, Nikki M. E. Hoseus
Department: Communication Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Paleolithicc: Understanding The Woman Of Willendorf Through Contemporary Fat Studies, Shelby HL Jones
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Ganesh On My Christmas Tree: A Look At How Immigration To The Us Affects Generations, Anika Grace Teredesai Karp
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Why Is K-Pop So Popular?: A Study Of K-Pop Fandom, Abby M. Krizan
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Follow Your Arrow Wherever It Points: How Fandom Forms And How Fandom Interprets Gender Dynamics Through Kacey Musgraves, Noah Levy
Department: Communication Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


The First-Generation College Student Experience: How Financial Disparities Impact Success Rates Among Students, Riley Leann Maas
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Exploring The Black Entrepreneur In America: The Relationship Between Black Business And Society, Khaylen M. Mahdi
Department: Business Economics; Communication Studies; Economics; Psychology; Sociology and Anthropology; Interdepartmental


The Impacts Of Childhood Parental Death Among College Aged Students, Jillian L. Ness
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Conjuring Authenticity: The Coven, Buckland Museum, And The Representation Of Magic Behind Glass, Ellen M. Nikirk
Department: History; Sociology and Anthropology


Play Like A Girl: Examining The Stigma Of Women’s Health And Menstruation In Athletics, Rachel M. Osterhouse
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Forming National Identity Through Commemoration: Representation Within Postage Stamps At The Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum, Kate Read
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Will You Accept This Rose?: The Representation Of Black Women On The Bachelorette Seasons 13 And 18, Saralee Renick
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Effects Of Second-Hand Trauma: A Look Into The Lived Experiences Of African American Students And Their Perception Of Police Officers Versus Campus Security, Aryana Rhodes
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Analyzing The Experiences Of Adult Children Language Brokers In Mexican Immigrant Families, Vanesa Rubio Toxtle
Department: Education; Sociology and Anthropology


Keep Students On The Field To Stay In The Classroom: The Effects Of Public School Funded And Regulated Extracurricular Activities On The School-To-Prison Pipeline., Sydney Pare Schuster
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Decision-Making in the Face of NFIP Policy Changes, Mohini Sharma
Department: Global and International Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


“No Matter Where You’re From, We’re Glad You’re Our Neighbor”: Enacting Justice Initiatives And Community Formation In Faith-Based Organizations, Jenna M. Smith
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Our Bodies, Our Work; An Ethnographic Study Of Tattoo Artists In Chicago, Gabriel C. Spalding III
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


A Love Letter To Myself: The Social And Cultural Experiences Of Sexual Assault Survivors On Small Liberal Arts College Campuses And Using Ethnographic Playwriting As Advocacy, Gabriella M. Sullivan
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Theatre and Dance


Building Youth Power To Transform Education: Exploring A Detroit Area Teenage Activist Organization, Harry Susalla
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


What Do College Students Know About Animal Trafficking?, Kennedy M. Tanner
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Puffins, The Charismatic Clowns Of The Sea: Examining The Relationship Between Community Identity And The Social Construction Of Animals, Megan Henry Tuennerman
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Mommy Issues: An Investigation Into How Social Systems Affect Single Mothers And The Adolescent Experience Of Their Children, Paige Gleason Williams
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Does Having A Birth Plan Impact Your Birth Experience? A Deeper Look Into Birth Plans, Birth Assistants/Attendants, And The Microbiome In Birth Experiences, Elijah Winfield
Department: Biology; Sociology and Anthropology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2021


Narratives of Heritage: Gender, Representation, and Diversity at the First Ladies National Historic Site, Annelisea Brand
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Exploring Risk, Uncertainty, and Ambiguity under the lens of the Entrepreneurial Day Trader, Jerry L. Bronson
Department: Business Economics; Sociology and Anthropology


Liberté, Égalité, Paternité: Understanding the French anti-gay and anti-reproductive technology movement, La Manif pour tous, Elizabeth Cotton
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; French and Francophone Studies


Can Climate Fiction Novels Inspire Social Change? A Literary and Empirical Ecocritical Analysis, Claire Davidson
Department: English; Sociology and Anthropology


Music-making and Identity: Constructing and Collaborating on the Musicians' Self in Bluegrass Bands, Michael Dean
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Love is a Bulletproof Vest": Protest as an Exploration of Women’s Right to the City, Sarah Foley Duran
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


“A Big Opportunity for Everyone to not Hide Those Beautiful Bodies”: Building Community Among Women of Color in the Body Positivity Movement on Instagram, Lilia Federico
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Defeating the COVID-19 Infodemic on Twitter: A SIP Agent-Based Model of Rumor Propagation and Truth Bot Intervention, Zhen Guo
Department: Computer Science; Sociology and Anthropology


Trying to “Do No Harm”: Empathy’s Relationship with Medical Education, Cydney Grace Hall
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Collecting as Seva and Decolonizing Display: Art Collectors in the Sikh American Diaspora, Saeed Husain
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


“We Need Your Help”: The Rhetorical Construction of the Citizen Detective in True Crime Podcast Jensen and Holes: The Murder Squad, Amelia A. Kemp
Department: Communication Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Adding to the Narrative: Stories of the Holocaust through Portraiture and the Museum, Marloes Krabbe
Department: Art and Art History; Sociology and Anthropology


Birth Work, Reproductive Justice, and Communities of Care, Hannah Lindsay Lane-Davies
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Fabric and Flesh: A Tactile Exploration of Personhood and Becoming, Ella Lang
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Reconstructing Home and Family: An Analysis of the Family Life Experiences of Queer Central Americans Living in the United States., Cesar O. Lopez
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Socializing Sons: How Lesbian Parents Engage With Masculinity While Raising Their Sons, Laura Isabel Montoya
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Collective Memory and Community in the Sri Lankan Diaspora of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA, Anura Namachchivaya
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Small Town Queers: The Intersections of Gender Identity and Regional Location, Hayden Ruairí Nolan
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Experience of Black Police Officers and an Examination of whether the Black Community Supports Them, Camryn Pollard
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


What Are Perfect Places, Anyway?: Exploring the New Zealand Government's Approach to Youth Suicide Prevention, Olivia C. Proe
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


New Space, No Place: Navigating Experiences in a Predominately White Higher Education Institution as Latinx Students, Priscilla Ramos Rico
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"MIXED-ISH" Exploring the Racial Identity of Black/White Biracial College Students, Keonn Scott
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Artifacts of Culture: Encounters with Multivocal Objects in Margaret of Austria’s 16th-Century Library, Jonas Short
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Art and Art History


The Nurses and Mothering (NAM) Study: Intensive Mothering and the Dual Caregiving Role of Nurse Mothers in the Shadow of the Coronavirus-19 Pandemic, Sabina Beth Skolnick
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Reimagining Injustice Education: An Analysis of Pedagogy in Indigenous Museums, Tara Elizabeth Strauch
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Running with Responders: Exploring Anthropological Contributions to Disaster Response and An Ethnographic Study of First Response Culture, Diane Elise Tierney
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Global Ramifications of the Black Lives Matter movement, Perry E. Worthey
Department: Sociology and Anthropology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2020


Holding Hands with a Privatized Care Industry: The Paradoxical Relationship Between the Motives of Senior Care Workers and the Bureaucratic and Market-Oriented Structures in which They Are Embedded, Katherine H. Atwell
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


What Factors Affect the Perceptions of Higher Education Among the Hispanic Communities?” Do Hispanics Think That Higher Education Is a Reality or a Dream? and Why Do They Think So?, Fabio Barreto
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


A New Generation Rising Like the Sun, but Who Directs the Light?: An Analysis of the Sunrise Movement’s Meteoric Rise and Limited Scope, Benjamin J. Bridgman
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


A New Perspective on Poverty Alleviation: Evaluating Microfinance Programs Through Social Impact Indicators, Robert Driscoll
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


“Sometimes You Want to Just Run Away”: Participation and Mobilization of the New Sanctuary Movement, Elyse Echegaray
Department: History; Sociology and Anthropology


Slender Waists and Coral Lips: An Examination of Gender Construction in Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty Fairy Tales, Isadora M. Hetrick
Department: Sociology and Anthropology