The full text of Senior Independent Study Theses submitted during and after 2012 are available to download only by College of Wooster users. Unless listed as an exemplar, all other theses are restricted.


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2014


The Accuracy of the Ethnohistoric Data by La Page Du Pratz about the Natchez, Jensen L. Buchanan
Department: Archaeology; Sociology and Anthropology


“There’s a Time and a Place for Everything...It’s Called Fanfiction”: Investigating the Construction of Queer Women’s Sexual Identities through Doctor Who Fanfiction, Marissa Bundren
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Modern Parent-Teacher Relationship: How Teachers' Perceptions of Parents Affect Communication, Rebecca J. Cinquino
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Beyond Accessibility: An Examination of the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Class, Technology, and Student Success, Madeline Erickson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


“All of the Times I Was Pretty/Handsome in Front of Him and He Never Said Anything”: Children’s Perception of Paternal Accountability & The Reason(s) Why Fathers Leave Their Children, LaShanda N. Evans
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


To Do Good: an Analysis of Tzedakah as a Multivocal Symbol as it was Performed by La Sociedad de Damas Israelitas de Beneficencia, Emma Callie Frank
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Community, Risk, and Vaccines: An Ethnographic Examination of the Debate on Vaccination, Cole Grabow
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Students Teaching Students: An In-depth Look at Domestic Student Exchanges between Predominately White Institutions and Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the 1960's, Kendall Grace
Department: History; Sociology and Anthropology


The “Right” Model for Educating Ghanaian Girls: Emerging Themes and Messages from Ghanaian NGO Websites, Eryn E. Greaney
Department: Africana Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


What Does a Fish Say When It Hits a Wall? DAM: Re-fashioning Social and Cultural Ties to Rivers in Northern Thailand, Cassandra Greenbaum
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Conversations in the Gallery: Uncovering Perceptions of Race through the Work of Hank Willis Thomas within a Museum Setting, Olivia Gregory
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Cultivating Champions of Sustainability: an Analysis of Sustainability Education and Civic Agriculture, Alexander Haas
Department: Environmental Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Single Black Mothers: The Construction of Single Black Mothers and How That Construction Affects Them, Sha-Reeka Hester
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Foster Care Workers and Aging Out Youth: Neglected by the Inequalities of the Child Welfare System, Clara S. Hobson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Restorative Reintegration: Restorative Justice and the Applications and Implications for Child Soldier Reintegration, Carolyn Elizabeth Hockey
Department: Political Science; Religious Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Negotiating a New Feminism: Do Asian Values and Westernization Collide? - A Study of College-Age Students' Perceptions of Feminism in Singapore, Mariel W. Ho
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Check Here to Become an Organ Donor: A Comparative Analysis of Varying Religious Institutions Views on Organ Transplantation, and the Role of the State, Nicholas H. Isles
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Who is the Who: Lost Boys of Sudan in Language and Narrative, Devin Johns
Department: English; Sociology and Anthropology


Why I am Here and You are Not: How We Got Bamboozled in the American Educational System, Marytha Johnson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


An Investigation of Cultural Identity: A Comparison of Mortuary, Ceramic, and Architectural Traditions between Cerro Magoni, Teotihuacan, and Northwestern Mexico, Emily J. Kate
Department: Archaeology; Sociology and Anthropology


Finding the Cross in a World Without God, Seth A. Michael
Department: Religious Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Life After Forced Migration: An Assessment of How Community Cultural Centers Aid in the Negotiation of Tibetan Cultural Identity within the Tibetan Diaspora, Martha R. Oster-Beal
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Oppositional Looking: A Critical Interrogation of The White Female Gaze in "Orange is the New Black", Tiara L. Patton
Department: Africana Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


The Prison Dad: Experiences of the Family with Paternal Incarceration, Eliza L. Perry
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


#*$! Censorship: A Cross Cultural Comparison of Censorship in Film in the United States and Spain, Madeline G. Petersen
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Commodifying Quinoa: From Andean "Mother Grain" to Modern "Superfood", Molly Elizabeth Recka
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Stimulating Academia: The Beliefs and Perceptions Associated with Psychostimulant Use on College Campuses, Jonathan D. Rothman
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Family Structure on the Frequency and Quality of Family Meals, Nicole A. Sever
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


How Organizational Contexts Influence Success and the Actualization of Benefits for Urban Farms in Cleveland, Zachariah Sheehan
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Put Him in Grandma's House: Investigating Variation in Kinship Policy and Procedure across Ohio's County-based Child Welfare System, Andreja M. Siliunas
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Written In Stone: Mortuary Analysis of the Cemetery in Athienou, Cyprus, Ashleigh Sims
Department: Archaeology; Sociology and Anthropology


Tactics and Rhetoric Used by Natural Gas Companies and Pro-Fracking Organizations to Promote the Benefits of the Industry in the Face of Potential Risks, Kelsey M. Sullivan
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


These Colors Don't Run: An Examination of the Confederate Flag's Place in Modern America, Peter M. Synk
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Social Construction of Victimhood: Where the Just World Theory Intersects with the Cultural Conception of the Ideal Victim, Brianna G. Tarpey
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Normalizing Abnormality: An Exploration of Social Forces Driving Gendered Disparity in Rates of Anxiety Disorder Diagnoses, Sara Tebeau
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


No Time for Play: An Examination of How Teachers' Perceptions of Play are Influenced by School Philosophy and Environment, Shelby L. Thielke
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Live From New York, it's a Performance in a Performance: An Examination of How Gender, Gender Performance, and How Individuals Behave in Social Interactions can be Viewed in the Program Saturday Night Live, Jordan C. Turner
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Tourist Encounters of the Moroccan Kind: Contrasting Approaches to Tourism in Anthropology and in the Moroccan Tourism Industry, Katherine Vatilla
Department: French and Francophone Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


A Sociological Analysis of the Literature on Women’s Rights in Spain and Chile during the Franco and Pinochet Dictatorial Regimes, Linnea J. Whistler
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Spanish


Images of Tradition and Modernity: Government Encouraged Social Gender Roles and National Identity Depicted in Meiji Era Kuchi-e Woodblock Prints, Zoe Zwegat
Department: Sociology and Anthropology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2013


Deconstructing Biological Determinism: An Exploration of the Interrelations Between Gender, Monogamy, and Infidelity Among College Students, Alexandra Beard
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Good Farmer, the Productive Farmer: Paradigms and Worldviews in Contemporary U.S. Agriculture, Luke Butcher
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Goin' to the Chapel, Gonna Get Married: An Examination of Why Young Adults Want to Get Married, Amanda Collins
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Measuring Inequality: a Sociological Look at Alternative Schooling, Theodore D. Cox
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Max Weber Meets Michel Foucault, and Society Ensues: "Charisma" and "Parrhesia" in Societal Evolution, and Other Musings, Edward Alter Day
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


If My Kids Aint Got Me, They Got Nobody Parents' Perceptions of Their Child's High School, Roxie Deer
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Leadership. Empowerment. Gender: a Sociological Examination of the Effects of Emotional Intelligence and Empowerment on Female Leadership, Jacqueline DeFrancesco
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Sport As a Vehicle For Fostering Environmental Consciousness: An Examination of Ultimate Frisbee in the United States, Noah Fisher
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Orchestration of Persuasion: An Analysis of the Audible and Prosodic Features of American Television Ads, Alexandra Francis
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Consumption of Visual Art in Contemporary American Society, Sarah Frecker
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Grand Forks Kept the Faith, Gustave Fuguitt
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


An Exploration of Balancing Roles at Work and in Private Life for Full-Time Workers in the United States, Nashaunta I. Gross
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Prisoner Reentry and the Reentry Court System, Camille Marie Guthrie
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


An Indelible Mark: Support Networks and Institutional Interactions for Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Alexander Hammerslough
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


走婚: A One Night Stand or Eternal Love?: An Ethnographic Study of the Effects of Tourism on the Mosuo and Their Walking Marriages, Caroline Hanson
Department: Chinese Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Seeking Respect in the Face of Poverty and Gendered Inequality: A Case Study of Structural Violence in the Kibera Slum, Kenya, Alexandra Harmony
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


A Dress is Not a Yes: A Feminist and Sociological Analysis of Slutwalk as a Response to the Politics of Victimization - A Longitudinal Analysis of the Population of Grand Forks, North Datoka Since the 1997 Red River Flood, Kelsey Jandrey
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


One Size Does Not Fit All: Spirituality and Academic Experiences Among African Americans, Veronique Jones
Department: Philosophy; Sociology and Anthropology


Class Humor in Menander's Dyskolos, Jessica Jordan
Department: Classical Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Myth, Ritual, and Symbol and the Theory of "Invented Tradition" As Applied to the Worship of Dionysos/Dionysus Across Space and Time, Justin Kalinay
Department: Classical Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Getting More Than Meals on Wheels: Report and Analysis on Perspectives of the Transportation Needs of Senior Citizens, Daniel A. Kellman
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Democracy Inaction?: How "Fake News" Is Defining American Citizenship, Julie Ann Kendall
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


No Fracking Way: Activists' Motivations For Participating in An Environmental Justice Campaign, Emma Gates Kornhauser
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Democratic Not Radical: An Examination of Consensus in Four California Cohousing Communities, Bryan Kovalick
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


An Evaluation of Cattle on the Lives of Farmers in Wayne County, Ohio, Samantha Wallis Lundeen
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Comparative Analysis of Two Public High Schools in the Youngstown City School District, Kaylynne Mahone
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Cooperation, Commitment, and Sharing: a Qualitative Analysis of a Secular Intentional Community, Brian S. Maier
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


In the Spirit of the People: the Effect of Musical Tradition on Community Efficacy in Post-Katrina New Orleans, Micah Motenko
Department: Music; Sociology and Anthropology


"in the Spirit of the People:" the Effect of Musical Tradition on Community Efficacy in Post-katrina New Orleans, Micah Motenko
Department: Music; Sociology and Anthropology


Why Steal Cars, Why Not? Current Trends in Car Theft, Imre Namath
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


We All Need Somebody to Lean On: An Examination of Social Support Networks at the Center Communities of Brookline, Massachussetts, Emily Perbix
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Encounters of Food in the American Prison System: From Green Bologna to Nutraloaf in the Prison "Chow Hall", Annie Peterson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Cultural Preservation and Change in a Globalizing World: A Study of Guatemalan Immigrant Identity and Experience in Dover, Ohio, Julie Piller
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


I'll Have Fries With That: Eating Preferences of School Children in the Wooster Community, Max Plevyak
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Eat Until You're Full: The Pursuit of Autonomy and Health through the Adoption of Organic Agriculture in Mae Ta, Thailand, Erin Jean Plews-Ogan
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Smartphone Self, Matthew J. Policastro
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Riding the Red Wave: Constructing Pan-Oceanic Identity at the Oceania Center For Arts, Culture and Pacific Studies, Shelby Cheyenne Pykare
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


My Bitch Bad Looking Like a Bag of Money: Gender Roles in Hip-Hop and How They Affect the Identities of Women Consumers., Julian G. Rainwater
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Stereotypes About Parents in the Workplace: Bringing Kids to Work and the Effects on Person Perception, Nicole Sager
Department: Psychology; Sociology and Anthropology


Whistling Jesters and Talking Donkeys: An Ethnographic Study of Renaissance Faire Humor, Thomas Sanchez
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Social Boundaries: How they are Formed, when they are Reinforced, when they are Broken Down, and why, Alex Schaeffer
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Benvenuto a Roma! An Investigation of the Impact of Tourism on Roman People and Culture, Cory Smith
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Powers Beyond Performance: An Exploration of Taksu and Its Role in Relation to Balinese Performances, Lauren Smith
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Shifting Solidarities on the Global Plane: An Analysis of Cultural Dialogues in Nepal's Emerging Middle Class, From Heavy Metal Music to International Education, Kyle Smucker
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Determining Environmental Consciousness of the "Post-Wende" Generation in Germany, Claire H. Stragand
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; German Studies


Young People Don't Vote: An Investigation of the Methods and Motivations of Contemporary and Past Student Political Activists, Brandon Sutton
Department: History; Sociology and Anthropology


Social Responsibility and Awareness in the Museum: a Case Study of the Empowering Women Exhibit at Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Jessica Wingen
Department: Sociology and Anthropology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2012


Are You Ready For Some Football? Why Football Is the Dominant Sport in American Sport Culture, Anthony Barone
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


An Investigation of First and Second Generation Latinos' Experiences of Racialization, Anti-Immigrant Sentiment, and Linguistic Oppression in the United States, Danielle W. Birget
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Talking Walls: The Role of Community Murals and Mural Programs in Urban Spaces, Lauren E. Bloomfield
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Mind the Gap, Willa Cary
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Hello, I Love You, Won’t You Tell Me Your Name?: An Anthropological Investigation of Naming, Haley Lisa Close
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Breaking Down the Bones: Understanding the Occupation of Forensic Anthropology, Maria L. Cox
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Bindis and Blue Jeans, Saris and Starbucks: An Analysis of Identity Among First and Second-Generation Indian Immigrants, Cassie Dutton
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


I Never Thought Black and White Before I Came to Wooster: An Investigation of Diversity at the College of Wooster, Madeline Fauser
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Single Moment: The Effect of Gender and Other Social Factors on a Student Athlete's Performance Under Pressure, Jason Filatov
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


From Apples to Zucchini: Bridging the Gap Between Students and Local Producers Through the Implementation of a Farm to School Program, Emily Gallivan
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Along Came a Spider: a Biological Assessment of Spider Communities in Urban Gardens and Vacant Lots and an Anthropological Investigation of Attitudes Toward Spiders, Kelsey Greathouse
Department: Biology; Sociology and Anthropology


Mother, I Am Burning: An Investigation of Acid Violence Against Women in Bangladesh, Soorim C. Jin
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


When Is a Food Desert Not a Food Desert? Construction of Food Environment in Inner City Cleveland, Rachel Anna Johanson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology