"A Dress is Not a Yes: A Feminist and Sociological Analysis of Slutwalk" by Kelsey Jandrey


The focus of this study is to explore the purpose of Slutwalks and their perceived role in society. Slutwalk is a grassroots radical feminist protest against the phenomena of slut shaming and victim blaming. Much controversy surrounds this new form of feminist protest; the controversy needs to be examined in order to understand the goals and purpose of the Slutwalk. Some would argue that Slutwalks are not accessible to the entire population or all feminists. Slutwalks have arisen out of a culture that labels female victims as deviant. We must understand how this trend and the politics of victimization have evolved if we intend to understand the purpose of Slutwalks. Slutwalk as a new form of feminist protest has great potential to influence the future of the feminist movement as well as how society views victimization.


Craven, Christa

Second Advisor

Kock, Stacia


Sociology and Anthropology; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Gender and Sexuality


slutwalk, feminist, activism, violence against women, victimization

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2013 Kelsey Jandrey