"The “Right” Model for Educating Ghanaian Girls: Emerging Themes and Me" by Eryn E. Greaney


Since colonization, Eurocentric models of education have dominated in a culture previously focused on traditional Ghanaian practices. However, many Non-Governmental Organizations, usually from the West are implementing Eurocentric models, values, and beliefs of education. This study investigates the educational models, views, and beliefs from five education based NGOs working to “improve” girls’ education in Ghana. I use an Afrocentric perspective and the ethnographic method of content analysis on five different NGO websites in order to determine the latent and manifest themes that emerge. These themes will reveal the apparent and hidden messages found in the information provided on the NGO websites. Furthermore, I am completing content analysis on girls’ stories that are accessible to the public on CAMFED’s website; as a way to include a culturally appropriate voice from the girls who are benefitting from the work of the NGO. The findings from the study are being interpreted through a multidimensional theoretical approach to understanding the complexity of the issues at hand. By using Molefi Asante’s theory of Afrocentricity, Gramsci’s theories of civil society, class distinction, social control, Bourdieu’s theories of social position, forms of capital, and habitus, and Paulo Friere’s oppressed/oppressor model, and education provides the necessary framework for understanding the interscetionality of the information gathered from this study. The manifest themes reflect a high presence taken by NGOs in educating Ghanaian girls. However, the latent themes show that the NGOs are helping girls overcome various “barriers” and that Ghanaian girls place a high value on kinship relations in their education. In conclusion, I suggest that NGOs need to use an Afrocentric perspective, as a way to place Ghanaian culture at the center of their work.


Frese, Pamela

Second Advisor

N’Diaye, Boubacar


Africana Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Arts and Humanities


NGO, Ghana, Africa, education, Afroncentricity, content analysis, girls, post-colonial

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2014 Eryn E. Greaney