The full text of Senior Independent Study Theses submitted during and after 2012 are available to download only by College of Wooster users. Unless listed as an exemplar, all other theses are restricted.


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2009


"We're Together": Word Choice and Relationships in College Culture, Hilary M. Ober
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


From Impoverished Conditions to College: Factors That Lead to the Academic Success of Low and Moderately Low-Income Students, Aaron Oster-Beal
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Kanaka Maoli--the Real People: An Exploration into the Complexities of Hawaiian Identity, Chloe Reed
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Fleeing Nazi Europe to Forge a New Life in Chile: the Stories of Ten Refugees in Santiago, Christina Lynn Somlo
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Snow Bunny or Snow Beast? Gendered Images and Practices of the Snowboarding Culture, Karen Souchuns
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: How Companies Misrepresent Their Corporate Social Responsibility, Sara L. Stinemetz
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


White Privilege: Wooster's Own Invisible Knapsack, Mary Stockovich
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Examining the Cultural Transmission of Chinese Mythical Beings: a Lesson in Hermeneutics, Emily Swoveland
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


A Critical Examination of the Olney Friends School: Quaker Ideals, Institutional Practices, and Transmission of Values, Susan Laurel Tipton
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Religious Studies


Do-It-Yourself Music Culture, Stuart Walker
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Interpreting the Affects of Stigma on Interaction and Self-Esteem in Victims of Domestic Violence, Lauren Washington
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Culture Shock: A Life Changing Experience, Luxi Zhang
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Green Consumerism: How America Turned the Jagged Pill of Environmentalism into a Spoon-Full of Sugar, Sarah M. A. Zwikelmaier
Department: Sociology and Anthropology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2008


Colorblind Youth: An Analysis of Black Youth's Understanding of Racism in Contemporary American Society, Megan E. Ammon
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Misunderstandings and Conflicts in Situations Where Japanese and U.S. Employees Work Together, Chandra Asar
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Pre-War and Current Opinions of ROTC Cadets About the War in Iraq As Affected By War-Time Events, Laura Ayer
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"You'll Go Places You Never Thought You'd See": The Relationship Between Rural Teens and Military Enlistment, Stevia Baldwin
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


It Ain't All About the Benjamins, Baby: Dismantling the Link Between Musical Taste and Social Class, Erin Byrne
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Hitchhiking: America's Vanishing Pastime, Allison Dupuis
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Naughty, Negative and Nice: Women's Experiences With Pornography, Natalie Hutchinson Friedman
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Cops and College Kids" An Examination of Collegiate Attitudes Towards Law Enforcement, Conor F. Hannan
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Dengue Fever and the Formation of Cultural Collectives: a Brief Study of Three Unincorporated Squatter Settlements in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Jose Enrique Hasemann Lara
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


New Canvas: An Exploratory Study of the Changing Social Perspectives on Tattooing, William R. Hollinger
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Kumu Hula Experience: A Study of Cultural Beliefs and Practices of Modern Hula Schools through the Eyes of the Hula Instructor, Alexandra Hribar
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


What's the Big Deal?: a Sociological Approach to Reality Television's Popularity, Emily Jensen
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The "Proudly South African" Generation: University Students' Identity and Thoughts on Social Change, Karin Johnson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Hawaii's Struggle: A Peoples' Fight For Power, Stephanie Kilgore
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Keep It or Give It Away? Motivations For Philanthropic Giving to the College of Wooster, Katharine B. Minetti
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Gender Display and Romantic Attraction: Uncovering the Connection Between Gender and Sexuality and Predicting the Future of Gender Roles and Norms of Sexual Attraction, Susan Richardson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


The Role of the Church in Disaster Response: a Case Study Analysis of Hurricane Katriana, Patricia Riley
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Inside the Rivalry: A Comparison of Michigan and Ohio State Fans, Allison T. Rubin


After Incarceration: a Case Study of Ex-Offender Re-Entry Programs and Services in Austin, Texas, Colleen Selgestad
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Will You Remember, Sweetheart? Understanding the Role of Music in the Lives of Elderly Residents of a Residential Care Community, Angela Starkey
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Forgotten Children: America's Love Affair with Optimal Performance, Mollie Allison Stockdale Moreci
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


At Home in the World: Third Culture Kids' Mobile Identity, Jilian Wright
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


At the Crossroads of Fiction and Reality: Nicaraguan Women Respond to Aquel Mar Sin Fondo Ni Playa, Heather Yomboro
Department: Sociology and Anthropology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2007


Just to Get By: Social Support Networks Inside Women's Prisons, Anlyn Addis
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Black-White Achievment Gap: a Preliminary Case Study of Race, Household Income, and Gpa in a Suburban High School in Ohio, Adam Artman
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Hybrity, Space, and the Religious Incorporation of Latino Immigrants, Mark H. Bergen
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Following the Bright Red Bags: An Ethographic Examination of the Socializing Messages in American Girl Products, Marta E.C. Beyer
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


An Immigrant Nation: Ethnicity in American Society, Laska G. Blodgett
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Sweet Home Appalachia: a Study of the Inhabitants of a Small Appalachian Town and the Factors That Affect What They Consider Home, Margaret Brisker
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Uncle Pen Played the Fiddle, Lord How It Rang, You Can Hear It Talk You Can Hear It Sing: a Study of How Music Has Helped Preserve Appalachian Culture", Joshua Pierce Burton
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


What Are You Listening To?: a Study of Music Tastes of College Students and How Their Tastes Came to Be, David Duncan
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Midterms and Matrimony: the Expectations and Attitudes of Unmarried College Students Regarding Their Potential Future Weddings and Marriages, Britton L. Eichenauer
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Teaching and Testing: A Comparison of Two Instuctional Approaches to Find the More Beneficial Format for the Education of America's Youth, Eileen Galligan
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Highlighting Contradictions: Sexuality, Objectification, and Gender Roles Displayed in Exotic Dance Clubs, Kathryn W. Graham
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Reconsideration of the Relationship Between Single-Parent Families and Juvenile Delinquency, Marvin R. Grandison
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Public Pretenders": a Study of Lawyers Who Become Public Defenders and Their Image Among the Public, Elizabeth Habat
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Where Have All the Farmers Gone? a Study on the Disappearance of Small Farms in Wayne County, Ohio, Emily Irvine
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Constructing a Glimpse: the Process of Cultural Display at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Kimberly N. Klatka
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Family's Family": Re-Thinking Family and Race Through the Lens of International Adoption, Christine W. Lafferty
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Choreographing Roots: a Study of a Square Dance Community in Northeast Ohio, Rachel Libben
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Theatre and Dance


Blending Identities: Queer Subculture in 21st Century China, Amanda Rose McCreight
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Sociological Discussion Addressing Potential Motives For Sport Participation Among High School Students, Bradley M. Michel
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


A Qualitative Study of What Works and What Doesn't in Offender Rehabilitation, Cassandra Sattazahn
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Driving the Car": Personal Motivation in English As a Second Language Learning in Latino Immigrant High School Males, Tina Swartzendruber
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Spanish


Organ-Ized Giving: An Analysis of the Gift Relationships and Personal Experiences of Kidney Transplant Recipients, Julie E. Todd
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Red Wine Dreams, Kristin K. Yorks
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; English

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2006


"This is Fate, This is God, This is Whatever. This is My Child.": An Analysis of the Blood Ideology in American Culture through a Comparison of Domestic and International Adoption Experiences, Mary Baldwin
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Study Abroad Experience: What Factors Determine the Type of Experience Students Have While Abroad", Laura Ciriegio
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


This House Won't Clean Itself: Influences on the Division of Household Labor Among Married Couples, Rebecca Crabtree
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Does Everyone Really Love Oprah? An Assessment of Attitudes on Oprah Winfrey From College Females, Monica L. Ellis
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Shelter Life: Social Bonds and Community Formation in a Sample of Homeless Women, Maura Ewing
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Its All About Self Esteem: An Analytical Analysis of How Society Uses the Term Self Esteem, Emily Finney
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Street Children in the World System: Indentity and Development on the Streets of Dar Es Salaam, Noah Fishman
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


An Examination of Factors Affecting Dating and Relationship Attitudes Amoung College Students, Trish A. Gordon
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Uirusu, Sex and Uchi-Soto Distinctions: Perceptions of Hiv/Aids Among University Students in Japan and the United States, Hannah M. Graff
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Homelessness Amoung American Male Verterans: The Impacts of Pre-Military Biases and Service Factors on Post-Military Adjustment, Stuart Gura
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


A Qualititative Study of the Role, Changes, and Direction of the Jewish Faith Within My Family, Samuel Harris
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Necesitas Siempre Algien Que Te Qyude:" A Qualitiative Analysis of Health Care Utilization and Experiences of Mexican (Im)Migrants in the Rural Midwestern United States, Lindsay Horst
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Laying Down the Law: Family Dynamics in Law Enforcement, Nicole Hunt
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Is Taking a Break Really a Mistake? the Cross-Cultural Factors That Influence Gap Year Participation, Lauren Lipps
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Madre Mia, Gracias Por Favores Recibidos: Un Estudio De Las Ofrenda Y Sacrificios a La Viregen De San Juan De Los Lagos, Katherine Maguire
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Spanish


Of Bogs and Men: a Study of the Messages Museums Tell Us, Melinda I. Potter
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Learning Lessons From Bears: a Study of the Message Embedded in Children's Literature in the United States, Sarah Schnackel
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Man's Best Friend: Examining Social Functions of Dogs' in the Lives of Humans, Emily J. Sterling
Department: Sociology and Anthropology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2005


Special Education Served With a Silver Spoon: the Analysis of a Special Education Program in An Affluent School District, Amanda Burnett
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"The Youngest Really Is the Favorite" a Study of the Effects of Birth-Order, Ryan Carson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Suddenly, I'm Thinking About How I Fit Into the Context of This Larger Whole:" a Study of Rural, Secular Intentional Communities in the United States, Katherine Deardorff
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


I Know You Work More Than Any Woman I Ever Seen, Lindsay Demmy
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Artisans of Impression: An Examination of the Impact of Lawyer Image, Reed Domer-Shank
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Social Stigma of Stuttering, John A. Fishburn
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Who Influences You? A Study of the College of Wooster Women and Their Body Image, Barbara Fritzsche
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


To Get a Voice Heard: The Development and Production of a Documentary Film As An Application of a Qualitative Study, Jessica Keath
Department: English; Sociology and Anthropology


Tardy Justice Is Hardly Justice: An Explorative Study of the Presumption of Innocence and of Its Necessary Application in Pretrial Procedures, Sabrina Koester
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Princess Jasmine? She's More Than Just An Arabian Hottie With a Bare Midriff! Gender and Ethnic Stereotypes in Children's Animated Film", Amy Joy Latalladi
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


A Study of Marijuana Use and the Subcultures of a College Campus Using Symbolic Interaction and the "Hang-Loose" Ethic, Michael Malone
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Tipping Point: Determinants of the Choice to Attend The College of Wooster, Richie McNally
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Every Hand's a Winner: Reasons People Gamble, Garnett Miller
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Tak Slucham" Listening to the Life Experiences of Polish Domestic Workers in Chicago, Magdalena J. Popadiak
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


If "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile," Why Do Some People Walk Around Naked?, Kathryn Powell
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Creating Pathways: a Comprehensive Study of Children's Literature in Amish Parochial Schools, Hannah Richardson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


No More Mister Nice Guy: Masculinity in Comic Books and the Role of the Antihero, Scott Roger
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


"Excellence in Body, Mind, and Spirit:" Health Beliefs and Practices of Health Food Users in Wooster, Ohio, Katherine G. Schneider
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Friendly Masks Made of Plastic Smiles: An Examination of Subordination and Emotional Labor in the Service Industry, Lauren Sherry
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Lifestyle and Mobility Through the Archaeological Record Analysis of Site MD-1, a Late Prehistoric Period Site in the Lower Nueces River Valley, South Texas, Sarah E. Thomas
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


African Art in Western Museums: An Exploration of the Yoruba Veranda Post, Angela Toich
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


History of Moundsville Knows No Bars: Constructing the West Virginia Penitentiary, 1866-1995, From the Memories of Community Members, Who Know the Structure As Both a Living History Museum, and Running Facility, Elissa Wilk
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Independent Study Is So Gay, Michael Wilson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology