"Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: How Companies Misrepresent Their Corporate " by Sara L. Stinemetz


This thesis looks at Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in regard to major industries. The goal of this thesis is to answer the question of whether or not companies are adhering to CSR and why. This will be done using an explanation of Ulrich Beck's theory of globalization as well as Karl Marx's classical capitalism theory and neo--Marxian theory. There are three industries examined and each represents an important part of everyday life. Within each industry there was one global or international company selected. They are respectively GlaxoSmithKline (pharmaceuticals), BP (oil and energy) and R.J. Reynolds (tobacco). The research was done by looking at the companies' websites and gathering information on how they presented themselves and then comparing the data with information from news articles. The results of this research showed that across the four dimensions; human rights and ethics, health, education and advertising. There was data that showed that companies were not adhering fully to CSR policies and practices. According to the research human rights and ethics, health and advertising supported Marxian and neo-Marxian theory while education supported Beck's theory of globalization. This research explains how these industries are prompting themselves how they are adhering to their claims and a theoretical explanation of why.


Clayton, R. Bruce


Sociology and Anthropology


Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics | Other Sociology

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2009 Sara L. Stinemetz