"The College of Wooster's Students' Understanding of Organ Donation" by Kasia Minor


This thesis explores The College of Wooster's students' understanding of organ donation and how this relates to how they view the world. To research this topic, two surveys were distributed that asked general demographic questions as well as open-ended questions concerning the respondent's beliefs about organ donation and the organ allocation system. The first was distributed to 100 random campus campus mailboxes, and to a convenience sampling of Dr. Frese's Introduction to Anthropology class for a total of 55 respondents. The second survey was distributed to the same class of which 40 surveys were returned. Results showed that race, ethnicity, gender, and culture affected the students' beliefs about organ donation, the organ allocation system, and whether or not they communicated their wishes for organ donation. Future research is suggested, focusing on how class affects students' views on organ donation within an ethnic group, different opinions on what a religion says about organ donation, and beliefs about a spiritual connection between a donor and recipient. A good way to ensure more accurate results would be to have a larger population of ethnic minorities.


Frese, Pamela


Sociology and Anthropology


Medicine and Health | Social and Cultural Anthropology

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2009 Kasia Minor