"The Modern Parent-Teacher Relationship: How Teachers' Perceptions of P" by Rebecca J. Cinquino


The literature explores the relationship between parental socioeconomic status and differing perspectives on the purpose and objectives of education between parents and teachers. However, the literature fails to examine the relationship between parents’ and teachers’ attitudes and expectations within parent-teacher relationships. This study addresses the influences of teachers’ perceptions and expectations and the factors that affect the parent-teacher relationship. Data was gathered through interviews conducted with primary school teachers, teaching in both lower class and upper class communities. These interviews were transcribed and analyzed to find patterns and form conclusions. The findings imply that the type of communicative techniques used, the degree of value one applies to others’ time and effort, and the extent to which one understands and complies with the boundaries of different situations directly influence teachers’ perceptions of parent-teacher relationships.


Fitz Gibbon, Heather


Sociology and Anthropology


Educational Sociology | Social and Behavioral Sciences


parent, teacher, parent-teacher relationship, communication, perceptions

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2014 Rebecca J. Cinquino