Theses/Dissertations from 1984
The Older Adult Program at the Wooster Community Center in Support of Activity Theory, Jenna E. Flack
Women's Employment and the Popularity of Voluntary Childlessness, M. Elizabeth Freeland
Head Start Programs: Their Effects on Future School Success, Jane Tinsley Gill
Hospice and the Elderly: A Question of Knowledge, Scot Thomas Graham-Raad
Stress and Performance Among Female Executives in Corporations, Billy Granger III
Latchkey Children: Benefits and Risks, Adrienne Packer
Alienation Among Prison Guards: An Analysis of the Working Relations Among Pennsylvania Correctional Personnel, John K. Schmidt
Sex-Differences, Self-Concept and Perceptions in the Corporation, Lynn Smith
A Study of Personal and Others Cheating Behavior at the College Level, David Huse Ulfelder
Adult Day Care Centers: An Analysis and a Model, Michael D. Weir
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Student Expectations of Undergraduate College: Myth or Reality?, Karen A. Amico
"Please Don't Hit Mommy": The Effects of Wife Abuse on the Children, Lisabeth Dealton Beatty
A Case Study of Cleveland, Ohio, Kathryn A. Boone
The Playhouse Square Redevelopment Project: Its Initiation, Implementation and Results, Phillip H. Downing
The Economic Influence on Human Relationships, Catherine Howard
Sex-Related Differences in Mathematics Achievements of High School Students, Kristen Jane Leslie
Activity Level and Life Satisfaction among Elderly; a Comparative Study of Three Types of Client Groups at the Wooster Community Center, Kathy Marshall
Burn-out among Social Service Providers: An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Social Service Providers' Perception of Societal Attitudes and Burn-out, Sara Louise McCullough
A Theoretical Analysis of Police-Community Relations with an Emphasis on Team Policing, Carolyn Molyneaux
Effects of Children's Literature on Attitudes Toward Persons With Handicaps, Jean Marie Peacock
Department: English; Sociology and Anthropology
Analysis of the Relationship between Fear of Death and Previous Death Experiences of College Students, Miram Phan
A Study of Sex-Role Stereotyping in Three American "Ut0pian" Communicties, Carolyn Smiley
A Symbolic Interactionist Approach to Death, Anne Elizabeth Starr
Sociological Theories of Alienation and the Literature of Franz Kafka, Stacey L. Vidt
Sociological Theories of Alienation and the Literature of Franz Kafka, Stacey L. Vidt
Department: English; Sociology and Anthropology
Women's Options: A Study of Perceived Choice, Tracy J. Woodard
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
A Descriptive Analysis and Evaluation of Legal Services Program for Ohio, James J. Abdo
The Questioning Process: a Phenomenological Inquiry, R. Douglas Clewett
Factors Influencing the Value Structure of College Students in Regard to Premarital Sexual Permissiveness, Nanci Dallas
What is the Women's Movement? An Analysis of the Relationships between Perceptions of the Movement and Personal History, Jane K. Donnell
Medical Social Work: A Comparative Analysis of Large and Small Hospitals Using a Case Study Approach, Gayle D. Johnston
Father-Daughter Incest, Loreen Kaiser
Employee Assistance Programs: Their Worth to Organizations and the Treatment of Alcoholism, Nancy Jo McMillan
A Study of Drinking on the College of Wooster Campus: Motivations for Drinking and Implications for Alcohol Education Programs, Heather A. Murphy
Adolescent Perceptions of Old Age: A Symbolic Interaction and Role Theory Approach, Susan G. Nickel
Determining Occupational Aspirations: A Study of Family Background and Personality Characteristics of Elementary School Students, Mary Jane Parkinson
An Exploratory Study of the Child Life Program at the Geisinger Medical Center, Christie E. Pyper
Peer Group and the Family Influence on the Absence of Marijuana, Lucy Rich
The Effects of Sex, Grade, and Meternal Employment on Children's Perceptions of Occupational Stereotypes, Elizabeth Ann Schnurr
Inequality, Racism, and Differential Justice: Conflict theory as an explanation, "A conflict approach to the criminal justice system in the areas of arrest and sentencing", Rossman Dewitt Thompson
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1981
A Comparative Analysis of Women's Status Between the United States, China, and Soviet Union, Karen E. Evans
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Racial Identification and Self-Concept of People From Black/White Parentage, Ann Fisher
A Study of Appalachian Stereotypes as seen in the 1974 Kanawha County, West Virginia English Book Controversy, Nancy E. Frisch
Views on the Causes of Poverty in the United States: a Study of Possible Individual and Structural Causes, Abby M. Schultz
Social Learning Antecedents of the Propensity Toward Child Abusing Behavior, Barbara Jeanne Shelli
The Educational Reform in Communist China: the Impact of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Sue A. Tindall
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Retirement Adjustment: A Field Assessment of Patterns of Adjustment Among College Professors, Lynn M. Vesey
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1980
"A Matter of Cold War Beliefs": U.S. Intervention in Chilean Internal Affairs During the Allende Administration, Sharon A. Bissell
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Los Campesinos Migrantes Chicanos y sus Niños: Un Análisis Sociologico, Holly Blake
Family Integration and Open-and-Closed-Mindedness, Bosworth C. Bonnie
Personality Maladjustment as a Function of Alcoholism: a Field Study, Holly A. Bostian
Abused Children Grow up: Social and Psychological Factors Involved in Parental Abuse of Children, Katherine E. Bowser
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Sex Role Attitudes Among Students at the College of Wooster, Mary Hendon Atkins
Sex Role Attitudes among Students at the College of Wooster, Mary Hendon Atkins
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Eva and Isabel: Argentina's Most Famous Women, Ellen Barclay
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Toys: a Reflection of Culture, Dorothy Mosher Imperiale
Birth Order and the Sex Role Orientation of Women, Lesley Lock
Socially Restricted or Structurally Barred: A Comparative Study of Sociological and Economic Explanations of the Status of Women in the Labor Force, Barbara Elin McBride
Potential Ramifications of the Use of the Resource Room, Lori McGonagle
Adolescent Suicide: a Study of College Students and Their Attitudes on Suicide, Hollie K. Miller
Life Satisfaction of the Institutionalized Elderly Public vs. Private Facilities, David E. Sanders
A Historical Overview of the Rehabilitative Programs in State Correctional Institutions; An Evaluation of the Ohio Correctional System, Eric Louis Showes
The Relationship of Parental Expectancies and Self-Image of Head Start Children, Carol E. Simmons
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1978
The Single Parent Experience: A Study of the Rise of Unplanned Pregnancies among Adolescents, Polly Armington
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Single Parent Experience. A Study of the Rise of Unplanned Pregnancies among Adolescents, Polly Armington
Problems and Politics of Japan's China Policy: 1947-1972, John A. Dale
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
An Investigation of the Preferred Counseling Philosophies of Protestant Ministers, Joy R. Evans
Effects of Socialization on Institutional Sexism within a Liberal Capitalist System, Darlene H. Goatley
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Trends of the Latin American Military: Studies of Argentina, Chile, and Peru, Nancy T. Hofstetter
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Puertorriqueñas in Cleveland: A Three-Generation Transition in Sex-Role Orientation, Anne M. McCune
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
An Evaluative Study of the Wayne County Group Home, Charles Ross
Political Implications of United States Multinational Corporations in Latin America, Sally J. Staley
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Boys' Village Follow-up Study, Galen L. Stone
Sex Role Identity and Self-Concept of College Students Preparing to Teach and College Students in a General Liberal Arts Program- a Comparative Study, Carol Strasenburgh
The Activity Theory of Life Satisfaction, Kathy L. Thompson
The Motive to Avoid Success in Women, Kate Tillotson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Structure Learning Therapy: a Partial Assessment of its Effectiveness as a Skill Teaching Therapy, Juyne V. Triplett
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1977
The All-Russian Constituent Assembly of 1918: The Failure of Parliamentary Democracy, Sue E. Factor
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1976
Sex Stereotyping in Elementary Textbooks, Dorothy Arnold Gerrity
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Citizen Participation and the Planning Process, Carolyn C. Verlie
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1975
Historical and Cultural Study of Mexican Masks, Paula Bidle
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1974
Labor Force of Colonial Brazil, Hiroko Sakamoto
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1956
A Study of the Attitudes of Presbyterian Ministers Toward Pacifism, Lee H. Lybarger
Department: Sociology and Anthropology