Theses/Dissertations from 1990
The Influence of Self and Others on Impression Management, Kathleen P. Hassett
Sex Role Stereotyping in Television Advertisements, Nancy M. Heard
A Sociological Analysis of the Relationship Between Unemployment and Crime in the United States, Pam Hewes
A Study of Gentrification and the Larger Socioeconomic Trends in Entails, Michela Huth
A Study of the Large Proportion of Blacks in Prison, Derek A. Jackson
A Study of the Differences between the Veterans of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War on Three Life Dimension Scales, A. Kaltenmark
The Effects of Using Significant Others and Positive Imagery in the Advertising of Alcohol on Seventh and Eighth Grade Students, James Michael Kelley III
Attitudes and Perceptions of Art Therapy: an exploratory study, Leslie D. Lipson
Gendered Spheres and Contraceptive Choice, Cheryl Martin
Symbolizing Fatherhood: The Image and Reality of Contemporary American Father, Wilde M.
Children's Acquisition of Culture Through Education, Alison R. Parsons
Atrribute Differences Between Female Athletes and Female Non-Athletes, Estela Pereira
Victimization in the United States as a Function of Selected Lifestyle Characteristics, Scott R. Powell
The Socializing Effects of College Varsity Sport Participation, Philip M. Rea
Discrimination Against Women in the Labor Force: Gender Pay Differentials, Julie A. Schmidt
A Cross-Cultural Study of Dreaming Between Americans and the Sioux Indians, Heath Stevens
The Effect of Cultural Heritage on Attitudes and Behavior Toward the Elderly, Cassandra Louise Weaver
IGBO Masks and Masquerades: a Reflection of Culture, Cheryl S. Wilson
How Kenyan Women's Roles Have Been Affected by Education, Mia Wright
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1989
Casestudy of a Community-Based Service For Rehabilitation of Juvenile Offender, Lee H. Adams
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Social and Personal Well-Being of a Field Sample of Married and Divorced Men and Women, Kristen A. Baumann
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Overemphasis on Winning in Amateur Sports For Males at the Junior Level, Richard E. Danch
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Oral History and Being Elderly in America: What the "Natives" Say, Cynthia M. Drake
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
A Longitudinal Study of Moral Judgement Change Between Two Generations of Wooster Students: 1969-1989, Pamela A. Gaither
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Corporate Culture: Homeownership and the Protestant Work Ethic: a Case Study of Habitat For Humanity International, Kristin W. Galbraith
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
An Attitudinal Study of Homelessness: a College Survey, Konrad Gesner Jr.
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Personal Meaning of Age: Age Identity and Life Satisfaction in Older Persons, Julie E. Gillmor
Latchkey Children, Julie Gingery
The Effectiveness of Art Therapy as a Source of Rehabilitation, Susan P. Grubb
The Effectiveness of Art Therapy as a Source of Rehabilitation, Susan P. Grubb
Attitudes Toward Alcoholics' Treatment in the Legal System: A Field Study of High School Students, Gregory L. Hail
Thomas Mudsills: Reenacting and Reliving History, Lisa E. Hochhauser
Mutable Liberation: The Exile As Other in Anna Segher's Transit, Thomas E. Jevec
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Welcome Wagon: Its Role in Reciprocal Relationships, Elisabeth Jones
Euthanasia: A Survey of the Relation of Religion and Other Possible Determinants to the Acceptance of "The Right to Die", Tracy S. Kaufman
Euthanasia: A Survey of the Relation of Religion and Other Possible Determinants to the Acceptance of "The Right to Die", Tracy S. Kaufman
Euthanasia: A Survey of the Relation of Religion and Other Possible Determinants to the Acceptance of "The Right to Die", Tracy S. Kaufman
The Multivocal Nature of Ideal Female as Reflected in Fragrance Advertisements, Christine M. Klein
The Effect of the Women's Movement on the Number of Female Crimes Reported, Jennifer L. Kosnick
A Study of Physical Violence at the College of Wooster, Christopher J. Kurman
A Study of Physical Violence at the College of Wooster, Christopher J. Kurman
Societal Views Towards Black-White Interracial Couples, Gretchen J. Matz
The Attitudes of the Elderly in Nursing Care Institutions, F. Scott McCormick
Cartoons as Symbolic and Mythologic Childreading Vehicles for Gendered Personalities, Brian H. Roff
The Influence of Attitudes on Welfare Policy in America: The Effect of Socioeconomic Factors on Attitudes Toward Social Welfare, Tina A. Schaefer
The Image of Women in Physical Fitness: An Anthropological Perspective, Jessica A. Skolnikoff
Red Wedge: An Examination of Economic and Political Ethnomusicology in Britain, Paige Soewrby
Performative Ethnography: An Experiment in Learning, Caroline A. Somers
Public School Reaction to the AIDS crisis: A Field Study, Kimberly B. Tatlock
The Effects of Deinstitutionalization and Attitudes toward the Homeless, Katherine L. Thomas
A Comparative Study of the Values of the Poor and the Nonpoor and the Working and Nonworking Poor, Katherine J. Vierow
Countercultural Movements: Why Might One Join?, Amy J. Weitz
Race and Class as Divisive Factors in the Women's Liberation Movement: Black Women and Feminism, Catherine White
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1988
The Efficacy of Education on Attitudes of Racism, Rebecca Bing
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
La Violación De Los Derechos Humanos En Argentina Durante La "Guerra Sucia", Tami Blackwell
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Parental Value Expectations By Social Class: A Field Study, Molly A. Chesher
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Attitudes, a Comparative Study on Age, Michelle A. Davis
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Professionals' Attitudes Towards Hyperactivity, Nicole Dennard
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Variations in Societal Perceptions in Relation to Correctional Procedures, Daniel E. Gallagher
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
An Examination of the Effectiveness of Social Controls: Perceptions of the Campus Community, Mercy R. Garland
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Women's Work, Women's Choice: a Contemporary Analysis, Kristin M. Helms
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Attitudinal Study of Surrogate Motherhood Via Artificial Insemination, Cheryl M.A. Isaacson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Effect of Perceived Violence on Students' Involvement in Sports, David C. Kilfoyle
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Effects of the Perception and Fear of Violent Crimes on Elderly Persons' Patterns of Behavior in the United States, Fernando Mack
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Analysis and Study of the Police Use of Deadly Force, James R. Reeser III
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Homophobia: A Study of Heterosexual Views on Homosexuality, Mark E.M. Rodriguez
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Effects of Athletic Participation on Academic Performance, Jamie Ross
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Comparative Study on Soviet and American Families and the Influences on Their Childs Upbringing, Todd P. Stansbery
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Socialization and Student Anti-Vietnam War Activists, Caroline Carlsen Walker
Industrialization of the Mexican Economy Through Foreign Investment, Ida Williams
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1987
Religious Behaviors and Use of Religion As a Coping Mechanism: A Study of Elderly People, Mary L. Bianconi
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
An Assessment of Factors Related to Motivations to Participate in Sports Among College Athletes, Mike Collins
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Attitudes Toward the Married Working Mother: a Comparative Study, Diane Cullen
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Sex Role Socialization in the Preschool Classroom: Effects of Teacher Stereotypes on Student Stimuli, Mary E. Evans
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Juvenile Delinquency: A Study of Social Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Juvenile Delinquents in Our Society, Charles S. Haggerty
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Poverty and Policy, Cathy Jeffries
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Impact of Parental Divorce on Personality: A Field Study, Sherry L. Klonk
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Social Conditions Reflected in Art: Blues and Black Culture in America, Jeff McKee
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Why Not Unity? Study of Socioeconomic and Motivational Affects on Attitudes Toward Ecumenism in Three Denominations, Emily J. Perl
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Religious Studies
Socio-Dynamic Analysis of Psychological Counseling Approaches and Models in Relation to Minority Client Counseling, Karen L. Roemer
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Cause or Effect? A Study of the Correlation Between Self Esteem and Grade Point Average, Scott B. Sandford
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Black Colonization: Past, Present and Future, James Arnold
Causes of Changing Organizational Goals, External, Internal, and Environmental: A Case Study of UNICO National, Bruce G. Benedict
Children's Literature Reflecting Images of Afro-Americans: Positive and Negative, Priscilla L. Cooper
The Homecoming of the Vietnam Veterans: A Societal Based Problem, Jennifer A. Wilkie
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
The Changing Roles of Masculine Behavior as an Intimate Being, Husband, and Father, Jennifer Ellen Barton
Self Esteem and Intelligence: A Comparison of Gifted and Average Students, Kathryn E. English
Les Clases Y La Sociedad en el México Postrevolucionario, Ann Junkin
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Spanish
Death, Grief, and American Institutions: An Analysis, Andrew M. Klee
Untitled, Patricia A. Parker
Adolescent Attitudes Toward Premarital Sex in Relation to Parents, Peers and Close Friends, Jennifer K. Rodgers
An Assessment of Societal Attitudes Towards Punishment, Robert L. Savitt
White Collar Crime: An Analysis of Social Perceptions of Relative Severity and Levels of Punishment, Robert C. Scott
Peace As the Way: a Comparative Study of the Philosophy & Practice of Non-Violence in the East and in the West, Heidi L. Smith
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Colonization of Black America: An Ideological Analysis of Colonialism at Home and Abroad, David R. Thompson
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
A Study of Sex Role Stereotype and their Effect on Attitudes Towards Heavily Drinking Women, Barbara Benson
Cultural Change in Nigeria and the Awakening of An Igbo Cultural Identity, Karen J. Coen
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Use of Recreational Facilities within a Correctional Institution, Daniel V. DiPasquale