"A Girl's Girl: Media Analysis of Intersectionality in the Barbie Movie" by Lily Romo


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This research analyzes the significance of Barbie (2023) through a sociological lens,

examining how feminism and intersectionality play a key role in identifying the film’s

overarching themes of gender, race, and identity. This qualitative study utilizes a focus group,

with specific gender identities as mostly non-binary participants, to provide insight on these

themes of gender binary, racial representation, and self-discovery as well as challenge them. This

study is grounded in feminist and sociological theories: Patricia Hill Collins’ Black Feminist

Thought through the lens of media representation and W.E.B. Du Bois’ double consciousness

from a gendered perspective as both of these frameworks assist in understanding gender and

racial societal norms. This research discusses the significance of properly representing various

marginalized groups within the film although it has marketed itself as a feminist movie. This

study is an addition to the growing discourse of representation within media as it highlights

marginalized voices to shed light on how the Barbie movie can be the start in which mainstream

media can become more diverse.


Matsuzawa, Setsuko


Sociology and Anthropology


Inequality and Stratification


Intersectionality, Barbie, Feminism

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2024 Lily Romo