The purpose of this study is to examine perceptions of messages on social media of the Urban Heat Island effect through the lens of Social Judgement Theory. Previous knowledge of UHI and the environment along with how and why someone uses social media are also factors investigated in this study. As there are few studies intersecting UHI and social media, this study hopes to fill a research gap, as well as see how scientists can share their findings on social media in an easy to understand and believable fashion. Data was collected through the use of a survey that included six experimental messages where participants saw one of the six and reacted to it. The findings indicate that there was not a difference between the three message types on organization, effectiveness, and appeal, but there was a difference on believability. The results also reveal that some people do actually use social media for scientific knowledge, and previous knowledge of the environment and how someone uses social media affects their perception of the message which supports Social Judgement Theory.
Johnson, Michelle
Communication Studies; Environmental Studies
Recommended Citation
Anderson, Garrett, "Burning Up: An Investigation into Perceptions of Messages on Social Media about Urban Heat Islands" (2024). Senior Independent Study Theses. Paper 11122.
Environmental Studies | Social Media
Urban Heat Island, social media, message perception, Social Judgement Theory
Publication Date
Degree Granted
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type
Senior Independent Study Thesis
© Copyright 2024 Garrett Anderson