The full text of Senior Independent Study Theses submitted during and after 2012 are available to download only by College of Wooster users. Unless listed as an exemplar, all other theses are restricted.


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2024


A Rhetorical Analysis of Chinese Netizens' Use of Artistic Expression to Advocate for Social Change in Response to the Chained Woman Case, Kennedy Shelton
Department: Communication Studies; Chinese Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2023


Black and Red Markers on White Boards: Applying John Ogbu's Cultural-Ecological Theory of Minority Student Experiences to Higher Education, Geoffrey Allen
Department: Chinese Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


改变我们的世界观: 尊重外语学习传统和风气,从小培养新型的世界观, Carol A. Maag
Department: Chinese Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2022


The Scars Of China’s One-Child Policy And The Birth Of A New Reality: A Feminist Rhetorical Analysis Of Chinese Netizens’ Reactions To The Three-Child Policy, Zoe B. Carter
Department: Chinese Studies; Communication Studies


最大公约数:大陆港台电影中的西方乐曲, Austin Hanna
Department: Chinese Studies


You Can’t Build A Canoe Online: Activism And Identity In Indigenous Taiwan, Adam King Hinden
Department: Chinese Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Being Asian During Covid-19: A Cross-Sectional Study Of Domestic And International Identities, Liang-Liang Jiang
Department: Chinese Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2021


Bright Moon in Mountain Wind, Yuqi Han
Department: Chinese Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2020


Sun Yat-sen, The Three Principles of the People, and Ideology in China, John Demetrios Petersen
Department: Chinese Studies; Global and International Studies; Political Science

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2019


Thus Come: The Making and Seeing of the Buddha in China, Julia S. Cavallo
Department: Art and Art History; Chinese Studies


Aura and Ethnicity at Yunnan Nationalities Museum and Yunnan Nationalities Village: An Investigation into Museum Representation and Reflections on Identity, Sue Stuart Cook
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Chinese Studies


中国古典四大名著女人的形象: 三打白骨精和貂蝉的故事, Benjamin I. Jenkins
Department: Chinese Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2018


Phallocentrism and Images of Women in Chinese Literature: from Ban Zhao to Mian Mian, William T. Brethel Jr.
Department: Chinese Studies


Americanized Chinese Dishes as Heritage Food and Bridging Identities, Megu Itoh
Department: Chinese Studies; Communication Studies


Location Location Gender: How Variables Impact Household Head Financial Decisions in Rural and Urban Regions throughout China, Margaret Sestito
Department: Chinese Studies; Economics; Global and International Studies


一个混血儿,说双语的非洲裔,华裔美国人的文化认同, Aki Shurelds
Department: Chinese Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2017


Disaster Discourse in Official Chinese Media: An Analysis of Media Response to the 2008 Sichuan Earthquakeake and the 2015 Tianjin Explosions, Marie Sheehan
Department: Chinese Studies; Political Science

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2016


现代中国环境污染和传统中国文化中的智慧, Kelly G. Brethauer
Department: Chinese Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2015


Distilling Cultural Identity: China’s Diaspora and the Formation of Chinese Identity Overseas, Nolan Kokkoris
Department: Chinese Studies


Hopes for the Nation: A Short History of English Education and Liberalization in China, Stephanie L. Novak
Department: Chinese Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2014


“嘿,基佬!”中国电子媒体和同性恋的空间 “Hey, gay person!” Chinese Electronic Media and Homosexual Space, Kathleen Arnold
Department: Chinese Studies


China’s Communist Revolution and History In Film: 电影中的中国历史和中国革命, Jarid S. Heffers
Department: Chinese Studies


What Does Modernity Smell Like: An Analysis on Fragrance Advertising in Modern China - An Analysis on Fragrance Advertising in China, 1911-2013, Adriana E. Hoak
Department: Chinese Studies; History


Determinants of Internet Censorship in the PRC: The Cases of Tiananmen, Charter 08, and Zhixian Party, Susie Ko
Department: Political Science; International Relations; Chinese Studies


What Is Chinese Identity? An Assessment of How Modernity and Western Culture Has Impacted Chinese Identity, John Van Dusen
Department: Chinese Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2013


Warlordism, Opium, and Party Purges: the Guomindang's Use of Shanghai's Green Gang in Efforts of National Unification During the Late 1920s, Mark Samuel Federman
Department: Chinese Studies; History


走婚: A One Night Stand or Eternal Love?: An Ethnographic Study of the Effects of Tourism on the Mosuo and Their Walking Marriages, Caroline Hanson
Department: Chinese Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


The Dao that can be Spoken is not the Eternal Dao: National Role Conceptions and the Effects on Chinese Foreign Policy Behavior, Adam Stephan Jankowski
Department: Chinese Studies; International Relations


A Study of Modern Geometries and Felix Klein's Erlanger Programm, Ashley Stopka
Department: Chinese Studies; Mathematics


Three Appearances of Literary Youth and a New Definition, Alexander Turner
Department: Chinese Studies


你吃了吗? Have You Eaten?: Using the Westernization of Chinese Food to Explain the Transformation of the Chinese Identity in America, Molly Young
Department: Chinese Studies; East Asian Studies


Sino-African Relations: Various Media Perspectives and The Impact of Chinese FDI on African Inequality, Xiaochen Zhang
Department: Chinese Studies; International Relations

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2012


During the Time of Non-Stop Creation, You Travel to the Past and the Future: An Exploration of Beijing’s Underground Music and Its Relationship with Modern China, Charlie W. Davis
Department: Chinese Studies