Senior Independent Study Theses from 2024
A Rhetorical Analysis of Chinese Netizens' Use of Artistic Expression to Advocate for Social Change in Response to the Chained Woman Case, Kennedy Shelton
Department: Communication Studies; Chinese Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2023
Black and Red Markers on White Boards: Applying John Ogbu's Cultural-Ecological Theory of Minority Student Experiences to Higher Education, Geoffrey Allen
Department: Chinese Studies; Sociology and Anthropology
改变我们的世界观: 尊重外语学习传统和风气,从小培养新型的世界观, Carol A. Maag
Department: Chinese Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2022
The Scars Of China’s One-Child Policy And The Birth Of A New Reality: A Feminist Rhetorical Analysis Of Chinese Netizens’ Reactions To The Three-Child Policy, Zoe B. Carter
Department: Chinese Studies; Communication Studies
最大公约数:大陆港台电影中的西方乐曲, Austin Hanna
Department: Chinese Studies
You Can’t Build A Canoe Online: Activism And Identity In Indigenous Taiwan, Adam King Hinden
Department: Chinese Studies; Sociology and Anthropology
Being Asian During Covid-19: A Cross-Sectional Study Of Domestic And International Identities, Liang-Liang Jiang
Department: Chinese Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2021
Bright Moon in Mountain Wind, Yuqi Han
Department: Chinese Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2020
Sun Yat-sen, The Three Principles of the People, and Ideology in China, John Demetrios Petersen
Department: Chinese Studies; Global and International Studies; Political Science
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2019
Thus Come: The Making and Seeing of the Buddha in China, Julia S. Cavallo
Department: Art and Art History; Chinese Studies
Aura and Ethnicity at Yunnan Nationalities Museum and Yunnan Nationalities Village: An Investigation into Museum Representation and Reflections on Identity, Sue Stuart Cook
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Chinese Studies
中国古典四大名著女人的形象: 三打白骨精和貂蝉的故事, Benjamin I. Jenkins
Department: Chinese Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2018
Phallocentrism and Images of Women in Chinese Literature: from Ban Zhao to Mian Mian, William T. Brethel Jr.
Department: Chinese Studies
Americanized Chinese Dishes as Heritage Food and Bridging Identities, Megu Itoh
Department: Chinese Studies; Communication Studies
Location Location Gender: How Variables Impact Household Head Financial Decisions in Rural and Urban Regions throughout China, Margaret Sestito
Department: Chinese Studies; Economics; Global and International Studies
一个混血儿,说双语的非洲裔,华裔美国人的文化认同, Aki Shurelds
Department: Chinese Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2017
Disaster Discourse in Official Chinese Media: An Analysis of Media Response to the 2008 Sichuan Earthquakeake and the 2015 Tianjin Explosions, Marie Sheehan
Department: Chinese Studies; Political Science
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2016
现代中国环境污染和传统中国文化中的智慧, Kelly G. Brethauer
Department: Chinese Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2015
Distilling Cultural Identity: China’s Diaspora and the Formation of Chinese Identity Overseas, Nolan Kokkoris
Department: Chinese Studies
Hopes for the Nation: A Short History of English Education and Liberalization in China, Stephanie L. Novak
Department: Chinese Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2014
“嘿,基佬!”中国电子媒体和同性恋的空间 “Hey, gay person!” Chinese Electronic Media and Homosexual Space, Kathleen Arnold
Department: Chinese Studies
China’s Communist Revolution and History In Film: 电影中的中国历史和中国革命, Jarid S. Heffers
Department: Chinese Studies
What Does Modernity Smell Like: An Analysis on Fragrance Advertising in Modern China - An Analysis on Fragrance Advertising in China, 1911-2013, Adriana E. Hoak
Department: Chinese Studies; History
Determinants of Internet Censorship in the PRC: The Cases of Tiananmen, Charter 08, and Zhixian Party, Susie Ko
Department: Political Science; International Relations; Chinese Studies
What Is Chinese Identity? An Assessment of How Modernity and Western Culture Has Impacted Chinese Identity, John Van Dusen
Department: Chinese Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2013
Warlordism, Opium, and Party Purges: the Guomindang's Use of Shanghai's Green Gang in Efforts of National Unification During the Late 1920s, Mark Samuel Federman
Department: Chinese Studies; History
走婚: A One Night Stand or Eternal Love?: An Ethnographic Study of the Effects of Tourism on the Mosuo and Their Walking Marriages, Caroline Hanson
Department: Chinese Studies; Sociology and Anthropology
The Dao that can be Spoken is not the Eternal Dao: National Role Conceptions and the Effects on Chinese Foreign Policy Behavior, Adam Stephan Jankowski
Department: Chinese Studies; International Relations
A Study of Modern Geometries and Felix Klein's Erlanger Programm, Ashley Stopka
Department: Chinese Studies; Mathematics
Three Appearances of Literary Youth and a New Definition, Alexander Turner
Department: Chinese Studies
你吃了吗? Have You Eaten?: Using the Westernization of Chinese Food to Explain the Transformation of the Chinese Identity in America, Molly Young
Department: Chinese Studies; East Asian Studies
Sino-African Relations: Various Media Perspectives and The Impact of Chinese FDI on African Inequality, Xiaochen Zhang
Department: Chinese Studies; International Relations
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2012
During the Time of Non-Stop Creation, You Travel to the Past and the Future: An Exploration of Beijing’s Underground Music and Its Relationship with Modern China, Charlie W. Davis
Department: Chinese Studies