Art and Art History Senior Independent Study Theses | Art History and Studio Art | The College of Wooster
The full text of Senior Independent Study Theses submitted during and after 2012 are available to download only by College of Wooster users. Unless listed as an exemplar, all other theses are restricted.


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2024


Immersive Spectacles: Exploring French Cultural Landscapes of Immersion, Grace Alexandrowski
Department: Art and Art History; French and Francophone Studies


"Under Observation, We Act Less Free": A Study of Surveillance-Based Contemporary Installations in the United States, Isabella Suyapa Begley
Department: Art and Art History


Terug: An Exploration of Homesickness, Community, and Land-Longing, Tara Brunner
Department: Art and Art History


Cosmopolitanism, Commercialism, or Confessionalism? Beirut’s Privatized Heritage Management and its Effects on the Local Identity, Fritz Clingroth
Department: Archaeology; Art and Art History


Mindless Organism, Ana T. de León
Department: Art and Art History


To Sober and Quiet the Mind: John Cage's Anarchy, Zen, and the Privileging of Process, Kye Faulhammer
Department: Art and Art History


Te Hokinga Mai: The Role of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in the Repatriation of Human Remains: A Case Study in Toi Moko from Aotearoa New Zealand, Katie Love
Department: Art and Art History


F**k Your Assimilation: An Exploration of Japanese-American Diasporic Development Through Artistic Mediums, Miles R. Meadows
Department: Art and Art History


Sentiments, Emma Staggs
Department: Art and Art History


Internal Gods: A Spiritual Journey, Kyra E. Stief
Department: Art and Art History

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2023


Molding a New You: Exploring the Therapeutic and Healing Properties of Clay, Lucy Agurkis
Department: Art and Art History


Hair, Food, and Relationships, Inethia M. Allen
Department: Art and Art History


Making My Body My Own: The Innate Queerness of Tattooing, Jay Daigle
Department: Art and Art History


"Through the Veil", Noor Ul Hannan
Department: Art and Art History


The Persistent Illusion of the Medici Reality, Isabelle C. Hoover
Department: Classical Studies; Art and Art History


Journey: Exploring Animation Through Story, Helen Kohlmetz
Department: Art and Art History


The Cowboy Way, Morgan C. Kromer
Department: Art and Art History


According to Plan: An Introspection, Vanessa Morris
Department: Art and Art History


A Home for People and Planet: Assessing the Feasibility of Sustainable Affordable Housing by Designing a Proof-of-Concept, Jennifer Teare Mynard
Department: Art and Art History; Environmental Studies


Architectural Style Changes in Arizona Homes: How a Place Becomes a Home During Different Times Periods, Hayley Nash
Department: Art and Art History


Working Women: How Early Modern Women Artists Generated Empowering Self-Portraits in Male Dominated Italian Culture, Jessica R. Olson
Department: Art and Art History


Red Sword-White Canvas: The Past, Present, and Future of the Avant-Garde and Avant-Garde Aesthetics, Ben Read
Department: Art and Art History; Philosophy


Soothed by the Sublime, Janette R. Seaton-Evans
Department: Art and Art History


The Beauty and Solace in Loneliness: Using Light, Design, and Iconography to Showcase Acceptance and Edification, Olivia Medaglia Watling
Department: Art and Art History


All the Lonely People: Edward Hopper's Imagery of Isolation and the Impact of his Work, Jane C. Wight
Department: Art and Art History

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2022


"What Is The Recipe For Emotion?", Ivan M. Akiri
Department: Art and Art History; Theatre and Dance


Rockin' Cities Underground: An Urban Morphological Lens In The Archaeological Cavate Sites Of Derinkuyu And Naours, Anabelle Valeur Andersen
Department: Archaeology; Art and Art History


Mortal Bones: An Exploration Into The Use Of The Skeleton As A Mirror Of The Self In European Symbolist Art, Lili E. Bosler
Department: Art and Art History


Tactilely Tubular Passageways: A Sculptural Exploration Of Accessible Play Spaces, Griffin Morgan Rose Carnett
Department: Art and Art History


Clifton Canidae: An Anthropological And Sculptural Exploration, Sydney D. Clifton Ms
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Art and Art History


Honk For Milk! A Nod To My Nostalgia For Not-Nowhere, Ohio, Etta Rain DeMartino
Department: Art and Art History


An Inspired Disease: On Making Art, its Pitfalls, its Consequences, its Rewards, Max H. Johnson
Department: Art and Art History


Spiritual And Sexual Simultaneity: The Fourteenth-Century Psalter Of Bonne Of Luxembourg, Zoe Johnson
Department: Art and Art History


Living In The Ruins Of Utopia: The Collapse Of The Soviet Union And The Formation Of Russia's Postcolonial Identity, Erik G. Livingston
Department: Art and Art History


Exploring Classical Techniques Through Portraiture As A Combination Of Image And Object, Maya McDonald
Department: Art and Art History


Botanical Reverie: Radical Transcendentalism Grown From Water, Ancestry, And Light, Catie M. Rogan
Department: Art and Art History


Integrating Art History Into K-5 Social Studies Classrooms, Kate L. Schlegel
Department: Art and Art History


Euripides' Medea In Sculptural Performance, Patrick K. Wellman
Department: Art and Art History; Theatre and Dance


Women, Autonomy, Authenticity, And Motherhood, Rebecca Wu
Department: Art and Art History; Philosophy

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2021


The Art of Atmosphere in Stop-Motion Animation, Abigail Fisk
Department: Art and Art History


Angels and Saints in a Modern Renaissance, Elena Hart
Department: Art and Art History


Bursting at the Seams, Piper Hamilton Hartman
Department: Art and Art History


Preserving Keith Haring’s Legacy of “Art for All” through the Study of the Chemical Degradation of Daylight Fluorescent Paints and their Constituent Rhodamine Dyes, Georgia L. Hopps-Weber
Department: Chemistry; Art and Art History


Visualizing Concepts: Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) visuals synthesized from semantic vectors, Alayt Abraham Issak
Department: Art and Art History; Mathematics


The Art of Reconciliation: The Influence of the Black Community on the Detroit Institute of Arts, Jillian Kouayara
Department: Art and Art History


Adding to the Narrative: Stories of the Holocaust through Portraiture and the Museum, Marloes Krabbe
Department: Art and Art History; Sociology and Anthropology


American Dragon: A Story of an Asian American Woman Finding Her Way Home, Hannah Langer
Department: English; Art and Art History


Dissociation, Maria Martinez
Department: Art and Art History


Wide Open, Lila Miller
Department: Art and Art History


As The Looking Glass: An Introspection at Minority and Traumatized Identities, Indigo A. Quashie
Department: Art and Art History


Whatever Happens Tomorrow, At Least I Existed: A Journey of Self Discovery Through Self-Portraiture, Alexa B. Rakosky
Department: Art and Art History


Artifacts of Culture: Encounters with Multivocal Objects in Margaret of Austria’s 16th-Century Library, Jonas Short
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Art and Art History


The Tel Kabri Wall and Floor Paintings: Microcosms of Mediterranean Middle Bronze Age Trade and Representations of a Canaanite Palatial Economy, Christine Weber
Department: Archaeology; Art and Art History


The Self in the Context of Social Media, Leslie Weekley
Department: Art and Art History


Seeing Red: Investigation of the Color’s Use in Early Baroque Art and Stability Based Upon Pigment Preparation, Lilly Woerner
Department: Chemistry; Art and Art History


Dragon Nest: Immersive Experience Design, Mika Yonaha
Department: Art and Art History; Computer Science; Theatre and Dance

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2020


I Made This With My Hands, Andrea Arts
Department: Art and Art History


Monet and the Western Kimono: The Creative Reasoning and Critical Legacy of La Japonaise, Katarina Margaret Baltisberger
Department: Art and Art History


Wood, Paper, and Glue: Studying the Book Beyond Its Bindings, Jack R. Felch
Department: Art and Art History


The Symbolist Inheritance of the Celtic Revival (1880-1930): Female Illustrators and Printmakers as Codifying Agents of Irish Visual Expression, Claire M. Jennings
Department: Art and Art History


Nascent Archaeology: The Reception of Classical Antiquity During the Renaissance, Lauren Ashley Kozlowski
Department: Art and Art History; Archaeology


Exploration of Cultural Identity Among Chinese Avant-Garde Artists: An Analysis of Xu Bing, Gu Wenda, and Huang Yongping, Qingyue Li
Department: Art and Art History


Character: A Study in Kinship, Gloria Murray
Department: Art and Art History


Through the Looking Glass: A Self Portraiture Exploration of Selfhood and Identity, Kelsey M. Nolin
Department: Art and Art History


Appropriation: Black Hair & Black Culture, Donyea M. Ruffin
Department: Art and Art History


Chasing Gold Statues: A Study of Kanye West and the Case for Abstract Minimalism in the Digital Age, Sarah Stutler
Department: Art and Art History; English


The Surge of Religious Polychrome Sculptures in the Golden Age of Spain as Vivid Artistic Responses to the Call of the Counter Reformation, Samantha Tromba
Department: Art and Art History


Inventing Christine de Pizan: Art and Authorship in Late Medieval France, Adria Leigh Woodruff
Department: Art and Art History

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2019


The Witch’s Apprentice: An Original Graphic Novel, Lorelei KM Carrier
Department: Art and Art History


Thus Come: The Making and Seeing of the Buddha in China, Julia S. Cavallo
Department: Art and Art History; Chinese Studies


Liminal Souls, Liminal Bodies: Michelangelo’s Non Finito and the Poetics of Liberation, Mackenzie Clark
Department: Art and Art History; English


In the Act of Witnessing Art, Regan Concannon Clark
Department: Art and Art History; English


Opening Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise: The Work of Art and its Contexts between Renaissance Florence and Modern Museum Culture, Ilaria Novella Crum
Department: Art and Art History; Sociology and Anthropology


Dancing with Wooster: Strengthening Community through Self-expression and Collaborative Art, Juliana Davis
Department: Art and Art History


“Marblescape of Memory”: An Examination of Aesthetics, Identity Construction, and Museum Display through the Appropriation of Ancient Greek Sculpture in Neoclassical England, Presley Feezell
Department: Art and Art History; Sociology and Anthropology


When Science and Art Collide: Learning the Methods Like a Scientist in Order to Break the Rules Like an Artist, Marissa Bailey Fiume
Department: Art and Art History; Biology


The Process of Mending: A Cathartic Exploration of Personal, Social, and Familial Relationships, Reagan N. Kazyak
Department: Art and Art History


A Rubbish Affair When Art Met Tech: Dissecting How Consumerism’s Recycling Exploits Southeast Asian Environment Through a Virtual Art Experience Using Leap Motion Technology for Gestural Commands and Physical Interactions, Thanh Nguyen
Department: Computer Science; Art and Art History


Yogyakarta 1948: National Identity and the Indonesian National Revolution (1945-1949), Emily J. Root
Department: Art and Art History; History


The African Female narrative explored through art: A transnational Generation of Women, Toshiko Tanaka
Department: Art and Art History; Communication Studies


Intersections, Hao Tang
Department: Art and Art History


Pyae Thein's Life: A Visual Representation Using Pufferfish and Octopus, Pyae Thein
Department: Art and Art History


Pursue This Discourse Instead: Deconstructing Settler Colonialism and Climate Change Through Art, Carolyn S. Webster
Department: Art and Art History

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2018


A Visual Analysis of the Medical Profession as Portrayed Through Nineteenth Century Painting and Photography, Caroline A. Click
Department: Art and Art History


Wine, Women, and Woodcuts: the Maintenance of the Isolated Landsknechte Marginalized Society in Sixteenth-Century Germany, as Shown through the Dissemination of Military Genre Prints, Kathryn Connors
Department: History; Art and Art History


The Role of Children in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Paintings: Social Distinction and National Identity, Helena Enders
Department: Art and Art History


Illuminate: Nightlight Lamp & Lantern Series, Kari Everson
Department: Art and Art History


Help! She’s Fallen and She Can’t Get Up!: Pre-Raphaelite Depictions of the Fallen Woman and the Consequences She Faces, Specifically in the Works of William Holman Hunt, Lander McCarthy
Department: Art and Art History


Locality Test of the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) in the Bering Strait, Jacob Nowell
Department: Art and Art History; Geology


The Importance of Children's Literature: Combating Children's Understanding of Gender Roles/Biases Informed From Meida, Ashley Christine Plassard
Department: Art and Art History; Education


Influences Throughout the Generations, Jessy A. B. Pojman
Department: Art and Art History


Cosmopolitan Love: Contextualizing and Reimagining Race in America, Vy Vu
Department: Art and Art History; English

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2017


A Lens of Our Own: A Feminist Photovoice Exploration of LGBTQ+ Experience at The College of Wooster, Foster J. Cheng
Department: Art and Art History; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Dead Cultures, Imagined Contexts: The Ogtogmaní-khün, Emily Brett Glickman
Department: Art and Art History


Plays with Words: Understanding Visual Interpretation through Ed Ruscha's Text Works, Claire E. Ilersich
Department: Art and Art History; Philosophy


The Science of Art- Exploring the Gum Bichromate Process- Landscape Microscopy and Geo-Photography, Cassidy D. Jester
Department: Art and Art History


Self Portraits, Mariah Joyce
Department: Art and Art History


The Art of Function: An Exploration in Reclaimed Furniture Design, Abbey E. Partika
Department: Art and Art History


Beach Haven: A Photographic Exploration of Long Beach Island, Theresa M. Spadola
Department: Art and Art History


Great Camp Sagamore: An Integration of Nature, Architecture, and the Sublime, Allison Turner
Department: Art and Art History