
For this project, I ask: “How can a person with alexithymia can use a combination of painting and choreography to explore and understand their emotions?” To do this, I choreographed a dance for five dancers, including myself, that involved some input from the dancers in decision-making and movement timings. They then danced on a canvas on dress rehearsal night and performance night, as I expected that each night creates different emotions within a person. These emotions would reflect on each canvas. I analyzed the two canvases and related them to my interviews with each of my dancers to see what they felt during the whole experience. After that, I discussed what is next for this project as it grows to hopefully become a means of dance art therapy for people who struggle with emotions and alexithymia.


Baird, Emily

Second Advisor

Kendall, Daren

Third Advisor

Milligan, Bridget


Art and Art History; Theatre and Dance


Art Practice | Dance

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2022 Ivan M. Akiri