"Developing "WoOral": A Full Stack Web Application for Streamlined Thes" by Turbat Enkhtur


The academic landscape, particularly in higher education, has long been characterized by a blend of tradition and innovation. One of the enduring traditions is the thesis defense—a key moment in a student's academic journey. At The College of Wooster, scheduling these defenses has traditionally been inefficient, managed manually or via Excel spreadsheets. This study introduces WoOral, a web application designed to streamline this process through modern user interface design principles and full-stack development technologies. WoOral was developed using the XAMPP stack, which includes Apache (web server), PHP (server-side processing), and MariaDB with phpMyAdmin (database management), along with HTML, CSS, jQuery, and Bootstrap for client-side development. The application emphasizes key UI design principles such as discoverability, feedback, conceptual models, affordances, signifiers, mapping, constraints, and error prevention. By adhering to well-researched design principles and focusing on user needs we developed an effective scheduling system designed for people, with people in mind.


Visa, Sofia


Computer Science


Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



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