Education Senior Independent Study Theses | Education | The College of Wooster
The full text of Senior Independent Study Theses submitted during and after 2012 are available to download only by College of Wooster users. Unless listed as an exemplar, all other theses are restricted.


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2024


The History of Mental Health in Urban Schools: A Case Study of Crenshaw Middle School, Canton City School District, Noah Albright
Department: History; Education


Using History to Understand Tejano Identity: An Examination of Using History to Teach Identity in K-5 Education, Carolina F. Gonzales
Department: History; Education


A Historical Analysis of State Public School Holocaust Education Mandates in the United States from 1994-2023, Jason Prather
Department: History; Education

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2023


Chief Wahoo: The Decline of Native Imagery in Professional Sports, Charles Franklin Henegar
Department: Education; History


Mathematical College Readiness and the Effect of Imposed Tracking, BrookeLynn Holmes
Department: Education; Mathematics


Teaching the Long Civil Rights Movement: A Construction of Lessons That Dive Further In-Depth Than What the Ohio Standards Require, Nicholas Rabaut
Department: Education; History

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2022


“Perdone, Pero No Le Entiendo”: How General Education Teachers Can Best Support EL Students In Their Classrooms, Raven Reece
Department: Education; Spanish


Analyzing The Experiences Of Adult Children Language Brokers In Mexican Immigrant Families, Vanesa Rubio Toxtle
Department: Education; Sociology and Anthropology


Creating An Effective, Efficient, Engaging, And Accurate Evolution Module In Ohio (Aya), Carolyn A. Santos
Department: Biology; Education


Why Students Struggle In General Chemistry: Understanding Open-Ended Assessment In The Chemistry 111 Classroom, Abigail M. Tarburton
Department: Chemistry; Education


Learning In Virtual And In-Person Elementary Classrooms: The Effects Of Technology While Teaching/Learning And Immediacy Strategies Before, During, And After The Covid-19 Pandemic, Katie Elizabeth Thompson
Department: Communication Studies; Education

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2021


To Teach or Not to Teach: Identifying Skills Obtained Uniquely in Chemistry Laboratory Courses and Ways to Teach Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Remotely, Jayne E. Blinkhorn
Department: Chemistry; Education


A+ Child Does Not Equal A+ Parent: Analysis of Parenting Types and Child Attachment Effects on Academic Achievement, Sarah Marion
Department: Psychology; Education


The Hough Rebellion: The Difficulties with Remembering, William G. Ruebsteck
Department: History; Education

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2020


The Power of a Story: The Impact of Bibliotherapy on Children's Perceptions of Peers with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Nell L. Kacmarek
Department: Communication Sciences and Disorders; Education


Calculators in the High School Classroom: Anxiety Levels and Attitudes Towards Mathematics, Kendall Lloyd
Department: Mathematics; Education

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2018


The Importance of Children's Literature: Combating Children's Understanding of Gender Roles/Biases Informed From Meida, Ashley Christine Plassard
Department: Art and Art History; Education

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2017


The Efficacy of a Reading Pull-out Intervention on Student’s Rate of Improvement and Positive Reading Attitude, Rylee R. Bouillion
Department: Education; Psychology


“Common Core”: Revising the Common Core Text Selection Process to Change the Literary Canon, Carly A. Eppler
Department: Education; English


Understanding Shakespeare’s Role In 21st Century High School Education and Curriculum Design, Nate B. Huwar
Department: Education; English


Finding Our Wayne: A Case Study of Including Local History in Secondary Education using a Digital History Project, Catherine Walker
Department: Education; History

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2016


Learning Beyond the Screen: Assessing the Impact of Reflective Artificial Intelligence Technology on the Development of Emergent Literacy Skills, Abigail L. Frank
Department: Communication Studies; Education


Inclusive Transition: A Study Evaluating the Perceived Level of Preparedness and Procedures Involved in Children’s Transition from an OPTION School to a Mainstream Classroom, Moira McShane
Department: Communication Studies; Education


Bullying: Predicting, Intervening, and Educating, Hannah K C Niedermaier
Department: Education; Psychology


To Blend or Not To Blend: Understanding the Impact of Technology in Mathematics Education, Jacob Solomon
Department: Education; Mathematics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2015


Analysis of Eating Behavior in Autistic Children, Karma Y. Gurung
Department: Education


To Flip or Not to Flip? A Study of the Effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom Model for Teaching Mathematics, Lindy Howard
Department: Education; Mathematics


Bridging the Gap: A Study of the Effects of After-School Programming On the Social Inequalities in the System of Education, Elizabeth Sweeney
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Education

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2014


The Relationship Between Literacy Self-Efficacy of Parents and Children in Kindergarten through Third Grade, Catherine E. Herst
Department: Education; Psychology


The Effects of Teacher Nonverbal Immediacy on Students’ Motivation and Competence, Kyrsten C. Kamlowsky
Department: Communication Studies; Education


You Only Get Two: The Effects of a Hybrid Hearing Conservation Program on Elementary Students' Knowledge of, Attitude About, and Intended Behavior Towards Hearing Protection, Ellen V. Kleber
Department: Communication Studies; Education

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2011


"Not Done Fighting": a Sociological Investigation and Critical Analysis of the Washington, D.C. Public School System, Silvia Arieira
Department: Education; Sociology and Anthropology


Nihil Sub Sole Novum: the Struggle of Latin in the Twentieth Century, Kurt A. Brown
Department: Education; History

Theses/Dissertations from 1983


A Theoretical Analysis of Police-Community Relations with an Emphasis on Team Policing, Carolyn Molyneaux

Theses/Dissertations from 1971


A Comparative Analysis of Sports Information at Four Levels, John W. Houser