"Chief Wahoo: The Decline of Native Imagery in Professional Sports" by Charles Franklin Henegar


“Using Native imagery for a mascot is honoring their people and it is a sign of strength and courage.” Would you think the same if a Native person told you it was in fact not honoring them but doing the opposite? The negative effects linked to the use of Native imagery by professional sports organizations has had a large impact on Native communities around the U.S. and these could be fixed if pro teams followed in the footsteps of the Cleveland Guardians. The Cleveland Baseball organization recently changed their name and logo which was highly offensive to the Native American population. This IS investigates the origins of the Cleveland Indians name and logo, discusses various protests movements to make said changes, and follows the team’s transitions to a new name and logo. It argues that other professional teams should follow the Guardians’s example.


Biro Walters, Jordan


Education; History


Native Imagery

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2023 Charles Franklin Henegar