"Inclusive Transition: A Study Evaluating the Perceived Level of Prepar" by Moira McShane


This research sought to determine the levels of preparedness and procedures involved in the transition of students with hearing loss from an OPTION School to the mainstream classroom as perceived by the students’ OPTION School teachers and parents. The researcher created a survey for OPTION School teachers, parents, and mainstream teachers regarding the topics of teacher, parent, and student preparation and transition procedures. Results of the study indicated that OPTION School students are academically well-prepared for the mainstream. However, they are less socially prepared for the mainstream classroom and have not mastered self-advocacy skills prior to transition. The researcher also found that parents and OPTION School teachers were almost always collaborating throughout the transition process, but the mainstream classroom teachers were not often included in this discussion. Lastly, the researcher found that there was not a comprehensive or concrete protocol for any aspect the transition process across the participants.


Goldberg, Donald


Communication Studies; Education


Education | Speech Pathology and Audiology


transition, preparedness, OPTION School, mainstream, deaf

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2016 Moira McShane