"A Comprehensive Review of Cybersecurity Threats and Mitigation Strateg" by Tigist Adane Berhe


As cybersecurity concerns continue to increase, it is important to safeguard healthcare data to ensure uninterrupted operations in healthcare institutions and protect patients’ sensitive information. The healthcare industry is highly affected by cyber threats because healthcare institutions store large amounts of patients’ sensitive data, and data breaches can lead to identity theft and significant financial loss. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of common cybersecurity threats and mitigation methods that could contribute to effectively preventing cyber-attacks. It includes an in-depth discussion of key technical and non-technical mitigation methods, along with the weaknesses and strengths of utilizing each mitigation strategy, to provide a comprehensive understanding of existing mitigation methods. The paper also covers the implementation process of preventive security features on a secure web application designed for healthcare institutions. These security features include integrating a secure login system, two-factor authentication, activity monitoring, logging system, and applying data normalization for database management. Additionally, the paper explains the role and functionality of common cryptographic techniques like how encryption is used to store or transmit sensitive information. The aim is to provide readers with an understanding of the role of cybersecurity in healthcare, emphasizing the importance of strengthening security posture not only in healthcare but also in any industry. This includes addressing existing cybersecurity threats and exploring mitigation methods to prevent cyber threats.


Guarnera, Heather


Computer Science


Other Computer Engineering


cybersecurity breaches, threat modeling, mitigation strategies, healthcare, cyberattacks

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



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