Psychology Senior Independent Study Theses | Psychology | The College of Wooster
The full text of Senior Independent Study Theses submitted during and after 2012 are available to download only by College of Wooster users. Unless listed as an exemplar, all other theses are restricted.


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2024


All “Wrapped” Up: Strangers Predict Personality Looking Only at Spotify Listening Habits, Abigail E. Aitken
Department: Psychology


Investigating Theory of Spelling Performance, Mali Beyer
Department: Psychology


Among Us: An Examination of Imposter Phenomenon and its Relationship with Educational Performance Within Marginalized Communities, Erica S. Bigham
Department: Psychology


The Professor Within: The Effects of Sleep and Psychosocial Factors on Professors’ Anxiety, Angelina Bolivar
Department: Psychology


Our Quest for a New World Order: The Effects of Collective Narcissism and Conspiratorial Belief on Sharing Conspiratorial Headlines, Carrie Buckwalter
Department: Political Science; Psychology


Evaluating the Content Validity of Current Sport Participation Motivation Measures: An "Expert" Review, Melissa Burtscher
Department: Psychology


Religiosity, Pornography Consumption, and Sex Differences: Associations with Young Adults' Sexual Satisfaction and Infidelity, Amelia Carmack
Department: Psychology


Relationships, Attachment, and Stress: How Do College Students Manage Romantic Relationships Under the Influence of Attachment Style and the Stress of College Life, Emma Connors
Department: Psychology


Repost and Share to Make a Difference: Political Engagement and Media Fatigue in Online Spaces, Elena Dunn-Acosta
Department: Psychology


In Their Words: A Qualitative Investigation Exploring the Experiences of Body Image and Eating Behaviors among a Group of Bisexual Individuals, Emilie Eustace
Department: Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Psychology


The Buddy System: Incorporating AI in mental health – Mobile app development & empirical study of AI perceptions, Yasmine Fazazi
Department: Computer Science; Psychology


Afterlife? Atheists' Perspectives on Death, Identity, and Paranormal Beliefs, Adriana E. Gordon
Department: Psychology


Allostatic Load and Subjective Disease Risk Predicts Perceived Environmental Control, Graham Harper
Department: Psychology


Looking for Barriers for Asian College Students in Seeking Help from Psychological Counseling, Eric Jia
Department: Psychology


Disentangling Purpose and Meaning: A Critical Analysis of Purpose Methodology and an Empirical Study of Purpose Orientations, Jack Krupa
Department: Philosophy; Psychology


The Harm of 'Harm': An Examination of the Relationship Between Conceptions of Prejudice and Support for Free Speech, Dylynn M. Lasky
Department: Psychology


Mental Health Support vs. Nutritional Support: What Would a Man Do?, Piper A. McKee
Department: Psychology


Effects of Time and Jargon on the Understanding and Quality of Informed Consent Forms, Preston Melchior-Fisher
Department: Psychology


Me, Myself, and My Relationships: Examining Adaptive and Maladaptive Narcissistic Traits’ Association with Desire for Emotional Intimacy, Commitment, and Relationship Satisfaction, Nina K. Miller
Department: Psychology


“I lost my limb, not my mind”: An Investigation of Phantom Limb Pain, the Current Treatments, and the Effects on Quality of Life in Amputees, Katherine Mitchell
Department: Psychology


Assessing the Impact of International Experience on Cultural Flexibility: Investigating the Mediating Role of Norms and Values, Rana Mustafa
Department: Psychology


Achieving Athletic Excellence: Examining Mental Strategies Collegiate Athletes Use to Reach Peak Performance During Competitions, Anna P. Norby
Department: Psychology


The Effects of College Athletics on Students with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Comparison of Academic Success, Social Wellbeing, and Anxiety between Off-Season, In-Season, and Non-Athletes, Maddie Peek
Department: Psychology


Exploring Trauma and Substance Use in Marginalized Emerging Adults Populations Utilizing Coping Mechanisms as a Mediating Variable, Sam Risaliti
Department: Psychology


Narrating Pain Beyond the Binary: Exploring Trans-dimensional Approaches to Chronic Pain Management and Treatment, Jae M. Samples
Department: Psychology; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

"Who's Coming?": An Analysis of External Variables Affecting Sexual Satisfaction & Orgasm in Sexually Active Adults, Rhianna Sarac
Department: Psychology


Mindful Meals: Navigating Cognitive Dissonance in Attitudes Towards Animals and Dietary Preferences, Courtney Schmitz
Department: Psychology


The Association Between Adult ADHD Symptoms and Insecure Attachment Representations, Jack A. Sweeney
Department: Psychology


Sustainability Information and Food Choices: The Role of Self-Efficacy, Climate Change Attitudes, and Price, Ethan B. Treadwell
Department: Psychology


Nature and the Mind: Understanding the Influence, Isaac Tuch
Department: Psychology


Beyond Assumptions: Friendship Maintenance in Neurotypical and Neurodivergent Transgender/Gender Diverse People, Samuel Veon
Department: Psychology


To Be Young, Gifted and Black: The Contributions of Racial Centrality, Parental Social Support and Academic Motivation on the Academic Engagement of Black Undergraduate Students., Alex Walker
Department: Psychology


Baes of a Feather Flock Together: Comparing Preferences of Personality and Value Similarity in Romantic Relationships, Takuma Warren
Department: Psychology


Hello Cold World: Comparing Levels of Self-Defined versus Self-Reported Empathy, Maggie G. Young
Department: Psychology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2023


Coloring Away the Blues: Exploring the Therapeutic Effects of Art Activities on Well-Being, Lucy Agurkis
Department: Psychology


The Effects of Interparental Conflict on an Individual’s Expectations Towards Their Romantic Relationships: Attitudes Towards Romantic Relationships, Demetrius Devon Barnett
Department: Psychology


What Constitutes an Inflated Self-Esteem? Investigating the Relationship Between Self-Esteem, Social Desirability and Personality, Teddy Berner
Department: Psychology


The Effects of Parenting Styles and Parental Conflict on Child Development, Cloud Chang
Department: Psychology


Make Love Not Porn: The Effects of Pornography Consumption on Interpersonal Relationship Satisfaction, Camille S. Diekhans
Department: Psychology


Are Algorithms Slowing Us Down? Associations Between Social Media Use and Formal Operational Abilities, George P. Harney
Department: Psychology


Think Globally, Act Locally, Panic Internally: Climate Anxiety's Impact on Political Participation, Emily Brooke Hasecke
Department: Political Science; Psychology


Effects of Social Status on Connection Amongst Black Women Moderated by Hair, Naafi'ah AA Hennie
Department: Psychology


The Relationship Between ADHD Symptoms and Personality Traits, Emma Hewitt
Department: Psychology


Contributions of Religious Identity, Religious Commitment, and Spirituality to Undergraduate Prosocial Behavior, Claire Horansky
Department: Psychology


Multicultural Experiences Infuence Attitudes Toward Different Groups: The Role of Social Identities, Ayaka Iwasaki
Department: Psychology


Ageism: Does it Exist Within DSM-5-TR Diagnostic Criteria?, Isa Kevorkian
Department: Psychology


Sources of Stress in NCAA Division III Athletes: Racism and Mental Health Threats in Competition, Minkyung Kim
Department: Psychology


Finding My Way on Campus: The Effects of Religion and Spirituality on Undergraduate Mental Health, Sharif J. McGee
Department: Psychology


Effects of Hand Movement on Stress and Anxiety, Marek Mican
Department: Psychology


The Effect of Positive and Negative Experiences of Type 1 Diabetics in K-12 Education on Health-Related Quality of Life, Rachel Miley
Department: Psychology


Examining the Effects of Imposter Syndrome and Social Support on Mental Health Based on Students Generational Status, Stephany Vanesa Miranda
Department: Psychology


Nature Made Me, Nurture Ruined Me: Attitudes of Adolescent Delinquency During Adulthood, Giuliana Morales
Department: Psychology


“They’re a 10, but..”: Exploring the Effects of Romantic Relationships on Black Women, Kennedy Pope
Department: Psychology


The Necessary Inclusion of Historical Trauma in Trauma-Based Diagnoses and Subsequent Alternative Therapies Informed by Decolonial Philosophy: Indigeneity as a Philosophia Nata Ex Conatu, Alix Joseph Printup
Department: Philosophy; Psychology


Congestive Heart Failure and Depression: Are medical professionals biased towards CHF patients with depression?, Katie Schumacher
Department: Psychology


Beyond the Game: Examining Health Attitudes from a Collegiate Student-Athlete Perspective, Lucy Segal
Department: Psychology


Overlooked Adoptees: The Effects of COVID-19 Racism and Ethnic Identity on the Psychological Well-Being of Chinese Transracial Adoptees in the United States, Zoe E. Seymore
Department: Psychology


“The Mind Keeps the Score”: Attachment Style, Emotional Deregulation, Dissociation and Self-Efficacy as a Potential Etiological Cause of Revictimization, Maya Najiri Smith
Department: Psychology


Oral Contraceptives Improve Spatial Learning And Anxiety In A Rodent Model Despite Opposing Androgenicity, Morgan Stanley
Department: Psychology


Do Humans Express Empathy Towards One Another Through The Way They Divide Their Labor During Physical Group Tasks? Examining the Impact of Physical Strain and Labor Division on Situational Empathy and Group Cohesion, Jasper H. Stoddard
Department: Psychology


Saving Us from Ourselves: Testing Informational Inoculation as a Mechanism to Protect Against COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation, Otis N. Tucker
Department: Psychology


The Mediating Effect of Individualism and Collectivism on the Relationship between the Big Five Personality Traits and Depression and Anxiety, Monica S. Watkins
Department: Psychology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2022


Moral Responsibility And Gendered Implicit Bias In The Workplace, Maryam Abdul Hye
Department: Philosophy; Psychology


The Impact Of Emotional Support And Coping On The Psychological Well-Being Of Students Of Color At A Predominately White Liberal Arts College, Talia Anderson
Department: Psychology


The Influence Of Accent, Gender, And Ethnocentrism On Stereotype Content, Cammy Bly
Department: Psychology


Causal Beliefs, Stigma Of Mental Illness, And Help-Seeking Behavior In Vietnam: The Impact Of Media On Attitudes Toward Mental Illness, Ha Chu
Department: Psychology


Cutting Their Losses: Exploring The Effects Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Undergraduate Coping, Annabelle R. Cohen
Department: Psychology


Math Anxiety Can Harm Learning: Exploring The Relationship Between Instructor Behavior, Parental Opinions Of Math, And Math Anxiety, Taylor L. Commings
Department: Psychology


The Impact Of Relationships On Perception Of Symptoms And Stigma In Individuals With ADHD: A Moderation Analysis, Elizabeth Constance
Department: Psychology


The Effects Of Parental Messages, Weight Teasing, And Acculturation On The Development Of Disordered Eating And Body Image Shame In Latinx Individuals, Alma Yaredi Cruz
Department: Psychology


Gender? I Barely Even Know Her!: Examining The Intersections Of Gender Identity And Neurodiversity, Kai A. Davis
Department: Psychology; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


The Role Of Age And Past Parenting On Mothers, Yichun Deng
Department: Psychology


#Fitspiration Vs. #Bodyneutrality: Effects Of Social Media Communities On Body Appreciation And Food Choice, Megan Fisher
Department: Psychology


Are We Defined By Our Adversity? Examining The Relationship Between Childhood Trauma And Well-Being In Adulthood, Karabella Rose Hernandez
Department: Psychology


The Effect Of Psychoeducational Material On Treatment For Depression: A Study Analyzing Perceived Effectiveness, Adherence, And Acceptance Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy And Antidepressant Medication Treatment For Depression, Kevin C. Jones
Department: Psychology


Body Image Mediating The Relationship Between Personality Factors, Emotionality And Extraversion, And Psychological Well-Being In A Gender-Diverse And Queer Sample, Rachel Jones
Department: Psychology


Cross-Cultural Framing Effects On Television News Programs, Nikolai J. Kowalchuk
Department: Psychology


Parent Perceptions Of Child Pragmatic Development In The Remote Learning Environment: A Comparison Of Parent Gender, Time Spent With Children, And Pragmatic Development In The Remote Learning Environment, Alex Lackey
Department: Psychology


Does Locus Of Control Influence How Individuals Perceive Time?, Kaitlyn Lawrence
Department: Psychology


Exploring The Black Entrepreneur In America: The Relationship Between Black Business And Society, Khaylen M. Mahdi
Department: Business Economics; Communication Studies; Economics; Psychology; Sociology and Anthropology; Interdepartmental


Visual Looming Cues Increases The Auditory Looming Bias, Maggie K. McCracken
Department: Psychology


Gender Differences In Employee’S Perception Of Diversity Management Practices & Policies, Muhammad H. Naeem
Department: Psychology


Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivators Of Why Women Enter Stem, Marian Overfield
Department: Psychology


The Influence Of Familiarity With Faces On The Other-Race Classification Advantage, Sinae "Stacey" Park
Department: Psychology


Happiness: Can It Be Increased Through Positive Psychology Intervention And Is Personality A Factor?, William J. Percy
Department: Psychology


Bilingual and Multilingual Advantages on Working Memory Components, Ruisha Prasai
Department: Psychology


Evolution's Natural "Adderall", Garrett G. Ross and Michael B. Casey
Department: Psychology


Polarizing Plague: Politically Aligned Behaviors And Loss Framed Messages Overshadow Disposition When Predicting Covid-19 Health Behavior Intentions; Politics And Message Congruency For Covid-19 Health Behaviors, Basil Rutkowski
Department: Psychology


Antisocial Behavior In Multiplayer Online Video Games And Reciprocation Of Cyberbullying Behavior: Cyberbullying In Video Games, Ethan Brunetti Sayer
Department: Psychology


Ethnic Identity As It Relates To Personal Self-Concept, Nicholas J. Scherson
Department: Psychology


Decisions, Decisions, Decisions: Developmental Reversals In Judgement And Decision-Making, Yael "Ellie" Shafron
Department: Psychology


Religiosity And Friends Who Drink And The Impact On Undergraduate Emerging Adult Drinking Behaviors, Max Snowden
Department: Psychology


A Good Coach Can Change A Game, A Great Coach Can Change A Life: The Impact Of The Coach-Athlete Relationship On Student-Athlete Success, Grant C. Sorensen
Department: Psychology


Metacognitive Awareness As A Mediating Factor Of Athletic Participation And Academic Success, Grace E. von Scheliha
Department: Psychology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2021


“Thanks for the Memories, Even Though They Weren’t So Great”: The Relationship Between Chronic Stress and Working Memory in College Students, Carina G. Arnosti
Department: Psychology


Differences in Working Memory Between Bilinguals’ First and Second Languages, Ashley N. Boersma
Department: Psychology


The Effects of Athletes vs Non-Athletes on Communication, Anne Bowers
Department: Psychology


Religious and Spiritual Effects on Mental Health by Sexual Orientation, Shay Chapman
Department: Psychology


Likes, Lady Gaga, and Loneliness: The Beneficial Impacts of Active Social Media Usage and Para-Social Relationships on FOMO and Loneliness, Noah W. Crane
Department: Psychology


The Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Perceptions of Gender Non-Binary Individuals, Abby Rose Cunningham
Department: Psychology