
Past research has shown that people tend to prefer partners who are more similar than dissimilar to themselves, a phenomenon known as Birds of a Feather theory. While past studies have focused on relationship outcomes associated with partner similarity, the present study explored the degree to which similarity in personality and values are considered desirable for potential romantic partners. Participants (N = 200) answered an online survey determining their own personality traits and values as well as their personality and value preferences of an ideal romantic partner. It was hypothesized that honesty-humility, extraversion, and agreeableness, along with the value self-transcendence would be universally considered desirable traits. Additionally, it was hypothesized that preferences for similarity would emerge for traits honesty-humility, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience, as well as values self-transcendence. Furthermore, honesty-humility was expected to be positively correlated with self-transcendence and negatively correlated with self-enhancement. Finally, correlations between self-reports and preferences for personality and values were assessed through exploratory analysis. Partially consistent with the hypothesis, high levels of honesty-humility and extraversion and low levels of emotionality were considered desirable traits while high levels of self-transcendence and low levels of self-enhancement were considered desirable values. Furthermore, all traits and values emerged with similarity preferences, with traits honesty-humility and openness to experience and values self-transcendence and conservation being most prominent. Finally, self-transcendence and self-enhancement consistently emerged as correlated with honesty-humility while openness to change was correlated with openness to experience. Findings are discussed in the context of birds of a feather theory.


Karazsia, Bryan




Arts and Humanities | Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Keywords: birds of a feather, homophily, personality traits, values, romantic relationships

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



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