
Practices, institutions, structures, and tools within the modern dominant western episteme produce and perpetuate conditions of suffering and ill-health for oppressed/subjected racialized groups. One such practice is psychology. Chapter 1 of this project aims to show that the modern dominant western episteme continues to allow for present oppression and subordination of certain racialized groups of people such as the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island through the consequences of colonialism: necro-being through the appeal to “objective” knowledge and reasoning attached to Man2 and the techno-industrial order of things. Chapter 2 argues that not only does the modern dominant western episteme result in the conditions faced by Indigenous peoples today, but perpetuates these conditions and ill-health faced by them through its influence within psychology as a practice and its constituents: American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the DSM. This perpetuation is exemplified through the non-inclusion of historical trauma within trauma- and stressor- related disorders. Consequently, chapter 3 of this project aims to provide a critique of the DSM by exemplifying the revisions and reconceptualizations within the DSM required for the necessary inclusion of historical trauma, in addition to exploring alternatives to both the DSM and treatment interventions. Chapter 4 of this project aims to convince viewers that while necessary to include the historical trauma within the DSM, real change will include the radical change and abolishment of the modern dominant western episteme and its practices, structures, institutions, and tools.


McBride, Lee

Second Advisor

Karazsia, Bryan


Philosophy; Psychology


Arts and Humanities | Clinical Psychology | Epistemology | Other Philosophy | Philosophy | Psychology


Historical Trauma, Indigeneity, Philosophia nata ex conatu, Episteme

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2023 Alix Joseph Printup