The full text of Senior Independent Study Theses submitted during and after 2012 are available to download only by College of Wooster users. Unless listed as an exemplar, all other theses are restricted.


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2006


Influence of Bilingual Experience on the Developing Brain: Dichotic Listening Differences Between Bilinguals and Monolinguals, Jung Kim
Department: Psychology


Relationship Between Codependency, Paternal Parenting Style and Intimate Opposite-Sex Mate Choice Among College Women, Amanda Kravochuk
Department: Psychology


Can Infant Vocalizations be Used as Audio Analgesia? The Effect of Listening to Infant Laughing and Crying on Pain Perception and Coping, Ashley L. Maciulaitis
Department: Psychology


Change Deafness: Allocating Attention to Auditory Changes and the Effects on Earwitness Testimony, Ellie A. Papke
Department: Psychology


Too Cool For School? The Relationship between High School Students' Self-Monitoring and Gender Identity to Academic Achievement and their Perception of Valuable Qualities in Peers, Alissa M. Schmidt
Department: Psychology


Comparison of Bully Prevention Programs in Middle Schools to the Number of Students Involved in Bullying Situations at Each Middle School, Collette R. Smith
Department: Psychology


Effect of Art Therapy on Self-Esteem and Short Term Memory Performance in the Elderly, Jessica L. Ward
Department: Psychology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2005


Adult Attachment Style As a Predictor of Success and Exploration in First-Year College Students, Kathleen Fones-Wolf
Department: Psychology


Understanding Single-Sex Education: How Group Gender Composition Affects Predictions and Interpretations of Task Performance, Sarah M. Hamerstone
Department: Psychology


Friendship Structures: Motives in Forming and Managing Ideal and Actual Friendships, Tyler S. Heisterkemp
Department: Psychology


Perfectionism and Obsessive-Compulsive Tendencies: An Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effects on Athletes and Non-Athletes, Erin N. Herl
Department: Psychology


Goodbye Sympathy? Goodbye Humanity: How Sympathy and Compassion Can Solve the Animal Rights Debate, Shane Ryan Hess
Department: Psychology


Adolescent Identity and Romantic Relationships, Rebecca Hicks
Department: Psychology


"A Rabbi, a Priest and a Terrorist Walk Into a Bar...": How An Adverse Experience Affects Views in Political Correctness, Brandon Holman
Department: Psychology


"Manly Man" and "Girly Girl": a Likely Couple, or Just Coincidence? a Study of Psychological Androgyny, Sex Roles and Their Effects on Partner Selection and Relationship Satisfaction in College, Courtney M. Holmes
Department: Psychology


Pet Dogs As Moderators of Physiological Responses to Stress in Learning Disabled and Normally Functioning College Students, Martha E. Huiskamp
Department: Psychology


Lifetime of Happiness: the Development of Levels and Elicitors of Happiness, a Cross-Sectional Study, Abigail Johnson
Department: Psychology


Gender Differences in Pre-School Aggression: Intrinsic Gender Differences, the School Setting, and Parental Discipline Techniques, Meaghin Kennedy
Department: Psychology


Consumer Decision Making: An Interactive Account Between Information Load and Presentation Format, Hyun Joon Lee
Department: Psychology


Effects of Accutane on the Development of Depressive-Like Symptoms in Rats, Susan McDowell
Department: Psychology


Virtual Environments: Gender in Spatial Learning Ability in a Virtual Morris Water Maze, Nicholas Ryan Novak
Department: Psychology


Sex Differences Reflect Evolutionary Significance of Auditory Looming, Rianna L. Planisek
Department: Psychology


Effectiveness of Approach and Avoidance Coping Strategies on Performance in Golf Putting, Joseph P. Punturi
Department: Psychology


Can a Woman Deliver a Sports Report As Well As a Man? Differences in Male and Female Viewers' Perceptions of the Credibility of Sports Reporters, Benjamin A. Schafir
Department: Psychology


"Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Do I See That Treat at All? Well...Maybe?": An Examination of the Concept of Theory of Mind and Dominance Competition in Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus Apella) Through Their Ability to Use a Mirror to Locate Hidden Food Rewards, Courtney M. Segovis
Department: Psychology


"He Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea," But Can Spongebob Be Influencing Children's Body Image Development?: a Cross-Sectional Analysis of "Spongebob, Squarepants" and Other Popular Television Programming on a Child's Development of Body Build Stereotypes, Bethany B. Skelton
Department: Psychology


Effect of Live Versus Videotaped Testimony on Juror Perceptions of Recall, Confidence, and Nonverbal Cues of An Adult Female Eyewitness, Meghan Grant Slipka
Department: Psychology


Use of Nicotine For Treatment of Schizophrenic Behavior: An Examination of Calcineurim Knockout Mice, Lakshman Swamy
Department: Psychology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2004


Effects of Homelessness on the Development of Peer Relationships in Children, Michael M. Nienaber
Department: Psychology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2001


Reflectiveness, Creativity, and Spirituality: Can Reflectiveness and Imagination Revitalize Spirituality and Religious Belief?, Stephen B. Baughman
Department: Religious Studies; Psychology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 1994


The Spirituality and Death Anxiety of Hospice Volunteers and Trainees: a Qualitative Research Study, Laura B. Abernethy
Department: Psychology; Religious Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 1990


The Characteristics of Human Learned Helplesness, Heidi A. Huneke
Department: Psychology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 1988


Reading Comprehension and Preferences of Seventh Grade Students: An Analysis of the Fry Readability Formula and Children's Literature, Rebecca L. DeNelsky
Department: English; Psychology

Senior Independent Study Theses from 1981


The Effect of Traditional vs. Non-Traditional Family Styles on Sex-Role Preference and Parental Imitation in Preschool Children, Barbara Schutte
Department: Psychology


A Study of the Influence of Women's Age on the Employment Decision, Elizabeth Ann Van Cleef
Department: Psychology