The full text of Senior Independent Study Theses submitted during and after 2012 are available to download only by College of Wooster users. Unless listed as an exemplar, all other theses are restricted.


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2024


The Impact of Lobbying by the Military Industrial Complex on the Voting Behavior of Maryland Democrats, Nathaniel Buckley
Department: Political Science


Our Quest for a New World Order: The Effects of Collective Narcissism and Conspiratorial Belief on Sharing Conspiratorial Headlines, Carrie Buckwalter
Department: Political Science; Psychology


Maximizing Engagement: The Impact of Combined Framing Strategies on Men and Women’s Response to Climate Change, Christian Yvetot-Antoine Condé
Department: Political Science


Election Candidates on Social Media: Does Having a Strong Social Media Presence Affect a Candidate’s Electability, Benjamin Cornelius
Department: Political Science


Diversifying the Pocketbook: The Rise of Criminal Funding in International Terrorism, Noa Davny
Department: Political Science


Advocacy or Authorship: A Sustained Organizational Influence Analysis of the American Legislative Exchange Council's Voter ID Act, 2011-14, Hannah D. Eastman
Department: History; Political Science


Monetary Policy in the Political Arena: Quantifying the Impact of Party Control on Federal Fund Rates around the Humphrey-Hawkins Report, Zachary Galdo
Department: Political Science


The Security Dilemma Between the United States and China and its Implications for United States Regulations of TikTok and Semiconductors, Rahel Gelaw
Department: Political Science


Digital Politics: Assessing the Influence of Election Officials’ Social Media Usage on Youth Voter Turnout, Delaney Gross
Department: Political Science


Perceptions and Prejudice: Investigating the Link Between Anti-Muslim Sentiment and Support for Torture Among White Americans, Pat Hrabak
Department: Political Science


Red, Blue or Purple: An Analysis of Government Configuration and Party Control and Its Impacts on Poverty, Crime, and High School Graduation Rates, Benjamin N. Huntington
Department: Political Science


The Authoritarian Backslide: Democratization and Repression in Transitional Regimes, Elise Jones
Department: Global and International Studies; Political Science


Vaccines, Transplants, and Ethical Dilemmas: Navigating COVID-19 Vaccination Statuses and Organ Transplant Allocation, Naomi Mann
Department: Political Science


Rhyme and Reason: Examining the Causes of Variance Within the Absolute DW Nominate Scores of U.S. House Members, Ian C. A. Marshall
Department: Political Science


Party Lines and Policy Designs: The Influence of Presidential Administrations on Texas State Legislation, Lilly McLendon
Department: Political Science


Voter Restrictions, Political Efficacy, and Latinx Turnout: Do You Belong?, Madison Delaney Mycoff
Department: Political Science


The Positive Economic Impact of Women’s Education in Countries with a Colonized Past, Jemima Sambu Ndandu Kaleta
Department: Political Science


Supreme Stereotyping: The Effects of Gender and Race on the Editorial Media's Coverage of Nominees to the United States Supreme Court, Austin Piatt
Department: Political Science


Coups d’État and Foreign Policy Change: A Multiple Streams Approach, Thomas Pitney
Department: Political Science; French and Francophone Studies


Equality, Representation, & Legitimacy: A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of Healthcare, Education, and Civil Rights Legislation in the Ohio Revised Code, Emma Place
Department: Political Science


Crossing the Rubicon: Brazilian Water Access from Public Provision to Privatization, Tyler Rak
Department: History; Political Science


Is Voting From Your Dorm the New Norm: Understanding College Students' Preferred Vote Method, Alana Rivas-Scott
Department: Political Science


The Final Frontier of Diplomacy: Analyzing the Intersection of Space Policy and Private Corporations, Holly Shaum
Department: Political Science


Taiwan: Public Diplomacy and Foreign Perception, Elijah W. Shoaf
Department: Global and International Studies; Political Science


Regulating the Digital Frontier: A Comparative Analysis of Bitcoin Regulatory Policy in El Salvador and the Central African Republic, Earl Steve Stephens III
Department: Political Science


A Surge of Personality or A Bureaucratic Struggle? How Presidential Personality Affected the Influence of Bureaucratic Politics in Troop Surge Decisions, Jacob Ullom
Department: Political Science


Hero, Villain, Victim Policy Narratives on Automatic Voter Registration: Which Narrative is the Most Persuasive?, John Varley
Department: Political Science


How Gender Framing Affects the Success of Women’s Rights Movements, Ella E. Weber
Department: Political Science

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2023


La Violencia en Las Sombras: Epistemic Violence in The United States Immigration System and Its Implications, Hannah Rosemary Baker
Department: Political Science; Spanish


Exploring Small State Foreign Policy Through Shelter: A Case Study on Mongolian Foreign Policy, Bilegsanaa Battulga
Department: Political Science


Legalization v. Decriminalization: An Analysis on the Impacts of Marijuana Policy Reform on State’s Crime Rates, Owen Belfiore
Department: Political Science


Understanding Integrative Rhetorical Complexity’s Effect on Public Opinion of Ballot Initiatives in Conjunction with a Contingent Valuation of a Ballot Initiative to Improve Water Quality Trading Systems., Tanner C. Burt
Department: Economics; Political Science


Women’s Place in the House (of Representatives): A study of Gender or Ideology on Congressional Voting Behavior, Morgan Carson
Department: Political Science


A Grasp for Global Dominance? Analyzing Russian Leaderships' Impact on Russia's National Role Conception, Colin Edward Czubaruk
Department: Political Science


How Does a City’s Migrant Identities Affect Urban Governments’ Implementation of Affordable Housing Policies?, Ethan Dasilva
Department: Political Science


Power Corrupts But Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely: What Effects Do Political Crisis Have on Political Stability of Emerging Democracies, Ayse Ergon
Department: Political Science


How National Role Conceptions Affect Japanese Foreign Policy in the Taiwan Strait, Jonah Brick Freedman
Department: Political Science


Polarized Insurrection? An Ethical and Empirical Analysis of the January 6th Insurrection and Surrounding Media Coverage, Noah D. Golovan
Department: Philosophy; Political Science


Measuring The Impact of TRC: The Involvement With Cities’ Use of Housing Policies and Hate Crimes, Elizabeth Hall
Department: Political Science


Measuring the Impact of TRC: The Involvement with Cities' Use of Housing Policies and Hate Crimes, Elizabeth A. Hall
Department: Political Science


Fatal Extraction: A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Conflicts in Ecuador during the Presidency of Rafael Correa, Joey Harris
Department: Political Science


Think Globally, Act Locally, Panic Internally: Climate Anxiety's Impact on Political Participation, Emily Brooke Hasecke
Department: Political Science; Psychology


The Impact of Nuclear Weapons Security Measures on Brinkmanship Conflict Outcomes: A Comparative Case Study of the Pakistan-India Border Conflict and U.S.-Russian Tensions Over the War in Ukraine, Cory Edward Horgan
Department: Political Science


Knowing When To Do Wrong: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Threat to a Leader and Violations of Physical Integrity Rights, Haley A. Huett
Department: Political Science


The Political Games of Foreign Direct Investment: Investigating the Influence of Regime Type on Host Country FDI Inflows During the Olympic Games, Clare C. Leithauser
Department: Political Science


Is it Femicide, Travesticidio, or Just a Hate Crime? An Analysis of the Creation and Legal Impact of New Terminology to Refer to Gendered Violence, Noah Leonard
Department: Political Science; Spanish


Weighing Unity and Victory: Exploring Political Parties’ Role in the Election of Extreme Candidates, Graham Letkeman
Department: Political Science


The [Hidden] Costs of War: Rape Culture Awareness and The Effects of Transitional Justice on Victims of Conflict Related Sexual Violence, Morgan Ann Malone
Department: Political Science


The Truth Hurts: A Thematic Reading of the Argentinian and Guatemalan Truth Commissions in the Re-Humanization of Victims, Emily Mendoza
Department: Political Science


Foreign Trade Policy as Contextualized Political Leadership: Analyzing Vietnam's Negotiation and Implementation of the CPTPP and EVFTA, Trong Tung Lam Nguyen
Department: Political Science


Exploiting Emergencies: Government Corruption and Repression in Post-Disaster Societies, Lark Pinney
Department: Political Science


Frustration Nation: Why Leaders Choose Foreign-Imposed Regime Change to Forcibly Overthrow Governments & The Role of Emotions in Foreign Policy Behavior, Gordon Reeves
Department: Political Science


The Arms Trade Treaty Theoretical Failure or Success?, Izaak T. Rennebeck-Oliveira
Department: Political Science


The Emphasis of Gendered Stereotypes by Candidates in Electoral Campaigns, Abigail Grace Rubadue
Department: Political Science


If You Want to Go Fast, Go Alone; If You Want to Go Far, Go Together: Exploring the Institutional Effectiveness of African Regional Organizations From a Peacekeeping Perspective, Stacey Sam
Department: Political Science


The Partisan Implications of a Nonpartisan Redistricting Commission: Examining the 2022 Midterm Elections in Michigan, Carter M. Schmidt
Department: Political Science


The Online World of Politics: Analyzing the Impact of the Public During #MeToo on Public Policy Using Machine Learning, Robert Doak Schultz
Department: Political Science


From Learning to Leadership: The Influence of Educational Attainment on the Retrospective Job Performance of Modern American Presidents, Andrew Seifert
Department: Political Science


Putin's "Corrective Project": An Examination of State Repression Against Russian Nongovernmental Organizations, Ethan Sieber
Department: Political Science; Russian Studies


Third World: Bolivia, The United States, Democracy, and the Art of Putting it on Stage, Victoria I. Silva
Department: Political Science; Theatre and Dance


A Critical Theory of the Internet, Savannah Sima
Department: Philosophy; Political Science


No Justice No Peace: A Conception of Justice, Nkosi Stewart
Department: Political Science


Obliteration and Negotiation: Assessing Whether Counter-War Strategy and Negotiations Can Reduce Terror Committed by Violent Non-State Actors, Neil W. Storey
Department: Political Science


Obliteration and Negotiation: Assessing Whether Counter-War Strategy and Negotiations Can Reduce Terror Committed by Violent Non-State Actors, Neil Walker Storey
Department: Political Science


Hope and Mourning in an Age of Immanent Extinction: Grief as a Framework for Revolutionary Ethics, Artemis Swanson
Department: Philosophy; Political Science


Impacts of Regime Type and Economic Development Levels on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Nations, Brennen Testa
Department: Political Science


A Farmer Works So the World Can Eat: An Analysis of the Impact of United Nations Food (In)security And Climate Change Collaboration on Linkages in United Nations Outcomes, Maley Tinstman
Department: Political Science


Lyricism and the Politics of Belonging: Music and Nationalisms for Israel and Palestine, Linat R. Westreich
Department: Political Science


The Lost Electorate: A Content Analysis of 2022 Democratic Senatorial Candidates' Video Commercials and Their Appeals to the White Working-Class, Kay Elizabeth Wetmore
Department: Communication Studies; Political Science

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2022


Desperate Democrats In The Reagan Revolution: A Party Determined To Win The White House, Matthew Maxwell Akins
Department: History; Political Science


Healthy Democracy, Healthy Citizens: Examining How The Quality Of Democracy Impacted The Public Health Responses In South Africa’s Hiv/Aids Epidemic, Shankar A. Bhat
Department: Political Science


Pretty In Panopticism: How The Inescapability Of The Internalized Male Gaze Exemplifies Michel Foucault's Theory Of The Panopticon, Rachel Catus
Department: Political Science


Critical Theory As Critical Philosophy Of Self: Agency, Authority, And Emancipation Through Dialectical Imagination, Ryan Curnow
Department: Political Science; Philosophy


“We Have Rung The Alarm Bell Loud And Clear”: Exploring The Effects Of The Securitization Of Global Public Health Crises By International Organizations On State Response, Lilia Eisenstein
Department: Political Science


An Analysis Of Igo Accountability And Its Effects On Development, Adegbola Fayemi
Department: Political Science


Distributive Justice And Economic Inequality In The United States, Masani C. Francis
Department: Political Science; Philosophy


Misconceptions In Parallel: Belligerent Perceptions Of Mediator Bias In The Chinese Civil War, Spencer Gaitsch
Department: History; Political Science


A Break From 538: A Study On The Expansion Of The House Of Representatives In Electoral College Reform And Its Relationship To The Popular Vote, Philip Gray
Department: Political Science


Setting The Stage For Representation: Women Candidates And Moderators' Impact On The Prevalence Of Women's Issues In Presidential Primary Debates, Hannah Groetsch
Department: Political Science


Left Behind: A Historical And Contemporary Analysis Of Tribal And Federal Relations In The Wake Of Public Health Crises, Eric Matthew Jacques
Department: Political Science


The Conundrum Of Climate Change: Examining The Reactions Of Mainstream International Relations Theories, Curtis Kinnaman
Department: Political Science


The Madness Behind The Man: An Exploration Of Underlying Political Principles Within The Discourse Of Leaders That Influence Policy Decision, Sarem D. Kornma
Department: Political Science


From The Parks To The Polls: National Parks, Place Attachment, And Environmental Voting Behavior, Rebecca LaRue
Department: Political Science


Fossil Fuels, Feminists, And Fakers: An Empirical Analysis Of Postcolonial Feminism And Climate Change Mitigation Efforts, Molly E. Leach
Department: Political Science


Ethnic Nationalism In Postcolonial Disputes: The Epistemic Re-Evaluation Of Interest-Driven Knowledge Claims, HahYeon Lee
Department: Philosophy; Political Science


Apologies Matter: An Analysis Of Post-Conflict Trust In Sierra Leone, Nina Lupariello
Department: Political Science


“Why Not A Woman?”: A Study Of How The Media Portrays Women Vice Presidential Candidates, Abby McFarren
Department: Political Science


What Girls Do: Girls' Political Participation Reflected In Contemporary Young Adult Literature, Carly McWilliams
Department: English; Political Science


C.O.V.I.D (Countries Obtain Virus In Distress): A Comparative Case Study On Government Responses To Covid-19 And How To Prepare For The Next Pandemic, Vincent John Noonan
Department: Political Science


The Influence Of Protest On Pipeline Construction And Regulation In The Federal System, Jacob Price
Department: Political Science


Framing Speech: A Pragmatic Solution To The Climate Of Intolerance In American Institutions Of Higher Education, Bobby Ramkissoon
Department: Political Science


Autonomy Or Cooperativity: Does American Exceptionalism Affect Public Health Compliance In The Age Of Covid-19?, Tyler Schroeder
Department: Political Science


Under New Management: Analyzing The Merits Of Privatization Of Water Utility Services In India, Wyatt Reno Shafer
Department: Political Science


Add Women And Stir: The Effect Of Female Mentorship On Women's Law School Experiences, Riley E. Smith
Department: Political Science


The Effectiveness Of Mail-In Voting: An Examination Of The 2020 United States Presidential Election, Zachary C. Somers
Department: Political Science


Social Media And Politics: Can Women Candidates Prove Their Competence Through Issue Appeals?, Jordan Dune Spatt
Department: Political Science


Prioritizing Socioeconomic Justice in Truth Commissions As Part of Transitional Justice Work: Socioeconomic Justice in Transitional Justice Work, Sinqobile Nyasha Tagwireyi Miss
Department: Political Science


Droning On And On: Framing And Power In International Reactions To Targeted Killings, Georgina Nillissen Tierney
Department: Political Science


The Impact Of The Securitization Of Children And Armed Conflict In The United Nations Security Council On The United Nations System, Emily L. Todd
Department: Political Science


Of Power, Plurality, And Prejudice: Political Realignment In The United States, 1932-2020, Thomas Henry Tuten
Department: History; Political Science