
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2015


Foxes and Hounds, Sam Patch
Department: English


An Exploration of Self: Continued, Aniecia L. Patridge
Department: Art and Art History


Lactational Exposure to Duloxetine: The Effects on Depression and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Expression in the Hippocampus of the Rodent Model, Skye Patterson
Department: Biology; Neuroscience


The Gratifications of Playing League of Legends: Exploring the Motivations of Entertainment, Achievement, and Social Interaction, Daniel E. Peppers
Department: Communication Studies


Rawls L.E.A.D.S. the Way: Justice in the City from a Philosophical Perspective, Thomas Pera
Department: Urban Studies; Philosophy


Investigating Intrigue: Past and Imagined, Lauren D. Perrino
Department: Art and Art History


How to Run a Successful and Ethical Intervention into Genocide, Benjamin M. Peters
Department: International Relations; Philosophy


Does Performance-based Executive Compensation Matter More for the U.S.-based Multinational Corporations or the U.S. Domestic Corporations?, Phu Phyo
Department: Business Economics


Medicine, Endangered: Conservation and Health Care in Conflict, Comparative Case Studies in Tanzania, Dominic Piacentini
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Blicero, Pointsman, and the Domination of Differance: Deconstruction of Villainy in Gravity's Rainbow, Jacob Gideon Pine
Department: English


Narrative Agency in Native America: Overcoming the Myth of "Native American Fiction", Audrey G. Platt
Department: English


The Political Business Cycle and Trade Policy Formation: How Do Electoral Incentives Impact Trade Policy?, Lincoln Plews
Department: International Relations


Temperature as a Stressor in Zebra Finch Nestlings and its Effects on the Post-Fledging Stress Response, Ari M. Pompas
Department: Biology


"The Rules are the Rules:" An Examination of Interactions between Government Caseworkers and Welfare Recipients, Molly Porter
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Relativistic Perturbations and Ontological Implications: Exploring the Zitterbewegung and Laying the Groundwork for a Quantum Ontology, Saul B. Propp
Department: Philosophy; Physics


The Effects of Circadian Rhythm Disruption On Social Behavior, Anxiety, and Plasma Corticosterone Levels in Mice Using Exercise As An intervention, Shannan Pullara
Department: Biology


Female Mate Choice in The Tobagonian Glass Frog Hyalinobatrachium Ortientale Tobagense, David P. Raines
Department: Biology


Was the Great War Just?: A Re-examination of Just War Theory in Light of Events During 1900-1920, Oliver S. Raker
Department: History; Philosophy


Origins of Oregon: A Cultural Geography of Two Oregonian Cities, Claire McNaught Ramey
Department: Geology; History


Archimedes Drill Propulsion, Jairaj Ranchod
Department: Physics


Are Speech And Singing Equivalent?: The Performance Of Childhood Apraxia Of Speech, Articulation Disorders, And Typical Development On Speech And Musical Tasks, Allison Rapundalo
Department: Communication Studies


How Police Policy Reform Can Reduce Police Violence: An Examination of the Use of Force Policies at the Wooster Police Department, Zachary Rashid
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Hopelessness and anxiety are suggested to decrease in depression induced by tryptophan depletion when combined with voluntary exercise in a rat model, Hannah Redding
Department: Neuroscience


Health Care for Everyone: Presidential Influence on the History of Medicare, Daniel Reese
Department: History


Ski Masks and Assault Rifles: A Brief History and Examination of the Violent Politics of the Irish Republican Army in the 1960s and early-1970s., Benjamin W. Robertson
Department: History


Imagining Spaces: Representations of Gender and Social Space in Modern to Contemporary Fiction, Colleen Robinson
Department: English


TOMSfoolery: A Neocolonial Deconstruction of the One For One Ideology of Giving, Ainslee Robson
Department: Philosophy; French and Francophone Studies


"I'm neither man nor beast, I'm something new entirely": The Evolution of the Contemporary Hero and the Justification of Violence in the Sons of Anarchy and Dexter Television Series, Bianca A. Rocco
Department: English


Say “I Don’t” to The Wedding Media: An Analysis of The Role of The Media On The American Bride’s Perception and Construction of The “Perfect Wedding”, Marina Rosales
Department: Communication Studies


Neophobic behavior but not aggression differs between urban and rural chickadee flocks (Poecile atricapillus and Poecile carolinensis), Elizabeth Ross
Department: Biology


Solo Voice Recital: Baroque to Contemporary, Sarah Roth
Department: Music


The Healthy Sounds of Music: Vocal Health in College Student Singers, Sarah Roth
Department: Communication Studies


A Modern Approach: Teaching Rape in Roman New Comedy, Samantha A. Rowe
Department: Classical Studies


The Economic Effects of Transnational Terrorism: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation into the Impact Which Terrorism Has Upon Economic Growth, Max Rubin
Department: Economics


Cervantes y Velázquez: Dos artistas revolucionarios y cómo exploraron los mismos conceptos en sus técnicas diferentes, Cathryn A. Rudawsky
Department: Spanish


The Domestication and Migration of Zea mays L. in Association with Holocene Climatic Variance, Kelsey L. Salmon Schreck
Department: Archaeology


The Temptations of Faith, Ellen Sandin
Department: Religious Studies


"A dark nail zips a ready reason": An Examination of Monolingual and Multilingual Listeners' Perceptions of a Spanish-Accented English Speaker's Speech in Semantically Meaningful and Semantically Meaningless Sentences, Julia Satoh
Department: Communication Studies


The Identity of Lilith: How Writers Shape and Use the Identity of Spirits in Modern America, William S. Schell
Department: Religious Studies


XH-π bonding in systems of indole and benzene using IBBCEAS and a bioinformatics analysis of protein secondary structure using graph theory, Meredith Schervish
Department: Chemistry; Mathematics


The Quantitative Determination of Antidepressants and their Primary Degradation Products in Pre and Post “Quasar” treatment and in Lagoon Sludge Destined for Land Application, Kristina M. Schiavone
Department: Chemistry


On Being: An Exploration of Wholeness Through Literature, Bridget Schmidt
Department: Religious Studies


“Water” You Waiting For?: A Narrative Analysis of How Charity:Water,, and Generosity Water Create Organizational Identities on Their Websites, Lauren C. Schoenewald
Department: Communication Studies


Let's talk about it! An Analysis of the Collaboration among Speech-Language Pathologists and Second through Fourth Grade Teachers who Serve Students with Language Impairments, Carly M. Schoenstein
Department: Communication Studies


Hearing the Needs of the Developing World: A Study of the Clinical Practices Used by Audiologists when Fitting Hearing Aids in Developing Countries, Hayley Schultz
Department: Communication Studies


A Summary and Reflection of the Percussion Repertoire for my Senior Recital, Christopher Scimecca
Department: Music


Thrills and Chills: Studying the Emotional and Physiological Responses of Listening to Pleasant and Unpleasant Music, Christopher Scimecca
Department: Psychology


The Modern Hydra: Assessing Counterinsurgency Success and Failure, Kimberly E. Seidell
Department: International Relations


On the Relationship Between Product Diversification and Firm Performance, Jay T. Selby
Department: Business Economics


Ought-Thenticity: A Restructuring of Understanding Why One Should Strive Towards Being An Authentic Human Being, Adam P. Seligson
Department: Philosophy


Interaction of nutritional content and temperature on larval growth rate in Pieras rapae, Rachel Sell
Department: Biology


The Cultural Effects of Federally Mandated, Off-Reservation Boarding Schools on North American Indian Women, Molly Sennett
Department: History


Cold War Hopes and Fears: Science Fiction Film in the Fifties, Meg Sharber
Department: History


"If You Want to Test a Man's Character Give Him Power" Abraham Lincoln's Character and Use of Strategic Action: An Analysis of Presidential Decision-Making, Hannah Sharfman
Department: Political Science


The Effect of Written Message Appeals in Advertisements on Attitudes toward a Weight-Loss Supplement and the Product Advertisement, Caitlin E. Shea
Department: Communication Studies


Mountains Stacked Against Them: An Investigation Into the Effectiveness of a Short-term Emergent Literacy Intervention for Children Attending Head Start in Rural West Virginia, Kendra Shehy
Department: Communication Studies


Cloning, Purification, and Analysis of an Aromatic Monooxygenase Protein Involved in the Production of Strain-Specific Phenazine Metabolites, Edmund W. Shi
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


A Fool's Comedic Cavalcade of Heads, Young Jae Oliver Shin
Department: Art and Art History


Laughter in Context: Theoretical Discussions of Humor and Stand-up Comedy, Peter S. Shirey
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Anglo-Saxon and Viking Ship Burials as Indicators of Status and Power, Meagan Shirley
Department: Archaeology; Art and Art History


Adam, Eve, & Lucy: An Ethnographic Study of How Two Museums Display Human Origins, Karina E. Shvets
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


African American English: Perspectives of Parents and Teachers, Shauntell Q. Simmons
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Preliminary Investigation of Arginine Kinase in Caenorhabditis elegans, Dempsey J. Simonis
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Music and Identity in Korean American Communities: The Effect of Racial and Ethnic Identity on Korean Americans’ Music Taste, Lara Sinangil
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Set Theory: Building Numbers From Nothing, Philip H. Sizek
Department: Mathematics


I Don't Play Chess: A Study of Chess Piece Generating Polynomials, Stephen R. Skoch
Department: Mathematics


Blood Status, "Wizard-Washing," and Heirarchy: A Study of Racism and Racial Relations Between the Wizard and "The Other" in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series, Ellen M. Skonce
Department: English


Topological Defects in Nematic Liquid Crystals and the Behavior Induced by Adding Polystyrene Microspheres to 5CB, Joseph R. Smith
Department: Mathematics; Physics


"I Wouldn't Wish That on My Worst Enemy" An Analysis of The Effects of Gendered Expectations on Women in Poverty Through Social Service Access, Molly Snell-Larch
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Can Pure Music Be Meaningful?, Nicholas P. Solem
Department: Philosophy


You've Been Greenwashed: A Study of Consumer Perceptions of Environmental Advertisements, Elizabeth M. Somsel
Department: Communication Studies


The Cool Kids at School: A Comparative Analysis of Native Education Policies and the Rise of the African Elite in Colonial Senegal and Kenya, Stephanie C. Sparrow
Department: International Relations; History


Solitons and their Symmetries: A Mathematical Analysis, Amanda Lynn Steinhebel
Department: Mathematics; Physics


The 1968 Mexico City Summer Olympic Games: Altitudes Effects on the Performance Capability of Track and Field Athletes and Future Training Methods of Distance Running, Karl R. Stemen
Department: History


History in the Hand Through Functional Ceramics, Katherine E. Stephens
Department: Art and Art History


Analyzing Christianity's Eco-Conscience: A Study of God and the Environment, Emily H. Stevens
Department: Religious Studies


Sexually Incompatible: Female Solders and Social Change of the American Civil War, Emily Stoner
Department: History


The Big Bomb Theory: Using Neoclassical Realism to Understand the Obama Administration's Nuclear Strategy, Shelby Stone
Department: International Relations


Capturing Identity: A cross-generational photo project on Mapuche self-identification, Heidi Strike
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


'You Are Who We Say You Are': The Politics of Ethnicity in Post-Genocidal Rwanda and Bosnia-Herzegovina, Stephanie A. Sugars
Department: International Relations; Sociology and Anthropology


Synthesis and Characterization of Potential Antitumor Transition Metals, Donald J. Sullivan Jr
Department: Chemistry


“The Gang of Virtue”: Colonial South Africa, Congo and Kenya in British Imperial Literature and Media, 1870-1970, William Swank
Department: English; History


Bridging the Gap: A Study of the Effects of After-School Programming On the Social Inequalities in the System of Education, Elizabeth Sweeney
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Education


Violence without Verdicts: A Comparative Analysis of Social Movements and Race Relations in the United States and South Africa, Madison Swoy
Department: Political Science


A Screen for S. cerevisiae Mutants Hypersensitive to the P. sojae effector PsAvh172, Matthew J. Sydor
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Root Cause, Shannon M. Thanasiu
Department: English


Is Belief in Progress Delusional?: An Investigation of the Notion of Human Progress, James M. Thomas
Department: Philosophy


Who's Your Daddy? It Might Be Your Mom: Tracking Pollen Movement in a Population of the Coral Bean (Erythrina flabelliformis) in Southeastern Arizona, Carolyn Thornton
Department: Biology


“We don’t need her anymore”: An Ethnographic Analysis of the Relationship Between International Aid and Non-Government Organizations with Child Vulnerability in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Taylor S. Thorp
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Melville in the Anthropocene: The Ecological Ethics of Moby-Dick, Jesse H. Tiffen
Department: English; Environmental Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


"I feel like we're the Indians in the corner": Addressing Native Cultural Identity Formation in Education, Eleanor K. Tompkins
Department: Sociology and Anthropology


Constituents on the Cutting Room Floor: An analysis of the relationship between redistricting processes and malaportionment in the United States House of Representatives, Luke F. Tonat
Department: Political Science


The Value-Added Tax as an Optimal Solution: The Effect of VAT Use and Structure on the Distribution of Social Welfare, Eric G. Tonian
Department: Economics


Sacred and Mortuary Landscapes in Iron Age Cyprus: A GIS Analysis, James P. Torpy
Department: Archaeology


Stopping Segregation: Using a Mathematical Model to Racially Balance Schools in the 1970s, Paula Trautvetter
Department: Mathematics


Exploring the Neuroprotective Effects of EGCG and Green Tea on the Vestibular System, Caitlyn F. Trullinger-Dwyer
Department: Biology; Neuroscience


Effects of a growing substrate on secondarily tiered cornulitids of the Waldron Shale: Middle Silurian (Wenlockian) of Indiana, Christian P. Tulungen
Department: Geology


A Study of College Students' Family Background and Perceptions of Family Television, Emily Turnbull
Department: Communication Studies


On the Effects of Guru Avatars as Forces Encouraging Social Welfare Activism, Will Turner
Department: Religious Studies


Our Crimea or Our Can of Worms? (Крым Наш или Нам Крыш?): A Russian media portrayal of the 2014 Crimean crisis, Katherine B. Tuttle
Department: Russian Studies