"Perceptions of Mental Illness in Ghanaian Metropolitan Areas and the E" by Akosua Thompson


Using in depth interviews and oral surveys with a total of 92 participants, this study examines the perceptions of mental illness as well as how they can be affected by public education and open discussion in Ghanaian metropolitan areas. The study proposes that there are negative perceptions surrounding mental illness and that public education and open discussion can aid in changing the status quo. The study uses symbolic interactionism as well as stigma and labelling theories to analyze the roles that Ghanaians play in influencing stigma and labels through and from social interactions. The results of the study support the hypothesis and indicates how mental illness is defined, viewed, stigmatized and labelled, and how it affects treatment-seeking behavior. Recommendations for future researchers and the Ghanaian society are discussed in the concluding chapter.


Seiko, Matsuzawa


Sociology and Anthropology


Medicine and Health Sciences | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Mental illness, Perceptions

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2017 Akosua Thompson