Africana Studies | Archaeology | Art History and Studio Art | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Biology | Business Economics | Chemical Physics | Chemistry | Chinese | Classical Studies | Communication Studies | Communication Sciences & Disorders | Comparative Literature | Computer Science | East Asian Studies | Economics | Education | English | Environmental Studies | Film Studies | French and Francophone Studies | Geology | German Studies | Global and International Studies | Global Media & Digital Studies | History | International Relations | Mathematics | Music | Neuroscience | Philosophy | Physics | Political Science | Psychology | Religious Studies | Russian Studies | Sociology and Anthropology | Spanish | Statistical & Data Sciences | Theatre and Dance | Urban Studies | Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1982
Water Content and Elemental Analysis of Cataractous and Normal Lenses By Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry, Lois Calian
Department: Chemistry
The Battle Over the National Interest Lands in Alaska, Kathryn C. Carrier
Department: History
An Evaluation of Neighborhood Decline and Revitalization in Urban Areas, Kirk A. Charles
The Message of Salvation in the Bhagavad-Gita and the Gospel of John: A Comparative Approach, Cathy Clasper
The Questioning Process: a Phenomenological Inquiry, R. Douglas Clewett
Survey of the Collected Poems and Short Stories of John Updike, David R. Coen
Department: English
Decision Making: An Evaluation of Paul Lehmann's Christian Ethics, Susan Copeland
"Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord:" Music in Worship, Lynette Cripe
Factors Influencing the Value Structure of College Students in Regard to Premarital Sexual Permissiveness, Nanci Dallas
The Tasks of Discipleship: Knowing and Believing in the Teachings of Jesus, Jeffrey W. Dandoy
Sing a Song of NYC: A Cycle of Songs and Poems, Mark R. David
Department: English
Nuclear War and the Balance of Terror, Addison Davis
Department: History
Eva Peron: ¿Feminismo político?, Laura Davis
What is the Women's Movement? An Analysis of the Relationships between Perceptions of the Movement and Personal History, Jane K. Donnell
"The Children of the Bride Chamber" and Other Stories, Laurel Dowd
Department: English
Dasein Heibt Eine Rolle Spielen: Die Funktion und Entwicklung der Frauenfiguren in den Romanen Jurek Beckers, Joshua L. Edwards
Department: German Studies
The Relationship of Moral and Faith Development in Adults, Ned W. Edwards Jr.
Meet the Austins to a Ring of Endless Light: Madeleine L'Engle's Circle of Love, Laura A. Elder
Department: English
Christian Science: A Study of Three Critics, Ann C. England
Egypt Between 1967 and 1973: Its Domestic and Foreign Policies and Relationship With the Superpowers, William R. Evans
Department: History
Man's Responsiveness to the Call of God, Don Q. Fink Jr.
Four Studies of the Use of the English Language in Literature and in the Media, Cynthia L. Force
Department: English
Analysis of the Regionalization of the 1975-1976 Lebanese Civil War, Grace T. Garboushian
Department: International Relations
Implied Homosexual in the Works of D.H. Lawrence, Kevin Boyd Grubb
Department: English
Belize: Island Adrift on a Continent - Political Developments in Central America, Gwenn A. Habernickel
Department: International Relations
Moral Development and Christian Education: An Application of Lawrence Kohlberg, Douglas A. Hall
Religious Cults: Origins, Definitions, and Methods of Recruitment and Conversion, Robin A. Hanser
Mythic Consciousness and Modern Technology, Mitchell Harper
Sapphire - a Self Portrait, June Avis Hayles
Department: English
The Thomas Problem: The Sources of the Coptic Gospel of Thomas- A Comparative Study of the Gospel of Thomas and the Synoptic Gospels, Jay G. Heiser
The Sandinistas; United States Policy With Nicaragua 1978-1982, Sarah Howes
Department: History
The I.B.R.D. and Chile, S. K. Hussain
Department: International Relations
Searching For An Identity: Four Short Stories, Brian D. Johnson
Department: English
Medical Social Work: A Comparative Analysis of Large and Small Hospitals Using a Case Study Approach, Gayle D. Johnston
Father-Daughter Incest, Loreen Kaiser
Origins of the Nigerian Civil War, Macharia Kamau
Department: History
Book Censorship and the Right to Know, Cynthia L. Kershner
Department: English
The American Fenian Crisis of 1866, Kevin Kilcommons
The American Fenian Crisis of 1866, Kevin Killcommons
Department: History
The Cuban Revolution: Does It Belong to the Cuban People?, Daniel D. Kinley Jr.
Department: History
We Are the Hollow Men: An Analysis of the Problems of the Vietnam Veteran, Donna D. Kirkbride
Department: History
The Immigrant Spokesman For Middle-Class America: Edward W. Bok and the Full-Square Life, Susan K. Lancaster
Department: History
Jack London, His Literature and Its Reception in the Soviet Union, Diane Langley
Department: English; History
Mozambique's Commitment to Liberation and Independence, Steven L. Lanjouw
Department: History
The Mountbattens: the Last Viceroy and Vicerine, Sujata Latoia
Department: History
Prophets Without Honor: Agrarianism and Its Effect on the Literary Careers of John Crowe Ransom, Allen Tate, and Robert Penn Warren, Sheryl Lauber
Department: English
Public Policy, Poverty, and Socio-Political Factors Contributing to Collective Urban Violence, Susan Lee
Department: Africana Studies
Protracted War: Vietnam From Diem's Death to the End, Andrew M. Lewis
Department: History
Die Gesamtschule: Die Vorstellungen Der Gesellschaft, Der Volkswirtschaft Und Der Parteipolitik Fur Die Schulreform in Der Bundersrepublik Deutschland, Tara L. Mahlerwein
Department: German Studies
La Vida de Federico García Lorca e Imágenes de la Muerte en su Poesía., Jonathan Jacob Markel-Theodoropoulos
The Native American-White Man Relationship, Kevin McBurney
Department: History
Employee Assistance Programs: Their Worth to Organizations and the Treatment of Alcoholism, Nancy Jo McMillan
Interview and Analysis: An Investigation of Slavery on the Plantation, Jennifer L. Meader
Department: History
Die Unersetzlichen, Unerwünschten Gäste: Gastabreiter in Der Brd, Margaret Meghdadpour
Department: German Studies
Collection of Short Stories, Katherine Ruth Mulichak
Department: English
A Study of Drinking on the College of Wooster Campus: Motivations for Drinking and Implications for Alcohol Education Programs, Heather A. Murphy
Medieval Pilgrimages and Their Influence on the Romanesque Art and Architecture of the Pilgrimage Roads, Julia E. Nash
Department: History
Adolescent Perceptions of Old Age: A Symbolic Interaction and Role Theory Approach, Susan G. Nickel
La Traduction: Question De Style, Karen J. Owen
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Determining Occupational Aspirations: A Study of Family Background and Personality Characteristics of Elementary School Students, Mary Jane Parkinson
Tippy, Tillie, and Friends, a Series of Original Short Stories For Children, Mary Jennifer Parrish
Department: English
Loss of Innocence: Nez Perce/White Relations From Lewis & Clark to General Howard, Mari R. Ponce
Department: History
Inquiry Into the Analysis of Short Stories, Bethany E. Pope
Department: English
An Exploratory Study of the Child Life Program at the Geisinger Medical Center, Christie E. Pyper
Characterization of Joseph Conrad's Marlow, Blake W. Rhein
Department: English
Peer Group and the Family Influence on the Absence of Marijuana, Lucy Rich
Maslowian Look at the Fairy Tales, Beth L. Russell
Department: English
El Corrido y la Revolución Mexicana, Bonnie Sanborn
Lyndon B. Johnson: Styles of Leadership, Adrienne K. Sauro
Department: History
Images of Woman in Literature: Brontë, Hardy, Hemingway, and Lessing, Susan L. Sawyer
Department: English
The Effects of Sex, Grade, and Meternal Employment on Children's Perceptions of Occupational Stereotypes, Elizabeth Ann Schnurr
Die Grossen Inflation, Robin L. Sheldon
Department: German Studies
Collection of Short Stories, Anne K. Sherwood
Department: English
Josip Broz Tito and the Causes of the Break Between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, David Jackson Smith
Department: History
Victorian Child As Portrayed By Charles Dickens, Deanna Dawn Smith
Department: English
Al-Ghazali: An Understanding of Orthodox Islam, Mark Douglas Smith
Changes in Criticism From 1926-1979 of Four Major Novels By Ernest Hemingway, Sydney H. Smyth
Department: English
"How Do You Like the Journal's War?" The Linguistic and Artistic Techniques Utilized By William Randolph Hearst to Instigate the Spanish-American War of 1898, Henry B. Sperry
Department: English
Agricultural Diplomacy: King Cotton and the Failure of the Confederate Effort For Foreign Recognition. 1861-1863, Harold D. Stetson
Department: History
Workers and Work: Attitudes and Values of American Shoemakers, 1750-1880, Joseph P. Stuligross
Department: History
An Analysis of Political Machines and Reform Governments: A Case Study of Gary, Indiana, Marlea M. Tallon
Collection of Attempts: A Selection of Personal Essays, Jerry A. Thompson
Department: English
The Politics of Jesus: A Redefined Messianism, John S. Thompson
Inequality, Racism, and Differential Justice: Conflict theory as an explanation, "A conflict approach to the criminal justice system in the areas of arrest and sentencing", Rossman Dewitt Thompson
Rediscovering the Call of the Kingdom: The Life of Christian Community, Leland F. Torch
George Orwell: The Examination of His Social and Political Thought As Portrayed in His Novels, Lisa K. Trimble
Department: English
Oil Exports and their Effect on the Political Development and the Economic Development and Growth of the Middle Eastern Oil-Exporting Countries, Vicki O. Tsiliopoulos
Determination of Urinary Oxalate Levels and Variation in the Presence of Iron, Elaine Turley
Department: Chemistry
Reassessment of Zora Neale Hurston: A Harlem Renaissance Writer, Cheryl Ann Turner
Department: English
Study of the Relationship Between Compulsive Masculinity and Delinquency, Gail P. Wagner
Department: English
Basque Regionalism and Spanish Democracy, John C. Walsh
Department: History
Faith and Human Meaning: The Development of Radical Monotheism and the Emerging Self, David Ward
"But a Variety of Imployment Gives My Thoughts a Relief From Melloncholy Subjects...:" Economic Activity of Women in Colonial America, Sarah Weatherwax
Department: History
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine: Its Reflections on the Jubilee Year, Maude M. Wharton
Department: English
How Editing Affects Interpretation: Comparative Analyses of Selected Poems By Emily Dickinson, Jennifer Wick
Department: English
Study of Trace Elements in Human Tooth Enamel and Dentin and Their Relation to Dental Caries Prevalence, David Willey
Department: Chemistry
Voluptuaries, Virgins, Prudes and Pimps: Daughters of the English Aristocracy 1870-1914, Carol Winant
Department: History
Women's Lives: Limitations on Happiness in the Novels of George Eliot, Kathleen M. Wolf
Department: English
Christ and the Clown: A Study in Metaphysical Folly and Divine Paradox, Bob Wollenberg