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Senior Independent Study Theses from 1980
Die Literarischen und Sozialen Auswirkungen von Heinrich Manns Roman 'Der Untertan', Jeffrey Davis
Department: German Studies
Ways We Sing: Women Writing in America, Tracey Dils
Department: English
A Comparative Analysis of Characterization in Madame Bovary and the Portrait of a Lady: Emma Bovary and Isabel Archer, Martha M. Dixon
Department: English
The Impact of SES and Family Structure on the Seriousness of Male Crime and Recidivism, William C. Drake
The Religious Element, Jeffrey D. Eng
Swedish Immigrant and the Americanization Process of the Ethnic Church (1845-1930) Example: the Augustana Synod, Bruce Englund
Department: History
Thomas Jefferson and the Question of Slavery: Words and Actions, James O. Epps III
Department: History
Une Etude de la Communaute Juive Pendant l'Epoque de l'Affaire Dreyfus, Cyd R. Fane
Department: French and Francophone Studies
La Sexualité Chez Colette, Leslie E. Fisher
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Saints in the Wilderness: Puritans, Indians, and the Puritan Quest For Utopia, 1630-1676, Carol M. Gates
Department: History
Simone de Beauvoir et la Situation de la Femme, Denise G. Gordon
Department: French and Francophone Studies
National Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Policy, Gaye L. Hanke
Les Relations Franco-Algériennes de 1945 a 1962, David F. Harrington
Department: French and Francophone Studies; Political Science
Therapeutic Poetry: A Source of Psychological and Critical Insight, Amy M. Havener
Department: English
Luke's Understanding of Redistribution of Wealth: A Selected Exegetical Study of Luke's Gospel, Glen A. Holman
The "Successors" of the People's Republic of China: How and Why Their Positions Change, Gregory C. Hook
Alcools d'Apollinaire: La Quête de Soi, Michele Humphrey
Department: French and Francophone Studies
La Revolución Mexicana de 1910 y sus Efectos Sobre el Desarrollo de la Novela Mexicana Contemporánea, Robin Yvette Jackson
Perverts, and Other Stories, Sabrina E. Johnson
Department: English
Political Protest and Violence: A Test of Two Motivational Theories, Andrea J. June
Ibsen: A Progression of the Author's Thought Through Realism and Tragedy, Susan I. Kalajian
Department: English
Matrona and Meretrix: the Roman Women of Plautus, Martha A. Kallstrom
Department: Classical Studies
The Relationship Between Faith and Healing in the Synoptic Gospels (With Special Attention to Mk. 5:25-34), Anne Emily Knapp
The IRA - Their Role in the Irish-English Question in Relation to Their Counter Forces, Cynthia M. Leber
Department: History
The United States and the Nonaligned Third World: 1945-1965 - A Study of the Dangers of Ambivalence and Ambiguity, Mark C. Matthias
The Politics of School Desegregation in Warren, Ohio, David J. Maurice
Poetic Expression of Meaning Through Language and Being, Michael McCormack
Department: English
An Analysis of the Political Process and Economic Thinking That Created the Windfall Profit Tax, Henry Stanton McDonald Jr.
Multiple Element Analysis of Human Cataractous Lenses By Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy, Stephen McElvany
Department: Chemistry
Textual Study of Ulysses: the Evolution of the Character of Bloom Through Available "Circle" Texts, Lori McGrew
Department: English
Suetonius' Life of Claudius: A Study in Ancient Biography, Lynn McGrew
Department: Classical Studies
The Decline and Fall of the Liberal Party, Thomas D. McGuire
Department: History
Earthenware: a Series of Poems, Amy McMahon
Department: English
Rural Reflections: a Guide to Holmes County, Deborah T. Miller
Department: English
The Brezhnev Era: a Preliminary Survey, E. Blake Moore Jr.
Department: History
Police, Politics And The Law: A Case Study Of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Wendy D. Myers
Six Perspectives of Women in American Fiction (1794-1925), Christine C. Pelley
Department: English
Understanding of Religious Belief in Selected Works By T.S. Eliot, Cathy Personius
Department: English
The Political Assimilation of Black Americans, Eric V. Price
The Division of Germany and the Prospect of Reunification, Hobson Pusey
Department: History
Intervention: A Liberal Realist Versus a Marxist Perspective, Robert W. Reid
The Theology of George Fox and other Major Quaker Leaders in the Seventeenth Century, John P. Rider
The Effects of the Test-Ban Treaty and the International Relations of America, Russia and China Toward Chinese Nuclear Development, John B. Rogan
Department: History
Literature and the High School: the Students, the Teachers, the Approaches, John M. Romano
Department: English
U.S. and Soviet Naval Development, John Ross
Department: History
Mirror, Mirror, in the House: The Effects of Televising the Gavel-to-Gavel Proceedings of the United States House of Representatives, Carol E. Rowan
The Fall of the Gang of Four, Elizabeth S. Runyon
Department: History
William Faulkner and Flannery O'Connor: Regional Heritage and the Southern Short Story, Gwen M. Schillinger
Department: English
Ernest Hemingway's Personal Religion, Mary K. Seaman
Department: English
Christian Political Responsibility: Relationships of the Church and State with Regard to Hitler's Germany, Elizabeth Adele Shupe
Congregational Music in the Presbyterian Church, Deborah A. Simpers
Facing the Brink of War: John F. Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, Andrew C. Smith
Department: History
Hope for the Absurd: The Black Theologies of James H. Cone and J. Deotis Roberts, Charlotte H. Sommers
Electrochemistry of Vanadium, John T. Stults
Department: Chemistry
Humanism and Theism in the Religious Philosophy of Abraham Joshua Heschel, Patrick Sweeney
Effect of Denervation on the Release of Acetylcholinesterase From Muscle, Dale Swift
Department: Chemistry
Three Victorian Novelists and Their Concern For the Development of the Female Independent Mind, Jennifer L. Watson
Department: English
Entre Gide et le Moi: L'Etablissement d'une Morale Personnelle, Sarah A. Weeks
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Christy, and Other Short Stories, John White
Department: English
Beyond the Vicious Circle: Why Poverty Persists in the United States, P. Christie Whittlesey
Napoléon, Son Génie et la Recherche du Pouvoir, Nathan S. Wittler
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1979
Night Vision, Debra Allbery
Department: English
Sex Role Attitudes Among Students at the College of Wooster, Mary Hendon Atkins
Sex Role Attitudes among Students at the College of Wooster, Mary Hendon Atkins
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Eva and Isabel: Argentina's Most Famous Women, Ellen Barclay
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Sian Incident: An International Perspective, Richard S. Bardine
Department: History
An Evaluation of the Black Clergy of Elyria and their Political Leadership Role in the 1970's, Felix A. Berry
Clear Pictures of Reality: Eudora Welty's Focus on Individual Perception, Linda J. Buda
Department: English
Prospects for Proliferation, Verne G. Burden
Department: Political Science
Religious Programming in a Residential Treatment Center: A Case Study in Active Theology, Cameron Jean Carver
Civil Rights Movement in Perspective: "Where Have All the Protestors Gone?", Derrick Cherry
Department: Africana Studies
Jesus and the Old Testament: A Study and Some Guidelines, Ah Seng Choo
Exercise in the Study and Writing of Fiction, Gary Chwazik
Department: English
For Such is the Kingdom of Heaven, Carolyn Ann Crawford
Dickens's 'Grotesque Tragi-Comic Conception': Comedy and Humor in Great Expectations, R. Dennis Cullen
Department: English
Metternich and Kissinger: The Theory and Practice of Balance of Power Diplomacy, James C. Dann
Department: Political Science
C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy As An Expression of His World View, Douglas L. Dill
Department: English
The Right To Know v. The Right To Privacy, Thomas A. Edson II
Department: Political Science
Investigative Journalism: Exposing the Warts, Barbara J. Emling
Department: English
Yom Kippur, A Skip to the Brink: The Superpowers in the October, 1973 Middle East War, James Everett
Department: Political Science
SAT Score Decline with Emphasis on the Verbal Component and its Effects on Education, Sharon L. Farmer
Department: English
With Justice for All? The Development of the Juvenile Justice System in the United States Until 1940, Linda K. Fox
Department: History
The Marine Corps Experience in Vietnam, Steven D. Glick
Department: History
La Tragedie Grecque Chez Racine, Nancy M. Hall
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Tools of Domination: a Study of the Enforcement of South African Apartheid, Gregory W. Hammond
Department: History
Is the Female of the Species More Deadly Than the Male: the Women's Surface Movement in Edwardian England, 1901-1914, Dorothy J. Hasbrouck
Department: History
Political Learning: Socialization Versus Structural Theories, Patricia C. Hean
Department: Political Science
Society and Literature: Comparison of Günter Grass's 'The Tin Drum,' Heinrich Böll's 'Group Portrait With Lady' and Siegfried Lenz's 'The German Lesson', Kathleen M. Heller
Department: History
The Great Gatsby: the Major Accomplishment of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Nancy B. High
Department: English
Justice For All: An Argument for the Appointment of Women to the Supreme Court of the United States, Jan Hungerford
From Where I Am Now and Other Stories, Daniel Hunter
Department: English
Toys: a Reflection of Culture, Dorothy Mosher Imperiale
Theory of Language in Samuel Johnson's Dictionary, Martha E. Jameson
Department: English
The Mobilization of Bias in Wooster: Constraints on Housing Options, Jill V. Joss
Mao Tse-Tung and Liu Shao-Ch'I, Ideology in Conflict and Flux, Timothy S. Kerr
Department: History
The Effects of Civics Courses on the Political Socialization of Wooster High School Students, Don Kilburn
Department: Political Science
The Development of the Wayne County Multi-Jurisdictional Justice Center, Kenneth A. Kolich
An Analysis of the Problems of Political Development in Iran, Arthur J. Kropp
Department: Political Science
The Relationship Between Christianity and the World Religions: An Inquiry into Theological Issues and Answers, Margaret G. Lewis