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Senior Independent Study Theses from 1977
Der Kampf Um Die Selbsterkenntnis in Vier Hesse-Romanen: Demian, Siddhartha, Steppenwolf Und Narziss Und Goldmund, Katharine Rhodes
Department: German Studies
The People, the Press and the Spanish-American War, Sue Rodhe
Department: History
Maturing Female in Children's Literature: a Critical Study, Corinne A. Rudman
Department: English
Etude Structurale De Candide, Charles R. Russell
Department: French and Francophone Studies
A Concept of the Irish and Ireland, As Viewed By William Butler Yeats 1889-1939, Gretchen L. Schwenker
Department: English
Toward a Christian Natural Law Ethic, Thomas C. Shupe
To Form Again--"The Circle without End": An Inquiry into Native American Spirituality, Janet S. Smeltz
Conditions of Being Black and a Woman: a Critical Study, Phyllis R. Smith
Department: English
Representation in Ohio City Councils, Sean Smith
With God on Their Side, Don Snow
Department: History
Four Stories, David Stockdale
Department: English
La Condition Humaine Dans Le Théâtre De Camus, Sartre, Et Beckett, Lisa Sward
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Le Heros Brelien, Alice O. Taylor
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Book of Original Poems, Ronald C. Tompkins
Department: English
Jean Giono: La Joie Demeure, David Van Deusen
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Robert Musil: Dichter Der Liebe Eine Studie der Frauen in Seinem Werk, Ilse Vogel
Department: German Studies
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Soybean Nodules For Organic Acids, Holly Walter
Department: Chemistry
Le Roi Légendaire: Le Rôle D'Artur Chez Chrétien, Anita Willsie
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Search For Nickel Carbonyl in Smoldering Nickel Treated Papers and in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke, John Wise
Department: Chemistry
Pierre Corneille: Le Tragique dans son Théâtre, Rebecca S. Wise
Department: French and Francophone Studies
The Peace Corps at 17, Robert A. Withington
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1976
Volume of Short Stories, Daniel Amari
Department: English
Schillers Auseinandersetzung mit dem Deutschen Despotismus in Seinem Werk "Kabale und Liebe", Bill Bercovitz
Department: German Studies
Rhetorical Analysis: Concerning Some of the Works of Frederick Douglass, James P. Bressi
Department: English
Lo Latinoamericano y lo universal en Grande Sertao: Veredas, Cien Anos de Soledad y La Casa Verde, Elizabeth J. Browne
Toward a Practical Application of Transformational Grammar in the Instruction of Basic German, Elizabeth A. Buchter
Department: German Studies
Idea of Tragedy in William Faulkner, Matthew Castell
Department: English
Business Ethics: Standards for American Business Activity, Robert N. Christensen
La Femme Française: Est-Elle Vraiment Libérée?, Jill Conley
Department: French and Francophone Studies
C.S. Lewis' Concept of Evil in The Chronicles of Narnia, Debra L. Culp
Transactional Analysis: A Christian Perspective, Gregory Davis
Poems Etc.: A Collection of Sonnets and Verse, Graham J. Dickson
Department: English
The Problem of Black Capitalism in the United States, Mechelle L. Dille
Department: History
Development Economics in Ghana: The Political Questions, John R. Dilyard
Department: History
Odyssey: Solitude, Paternity, and Women, Jack B. Downes
Department: Classical Studies
In Response to a Challenge-- An Exegetical Study of Billy Graham, David J. Duncan
James Thurber: The Women in His Life and Literature, Martha Erickson
Department: English
God and Man: An Interpretation of Developments in Atonement Theology in the Late Middle Ages, Brian E. Fidler
Toward a Christian Approach to Education: An Alternative to the Public School, Deborah Ellen Fink
The Schlieffen Plan: An Overall View, Glenn E. Forbes
Department: History
World War I and the Lost Generation, Donald R. Frederico
Department: English
The Apostles' Creed: Its Historical Development, Cynthia Ann Fisher Freer
Le Théâtre de Molière, Elaine Gardner
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Sex Stereotyping in Elementary Textbooks, Dorothy Arnold Gerrity
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Damn Everything But the Circus, a Story, Stuart A. Gilmore
Department: English
Moral Development in Children Ages Six through Eleven, Cynthia Greene
The Stendhalien Hero, Pamela Green
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Opening: Poems From 1975, John Hamlin
Department: English
Charles Dickens' Portrayal of Social Conditions in Dombey and Son and Hard Times, Jayne A. Hart
Department: English
El Tiempo Cíclico en las Novelas de Alejo Carpentier, Dan Hartzler
Poverty and Power: A Gospel Witness to American Oppression, Beth E. Haverkamp
Libertarianism: The Minimal State, the New Anarchism and the Utopia of Freedom, William R. Henley Jr
Department: History
Le Moment Ephemere: L'Impressionnisme en France au Dix-Neuvieme Siecle, Sarah Hitchcock
Department: French and Francophone Studies
The Uncertain Future of Pastoral Counseling, Phyllis Allen Hoelzel
Misperception: The Sino-Soviet Border Clashes of March 1969. What Does the Future Hold?, Thomas Ewen Holmes
Department: History
Pyridinium Bromide Perbromide As An Analytical Reagent For So2 Analysis in Ambient Air, Eronmwonse C. Ighodalo
Department: Chemistry
Children in Bondage: The Movement to Enact Federal Regulation of Child Labor, Carol A. Jackson
Department: History
Dickens' Character and the Industrial Question, Bruce J. Koppert
Department: English
Fernando Arrabal: Development and Change, Anne Liske
Department: English
The Charity Organisation Society: "Twice Cursed", Deborah Philips Little
Department: History
Emile Durkheim: His Sociological Analysis of Religion and Mortality, John J. Lolla Jr.
The Church and Suffering: The Hunger Crisis, Shodie Lowe
Collection of Short Stories and Animal Fables, Gregory J. Marvin
Department: English
A Practical Philosophy for Decentralized Christian Camping with Junior High Youth, Marjorie Mason
"Voices Lost" and Other Stories, Amy McKinley
Department: English
La Revolucion Mexicana: Game Rules and Player Profiles, Robert Morrow
Department: History
Work, Industrialization, and Change in Gilded Age Wooster, Daniel H. Owens
Department: History
Unique Role of Aeneid 6 in Vergil's Epic Poem, Dorothy K. Pamer
Department: Classical Studies
Determination of Zinc, Cadmium, Lead, and Copper in Human Cataract Lenses By Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, Jeffrey Peters
Department: Chemistry
Water Quality Study of the Wooster Municipal Water, Daryl A. Roston
Department: Chemistry
Four Essays on Andrew Lang, Rob Roy
Department: English
The Formulation of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Early Church, Adelaide Sapp
The Social Responsibility Theory and the Commission on Freedom of the Press, John W. Sharp
Department: History
Opening the Canon, Matthew Sharp
St. Luke: Towards a Theology of Prayer, Ellen Stratton
Language Arts in the Open Classroom, Susan E. Tew
Department: English
Citizen Participation and the Planning Process, Carolyn C. Verlie
Le Quebec: Une Etude De L'Identite Canadienne-Francaise Actuelle a La Lumiere Du Passe, Laurie A. Warkentin
Department: French and Francophone Studies
La Tendance Chronologique Dans Les Sonnets Amoreux De Pierre De Ronsard, Janet B. Wengatz
Department: French and Francophone Studies
The Nature of Myth and the Remythologizing of Christianity, James R. Wheeler
Pastoral in the Poetry of A. E. Housman, Paula Wilhelm
Department: English
Arthur Rimbaud: La Poursuite De L'Infini, Karen Zuckerkandel
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1975
Last of Life 1958-1972: A Brief Study of Some Changes in the Declining Years, Jeffrey R. Adair
Department: English
Line Broke, the Monkey Got Choked, David Batchelor
Department: English
Thematic and Character Development in Three Historical Novels Written For Children, Margaret A. Baxstrom
Department: English
Nature of the Monarchy in Renaissance France, Mary Baxter
Department: History
Historical and Cultural Study of Mexican Masks, Paula Bidle
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
La Revolution Romantique, Cynthia Briggs
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Creation Myth: A Comparative Study, Robyn Lee Brown
Department: Classical Studies
L'Evolution De Role De La Force Nucleaire Strategique Francaise Dans La Politique Exterieure De La France 1945-1975, Kay Cameron
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Creation of Reality Through Language, Margaret L. Castiglia
Department: English
The Hunger Crisis: A Crisis of Values, Nancy Collins
Determination of Trace Metal Concentration in Senile Cataractous Lenses, Robert Crawford
Department: Chemistry
Roman Women, Nancy Dobson
Department: Classical Studies
Incongruence: A Collection of Stories, Charles R. Earl
Department: English
Female Archetypal Roles in Twentieth Century Literature, Jeanne E. Gay
Department: German Studies
Comparative Study: The Odyssey and Fairy Tales, Lisa Gebhardt
Department: English
Reading in America: Current Trends, Causes, and Solutions Aimed Toward the Average or Gifted High School Student, Cynthia A. Geier
Department: English
El Imperialismo en la Trilogia Bananera de Miguel Angel Asturias, Charlotte Gregory
Time to Laugh, a Time to Wonder: The Contributions of Dr. Seuss to Children's Literature of Fantasy, Carol L. Jackson
Department: English