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Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Birth Order and the Sex Role Orientation of Women, Lesley Lock
Study of the Culture and Entertainment in the City of Wooster and the University of Wooster in the 1890S, Brenda E. Luger
Department: English
Critical Reception of William Faulkner: the First Decade 1926-1936, John C. MacDonald
Department: English
Determination of Cadmium in Human Cataractous Lenses By Atomic Absorption Flame Spectroscopy, Sara T. MacMillan
Department: Chemistry
Federal Government Support of the Arts: the Works Progress Administration Music Project and the National Endowment For the Arts, John K. Manchester
Department: History
'Brigitta:' Eine Novelle von Adalbert Stifter, Sonya A. Martin
Department: German Studies
Socially Restricted or Structurally Barred: A Comparative Study of Sociological and Economic Explanations of the Status of Women in the Labor Force, Barbara Elin McBride
American Pentecostalism and the Contemporary Charismatic Movement, Douglas B. McGillivray
Potential Ramifications of the Use of the Resource Room, Lori McGonagle
The Truman Doctrine: the Role of Publicity Consciousness in the Evolution of Foreign Policy, Ellen T. McKnight
Department: History
With and Without Marlow: the Characters of Joseph Conrad, Melissa A. Mentzer
Department: English
Adolescent Suicide: a Study of College Students and Their Attitudes on Suicide, Hollie K. Miller
Rumors of God: A Central Concept in the Thought of C.S. Lewis, Judith A. Miller
Martin Luther King, Jr., a Theology of Social Change, Graham H. Newson
Una Investigación Histórica de la Ideología Reformista del Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol desde los Principies Hasta Hoy, Vanessa Jane Oliver
Ownership Concentration and the Press: Bridging the Gap Between Freedom and Responsibility, Douglas G. Pinkham
Department: English
The Lamb of God: A Re-Examination of a Johannine Title for Christ, Ann E. Poindexter
Charismatic Renewal and its Effect on the Church, Susan E. Price
J. Gresham Machen and his Role in the Reorganization Controversy of Princeton Theological Seminary, Martin W. Radcliff
The Red Guards: Communicative Instruments of Mao, Ellen Renaldo
Department: Political Science
Das Kabarett als Politisches, Soziales Fuhrungsmittel in der Weimarer Republik, Wendy L. Rose
Department: German Studies
Growth of a Scholar: the Intellectual Development of Howard F. Lowry: Based on His Unpublished Correspondence with Waldo H. Dunn, 1924-1935, Debra L. Sanborn
Department: English
Life Satisfaction of the Institutionalized Elderly Public vs. Private Facilities, David E. Sanders
Making the World Safe For Democracy: American Patriotic Hysteria in World War One, Karen E. Schoenewaldt
Department: History
Intervenening Techniques: a Necessity For Women's Equality in Higher Education, Elizabeth de V. Seymour
Department: History
Sonata for Flute and Piano, Kim Shirey
Department: Music
A Historical Overview of the Rehabilitative Programs in State Correctional Institutions; An Evaluation of the Ohio Correctional System, Eric Louis Showes
The Relationship of Parental Expectancies and Self-Image of Head Start Children, Carol E. Simmons
Effect of Education on the Economic Mobility of Black Americans in Ohio, 1940-1970, Herbert L. Simmons
Department: Africana Studies
Career, Marriage and Motherhood: Five Women in Search of a Solution, Karen L. Stapf
Department: History
The Spanish Conquest of the Peruvian Indian Women, Marcia C. Stephenson
The Kennedy-Corman Bill: National Health Insurance from a Cross-National Perspective, Gregory B. Stolcis
Department: Political Science
La Búsqueda Filosófica de Dios en la Poesía de Miguel de Unamuno y Antonio Machado, Deb Trovato
Study of Henry David Thoreau's Intellectual Development From the Journal of 1845 to Walden, Elizabeth Udris
Department: English
In the World, But Not of the World: The Amish Concept of Separation, Ann E. Vesey
A Comparative Analysis of the Urban Political Machine: William M. Tweed and Richard J. Daley, David P. Wardlaw
Department: History
El Nueve de Abril, David Ware
Towards a Feminist Theology of Sexuality, Cynthia C. Weiler
Department: Religious Studies
Determination of Copper in Human Cataract Lenses By Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, Alvin H. Weintraub
Department: Chemistry
The Daughters: a Novel, Peg Weissbrod
Department: English
Eine Untersuchung der Rolle der Frauen in Franz Kafkas der Prozess und die Verwandlung, Joseph R. Wermer
Department: German Studies
The Power and Impotence of Martin Luther King's Nonviolent Philosophy in the Civil Rights Movement, James P. Wilkins
Department: History
Christian Mysticism: The Vehicle to the Promise of our Faith, Herbert Capers Williamson
Determination of the Copper Concentrations in Solutions Containing Human Cataractous Lenses, Leslie Woods
Department: Chemistry
The Social and Economic Effects of the Great Depression Era of 1929-1939: With a Focus on Life on the National Scene, at the College of Wooster, and in the Community of Wooster, Ohio, John J. Yankello Jr
Department: History
"Faith" and "The Righteousness of God" in the Epistles of Paul, John A. Young
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1978
American Role in the Rearmament of West Germany: 1945-1975, the Debate Over the Control of Nuclear Weapons, James E. Abraham
Department: History
Valle-Inclan-- Hijo Prodigo del '98: Signification Modernista de las Sonatas, Beckie L. Allen
The Single Parent Experience: A Study of the Rise of Unplanned Pregnancies among Adolescents, Polly Armington
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Single Parent Experience. A Study of the Rise of Unplanned Pregnancies among Adolescents, Polly Armington
Sir Christopher Wren and Church Architecture, Elizabeth M. Arthur
Department: Religious Studies
Wooster and the Nation During the Influenza Epidemic of 1918, Lawrence J. Baldanza
Department: History
The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: a Reassessment and Revision, Cynthia S. Barr
Department: History
Franchise Issues, Feminism and Reform: the Formative Years in Britain, Polly A. Beals
Department: History
"The Circuit of My Sum" - the Black Female Perspective As Recorded in Three Works of Georgia Douglas Johnson -, Linda S. Berry (Baker)
Department: History
City Managers: Roles and Conflicts, Julie J. Betz
Evelyn Underhill: a Developmental View of Her Life and Writing, Rebecca M. Blackshear
Department: Religious Studies
Water Imagery in Spenser's the Faerie Queene, Carol L. Bogard
Department: English
La "Nature" Chez Colette Et Woolf: Un Domaine "Féminin"?, Hester A. Bradbury
Department: French and Francophone Studies
On Praying and Doing: a Description and Analysis of the Contemplative Mode, Laurie K. Brubaker
Department: Religious Studies
Daniel Berrigan: Christian Convictions in a Human Experience, Sally Bubier
Department: Religious Studies
Double Play: a Novel, Raymond T. Bules
Department: English
Principles of Religious Liberty in Its American Formulation of the Separation of Church and State, Erika Castell
Department: Religious Studies
Problems and Politics of Japan's China Policy: 1947-1972, John A. Dale
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Gli Elementi Petrarcheschi e i Loro Effetti in Alcuni Poeti Italiani del Cinquecento, Sylvie H. Dalluge
Faith in the Twentieth Century: the Question of the Incarnation, Deborah Davies
Department: Religious Studies
Public Policy and Solar Energy: The Corporate Connection, Scott G. Denman
Creative Writing Project, Mark Dickson
Department: English
Die Einstellung Der Schweiz Zur Europäischen Wirtschaftlichen Integration: Kooperation Oder Ablehnung?, Sergio D'Onofrio
Department: German Studies
Unterdrückung, Ausbeutung, Und Echte Menschlichkeit in Drei Werken Von Heinrich Böll, Sarah B. Emerson
Department: German Studies
College Student Attitudes of Presidential Authority: Did Watergate Have an Effect?, Andrew A. Esch
An Investigation of the Preferred Counseling Philosophies of Protestant Ministers, Joy R. Evans
The Desegregation of the United States Armed Forces, 1914-1953: a Revolution in American Race Relations, Larry Farrow
Department: History
Family Story in the 1970's: Essays on American Adolescent Fiction, Amy L. Gebhardt
Department: English
Sino-Japanese Relations, 1950-1972: From Hostility to Rapprochement, John H. Gill
Department: History
Effects of Socialization on Institutional Sexism within a Liberal Capitalist System, Darlene H. Goatley
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Three Cults: a Study in Millenial Deviations, Geoffrey C. Good
Department: Religious Studies
Hungarian Revolution, 1918-1919: A Cause for Alarm, Jeffrey Griffith
Department: History
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe As An Extension of His Aesthetic Theory, David M. Hagelin
Department: English
Investment in Higher Education: A Discussion of the Rate of Return; The Internal Rate to Four Year College Education of Women in the United States, 1970, Lauren Hands
Department: Economics
Lament, Complaint, and Satire in English Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Richard H. Harrison
Department: English
Arm Sales to the Third World, Jonathan Harvey
Church As a Servant: Her Role in the United States Prison System, Karen G. Hasler
Department: Religious Studies
Experiencing Meaining: Symbol As Participatory Events, Jane Hawken
Department: Religious Studies
Ein Versuch, Die Märchen "Schneeweißchen Und Rosenrot" Und "Der Froschkönig" in Der Jungschen Psychologie Zu Verstehen, Winifred Heintz
Department: German Studies
The Equal Rights Amendment: Politics of a Constitutional Amendment, Sue A. Hewett
Trends of the Latin American Military: Studies of Argentina, Chile, and Peru, Nancy T. Hofstetter
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Metropolitan Housing Construction: An Interregional FHA Performance Study, Calvin D. Idler
Lawrence and Hardy: Broken Fragments of One Whole, A Comparison of Male-Female Relationships in Four Novels, Leslie Jordan
Department: English
American Industrial "Take-Off" 1800-1910, Edward R. Kay
Department: History
Revolutionary Success: The Cuban Revolution of 1959 as a Case Study, John L. Keyse
Images in Popular Fiction 1912 to 1952, Samuel Marks Kinney III
Department: English
L'Assimilation Des Juifs Francais Apres La Deuxieme Guerra Mondiale, Mary Kisinger
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Supporting the Basics: a Comparative Study of the Developmental Learning Program at the College of Wooster, Marcia B. Kleinert
Department: English
N.E.H. and the Liberal Arts College: History, Relationship, and Evolution, Mark R. Klemens
Department: English
Journalism: Mark Twain's Writing Workshop, David A. Koppenhaver
Department: English
Darley's Maturation in Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria Quartet, Timothy Lammers
Department: English
Archaeological Problems: Past and Present, a Survey, Philip Lincoln
Department: Classical Studies
A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Externalities in Urban Property Markets, David J. Luken
La Angustia Religiosa y Existencial en la Poesia de Carlos Bousoño, Maria Marapao