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Senior Independent Study Theses from 1985
Central American Refugees in the United States: The Motivation "Push" and "Pull" Factors Involved, Susanne D. Egli
Department: International Relations
Byzantine Piety in the Age Before Iconoclasm, Melissa A. Ehlert
Department: Classical Studies
Sounds of Squeeze and Sculpture: Poems, Barry S. Eisenberg
Department: English
Self Esteem and Intelligence: A Comparison of Gifted and Average Students, Kathryn E. English
Die Gastarbeiter in Der Brd; Wirtschaftliche Anpassung Und Kulturelle Spannung, Ruth Fels
Department: German Studies
Terrorism - Two Historical Case Studies Algeria (1954-1962) and Uruguay (1963-1972), Susan L. Fenderson
Department: History
The Christian Commitment to Work for Justice: The Political, Biblical, and Personal Imperative, Mary P. Fitzelle
Department: Religious Studies
Finnish Neutrality, Kathleen Forland
Department: International Relations
Decline of Utopia and the Emergence of Dystopia in Twentieth Century Fiction, George R. Fox
Department: English
Madame Chrysantheme De Pierre Loti: Une Source Importante De Madame Butterfly De Giacomo Puccini, Elise E. Foxworth
Department: French and Francophone Studies
American Intervention in Nicaragua 1926-1927, Victor M. Frank
Department: History
New Method to Measure the Concentrations of Various Forms of Urinary Oxalate Utilizing High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Electrochemistry, Michael Gajdzik Jr.
Department: Chemistry
Henry L. Stimson, the League of Nations, and the Manchurian Crisis of 1931-1933, Gregory P. Guelcher
Department: History
Effect of the Cuban Revolution on United States Foreign Policy Towards Latin America in the 1960's: the Case of the Dominican Republic, Sharon E. Gustafson
Department: International Relations
Maturity: An Educational Goal of Effective Christian Community, Ronna L. Halbgewachs
Department: Religious Studies
Absence, Absence: A Novel, Katherine A. Harper
Department: English
In Search of the Feminist Utopian Novel: a Study of Four Contemporary Novels, Shah M. Hasan
Department: English
Oe Kenzaburo: Survival of the Maddest; a Study in Bridging Understanding, Robin Heginbotham
Department: History
Ernest Hemingway's Private Heros, John W. Highfield III
Department: English
The Affects of Critical Realignment on the American Political System, William R. Hinchman III
Tea With Nora and Other Poems, Amy Holman
Department: English
Architecture and its Effects on Social Interaction in Multi-Family Dwelling Units, Mary Elisabeth Horning
Eleanor Roosevelt Her Emergence Into Politics, Martha E. Horst
Department: History
Mothering As a Model: the Role of Female Friendships in Identity Achievement in Charlotte Bronte's Villette, Angela E. Hubler
Department: English
East-West German Relations: 1949-1975, Jonathan D. Huener
Department: History
Pre-marital Love, Jonathan L. Husni
Department: Religious Studies
Adam's Pond and Other Essays, Eleanor A. Hutton
Department: English
Remember the Ladies: New Perspectives on Women Preachers and Protestors in Nineteenth-Century America, Phyllis J. Izant
Department: Religious Studies
The Sociological Function of Creation Faith in Old Testament Literature: A Socio Economic Analysis of Gen. 2-4, John R. Jones
Department: Religious Studies
Les Clases Y La Sociedad en el México Postrevolucionario, Ann Junkin
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Spanish
The Foreign Policies of Charles de Gaulle, 1958 to 1969, in a Bipolar and Interdependent World, Lawrence Read Junkin
Japan's Article 9 in a Cold War Context, Gilbert R. Kirkham
Department: History
Death, Grief, and American Institutions: An Analysis, Andrew M. Klee
Confronting the Absurd: An Analysis of Four Adolescent Novels, Andrew J. Kurtz
Department: English
Explorations in Mycenaean Cult Worship, Alexander M. Landefeld
Department: Classical Studies
Christian Unity: Nature, History, and Necessity, Dawn E. Larsen
Department: Religious Studies
Critical Episodes in Zimbabwean History, Amy L. Leander
Department: History
Ten Years of Extraordinary Literature For Children: The Newbery Awards From 1970 to 1980, Wendy A. Leech
Department: English
A Comparative Study of the Strategic Theories of M.A.D. and Flexible Response, James C. Lloyd
Perceptual and Attitudinal Changes of Foreign Students: A Case Study at the College of Wooster, Richard L. Loomis
Department: International Relations
Stephen A. Douglas and the Doctrine of Popular Sovereignty, Christopher A. Luse
Department: History
"The Only Way Is Through": An Analysis of Margaret Atwood's True Stories, Beth Ann Mabel
Department: English
Cultural Conflict of Illegal Immigration to the United States, Jeffrey Martin
Department: International Relations
Quest For African Nights: the Pattern of African Nationalism in Kenya, 1922 - 1956, Douglas E. McCullough
Department: History
A Critique of President Reagan's Foreign Policy Towards the Soviet Union, William T. McKeown
L'Evolution Politique De Madagascar Depuis 1972, Mary L. McWilliams
Department: International Relations; French and Francophone Studies
Kant, Schiller, Schelling and "Empedocles on Etna:" An Essay Concerning the Role of German Aestheticism, Hellenism, and Dualism, Paul Miller
Department: English
Chicano Literature--The Survival of a Culture, Alison C. Moser
Department: Spanish
Yugoslav Marxist Humanism, Scott Kenneth Mulford
Benito Mussolini and His Relationship With the Catholic Church, Jacqueline A. Musacchia
Department: History
Third Party Response to the Proliferation of the Primary during the 1970s, William J. Nelander
Feminist Methodological Alternatives: Toward a Transformation of Political Science, Cynthia J. Newcomer
Eheroman Und Gesellschaftskritik Bei Theodor Fontane: Eine Untersuchung Zu 'L'Adultera' Und 'Effi Briest', Cynthia J. Nicely
Department: German Studies
Charles Dickens: His Children and Victorian Society, Scott J. Nicholson
Department: English
E.M. Forster: The Influence of His Philosophy on His Novels, Joellyn O'Loughlin
Department: English
Factors that Determine Effective Community Mobilization, Carolyn Palm
Untitled, Patricia A. Parker
Kurt Vonnegut's Apocalyptic Literature, Roland Patzer Jr.
Department: English
The Effects of Proximity to a Nuclear Power Plant on Single Family Owner Occupied Housing Values: An Empirical Analysis, Stephen N. Peacock
Tracking Human Experience As It Was Lived, Jeffrey W. Priest
Department: English
The Effects of Apartheid: An Examination of the Novels of Nadine Gordimer, Susan Prophater
Adolescent Attitudes Toward Premarital Sex in Relation to Parents, Peers and Close Friends, Jennifer K. Rodgers
Character Affinities and Industrialism in Three Novels of D.H. Lawrence, Kristen A. Rudd
Department: English
Verboten, Verbrannt, Verfolgt: Exil Werken Von Anna Seghers, Sheila K. Russell
Department: German Studies
Another Kind of Spirit: Towards a Feminist Understanding of Anne Hutchinson, Karen C. Sapio
Department: History; Religious Studies
An Assessment of Societal Attitudes Towards Punishment, Robert L. Savitt
White Collar Crime: An Analysis of Social Perceptions of Relative Severity and Levels of Punishment, Robert C. Scott
The Pentagon Papers: A Landmark Case That Established the American Press As a Critical Institution, Sarah E. Simmons
Department: History
The Origin of Total Warfare (William T. Sherman's March to the Sea and Beyond), Hugh P. Slesinger
Department: History
Legality of Nuclear Weapons: An Analysis of International Legal Principles With Application to the Nuclear Dilemma, Deborah D. Smith
Department: International Relations
Peace As the Way: a Comparative Study of the Philosophy & Practice of Non-Violence in the East and in the West, Heidi L. Smith
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Die Darstellung der Wirklichkeit und der Erzahlstruktur in Franz Kafka's Roman 'Der Prozess' und Vladimir Nabokov's 'Invitation to a Beheading', Sally Smith
Department: German Studies
Democratic Principles and National Security: U.S.-Philippine Policy 1969-1984, Debra J. C. Sobrepena
Department: International Relations
An Outlook at Both Normative and Relative Christian Ethics, Ronald J. Spadone
Department: Religious Studies
Eine Analyse von Vier Werken von Christa Wolf, Kathleen E. Spencer
Department: German Studies
Individualitat und Entwicklung bei den Weiblichen Figuren in Zwei Werken von Luise Rinser, William J. Strong
Department: German Studies
End of the Bronze Age in Relation to the Mycenaeans, Deborah L. Suciu
Department: Classical Studies
An Examination of Polish Civil Religion in Relationship to Church and State, Suzanne Sworniowski
The International Court of Justice: Its Ineffectiveness in Resolving International Legal Conflicts, John C. L. Szekeres
The Colonization of Black America: An Ideological Analysis of Colonialism at Home and Abroad, David R. Thompson
The Presbyterian Schism of 1837, Elijah P. Lovejoy, and Antislavery Agitation, Joan Tillson
Department: Religious Studies
Forty Years of Cold War: a Study of Fluctuations in Soviet-American Relations, Cheryl L. Trautmann
Department: International Relations
Industrial Relations, Economic Policy, and the Fall of Heath, Peter Van Hartesveldt
Department: History
Analysis and Curriculum of Selected Children's Literature, Carla Viles
Department: English
Reclaim the Past: Historic Preservation of the Blackstone Valley, Susan E. Wagner
Department: History
Queen Elizabeth I and the Aristocracy, Cara Watters
Department: History
Woman Suffrage in the United States and England Examined: 1890-1920, Diane L. Weisz
Department: International Relations
Occupation: Housewife; Women's Roles in the Home During World War II, Kathleen M. Whalen
Department: History
The Electoral College: Federalism in Operation, Douglas S. Wiley
Shelter From the Storm: the Sanctuary Movement and the Central American Refugee Problem, Kenneth J. Wilkinson Jr
Department: History
Party and Individual Politics of the Parliamentary Opposition During the English Civil War: Stephen Marshall, John Lilburne, and Hugh Peter, Ried R. Zulager
Department: History
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Reinterpreting the Relationship between the Public and Private Spheres: An Alternative Perspective on the Separation of Church and State, Steve M. Allen
Soviet Perceptions of U.S. Foreign Policy: A Comparison of the Professional and Public Press, Andrew Baird
The Religious Significance of the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, Ella Bartholomew
Department: Religious Studies
Les Limites Du Pouvoir François Mitterrand: Une Analyse Idéologique De Sa Politique Extérieure, Linda R. Beane
Department: French and Francophone Studies
A Study of Sex Role Stereotype and their Effect on Attitudes Towards Heavily Drinking Women, Barbara Benson
Verzweiflung und Lebenslust: Wirkungen der Deutschen Hyperinflation auf die Kultur der Zwanziger Jahre, Kathleen A. Bleier
Department: German Studies
Sino-American Relations During the Nixon-Kissinger Years, Mark D. Boillotat
Department: History
The Mansion, Monuj Bose
Department: English
Langston Hughes--A Revolutionary Writer, Peter J. Botti
Department: English