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Senior Independent Study Theses from 1987
Cultural Contexts of the Oxford English Dictionary, Jane Martha Curran
Department: English
Female Friendships: Community For Self in Novels By Women, Kate Dailey
Department: English
Organized Labor in America: Unions in Transition: a Crisis in Labor-Managment Relations in the 1980s, J. Sterling Davis III
Department: History
Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation, Patrick Donegan
Department: History
Shattering the Cult of Domesticity: Women's Immigration Experience in America, Emily A. Drage
Department: History
A Bargain of an Acid Rain Solution, Joseph R. Durham
D.H. Lawrence and His Portrait of Women: The Changing Art of a Changing Mind, Ruth I. Durkee
Department: English
Black House of Representatives Voting Cohesion: A Study of Black Consciousness, Edward Eberhart
Jane Jacobs and Urban Planning in Great American Cities, Jennifer A. Ehrlich
American Politics Outside of the Mainstream: A Political Analysis of Lyndon Larouche, Karl J. Eisenhower
Sex Role Socialization in the Preschool Classroom: Effects of Teacher Stereotypes on Student Stimuli, Mary E. Evans
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Capitalizing the Poor: A Study of Community Loan Funds and Their Impact in Boston and Philadelphia, John R. Fernandez
Cleveland-on the Doorstep of a New Age, John Fink
Philosophies of Liberation: A Comparative Analysis of Nonviolence in the Perspectives of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela, Paul Fleming
Department: History
The Wisest and Most Just? An Examination of Socratic Piety, Inger M. Forland
Shades of Grey: Relationships Between White Women and Black Men in Twentieth-Century Fiction, Jennifer Lee Fowler
Department: English
Art Theme and Creative Imagination: Patterns of Narrative Structure in the Works of Vladimir Nabokov, Robin Kathleen Germ
Department: English
The Causes of Homelessness: an Analysis Based on Ohio's Homeless Population, Bryan Charles Gillooly
Juvenile Delinquency: Analyzing Family Causation, Kris D. Gordon
China Strives For Modernization: Initiatives Toward Normalization With Non-Communist Countries, Cynthia M. Green
Department: International Relations
Juvenile Delinquency: A Study of Social Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Juvenile Delinquents in Our Society, Charles S. Haggerty
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The U.S. and Cuba, 1961: A Study in National Interest, Gary Hall
Hiker Looks For Limestone: Poems and Stories by Warren Hedges, Warren Hedges
Department: English
On Editing a Medieval Manuscript: The Text of The Second Shepherd's Play, Alexander C. Helander
Department: English
The Struggle to Gain Identity Knowledge and Love: How Women Have Difficulty Achieving These Characteristics As Revealed Through Love Relationships in Literature, Cynthia Ann Herr
Department: English
United States Involvement in South Vietnam During the Eisenhower Years, 1954-1960, William T. Hickey
Department: History
A Prospectus For A Novel, Pamela Patrice Hodges
Department: English
Vietnam An Oral History, Elizabeth L. Humphreys
Department: History
Jane Austen: Ironic Humor in Three Major Novels, Lisa R. Hunyadi
Department: English
Poverty and Policy, Cathy Jeffries
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Dominant Culture, the Family, and Feminism Women in German Society, 1865-1945, Karen D. Johnson
Department: History
The Influence of Plotinus on Saint Augustine, Shawn K. Johnson
The Effects of PAC Contributions on Congressional Voting Behavior, Edward O. Jones
Cicero and Political Amicitia in the Late Republic, Thomas R. Jones
Department: Classical Studies
Fighting on Two Fronts: Negro Soldiers and the Union Army, 1861-1865, Sharon E. Kaufman
Department: History
Jack London's Contradictory Synthesis of Individualism and Socialism, Andrew Kennedy Kelly
Department: English
President Jimmy Carter's Fatal Encounter With Iran, John R. Kiker
Department: History
Triangular Structure of Relationships in Selected Dramas of Tennessee Williams, Lisa M. Klasny
Department: English
Impact of Parental Divorce on Personality: A Field Study, Sherry L. Klonk
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Adolescent Romance Novels: Wish-Fulfillment of Realism, Leslie Renee Lancaster
Department: English
Rural to Urban Migration in Lesser Developed Countries: a Case Study of Kenya, Katherine J. Laskey
Cyclic Voltammetry Study of the Vitamin B12 Model Complex, Trans-Aqua-(methyl) (2-oximino-11-oximinato-3,10-dimethyl-4,9- diazadodeca-3,9-diene) cobalt(III) Perchlorate, Michael LaVilla
Department: Chemistry
The Conservative Critique of Rationalism: Oakeshott and Gadamer, M. Harris Lucas
Thermal Analysis of Potassium Acetate and Potassium Hexanoate, Imrana Malik
Department: Chemistry
Grant at Vicksburg: A Study of Leadership, Grant Mason
Department: History
Out of Focus: A Work in Progress, Andrew Mayer
Department: English
The Human Toll of the Great Depression, Jane A. McCutcheon
Department: History
Social Conditions Reflected in Art: Blues and Black Culture in America, Jeff McKee
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
A Biomechanical Analysis of the Power Generating Phases of the Front Crawl Stroke, Scott P. McLean
Department: Physics
Spirituality and Recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous, Karen E. Melech
Department: Religious Studies
Jonathan Swift and the Misanthropy of Irish Patriotism, Matthew P. O'Farrell
Department: English
"The Best We Could Do Was Hold Them While They Died", John D. Orsborn
Department: History
Determination of the State of Content of Water in Bovine Cornea Tissue As It Relates to Donor Graft Preservation Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry, John Papp Jr
Department: Chemistry
Graphics Engine, Eric Parker
Department: Physics
Joseph Conrad: His Deluded Men, His Realist Women, Stephen W. Peacock
Department: English
Organic Perspective of Social Theory and Change As Presented By Sinclair Lewis, Timothy A. Peeples
Department: English
Why Not Unity? Study of Socioeconomic and Motivational Affects on Attitudes Toward Ecumenism in Three Denominations, Emily J. Perl
Department: Sociology and Anthropology; Religious Studies
Application of Ion Chromatography in Determining Urinary Oxalate Levels, David Peterjohn
Department: Chemistry
Military Critique of Civilian Leadership During the Vietnam War, Archibald D. Rodgers
Department: History
Socio-Dynamic Analysis of Psychological Counseling Approaches and Models in Relation to Minority Client Counseling, Karen L. Roemer
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Federal-Republicans and Their Program For National Union, Daniel J. Rozmiarek
Department: History
Creative Inspiration: Novel and Film, Kathleen L. Sabol
Department: English
Cause or Effect? A Study of the Correlation Between Self Esteem and Grade Point Average, Scott B. Sandford
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Sandinista Military Build-Up in Nicaragua: Creating Instability in Central America, Paul T. Savage
La Transposition Du Roman L'Histoire Du Chevalier Des Grieux Et De Manon Lescaut En Livret De L'Opréa Manon, Laura J. Schwartz
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Gingerbread Houses, Tomato Sandwiches, and Chocolate Factories: A Study of Food in Selected Children's Fiction, Courtenay A. Selby
Department: English
Techniques of Social Criticism in Specific Novels by John Steinbeck, Edward James Charles Silverman
Department: English
Title: Censored, Michele L. Smith
Department: History
The Strategic Defense Initiative: A Technical and Political Assessment, Richard K. Stallsmith
The Maintenance of Neutrality Between the East-West Bloc: The Case of Finland, Laura E. Stein
William Kennery's "Albany Cycle", Michael T. Stocks
Department: English
The Effects of Economic Development Planning on Private Real Estate Development: A Case Study of Portland, OR, Carl S. Taggart
Language of Anton Chekhov's Shorter Works, Karla Thomas
Department: English
The Effectiveness of Congressional Oversight on the Implementation of the Home Mortage Disclosure Act, Robert M. Tull
Indian English: the Twice-Born Story, Samrat Upadhyay
Department: English
Towards Christian Unity: The Decree on Ecumenism and its Legacy, Laura B. VanDale
The Critical Analysis of the Relationship Between Abortion Law and the Fourteenth Amendment, Rebecca M. Weimar
Department: History
Freedom As Commitment: Doris Lessing's Inquiry Into the Relation of the Individual to the Collective, John F. Wells
Department: English
The Political Theory of James Madison, Peter D. Westerman
The Journey From St. Petersburg to Leningrad, and Back, Through the Poetic Voice of: Anna Gorenko Akhmatova, Megan V. Wiesen
Department: History
Death as a Literary Device in the Works of Stephen Crane, Rocco J. Zazzaro
Department: English
Emergence of Eleanor Roosevelt, Amy M. Zuberbuhler
Department: History
Edith Wharton's Battle For the Individualization of People in Society Through Her Novels of Manners, Justina C. M. Zubricky
Department: English
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1986
Recovering the Lost Vision: Dostoevsky's Hope For Russia in the Brothers Karamazov, Clayton F. Allard
Department: History
Sie kennen den Weg des Friedens nicht: Die Schilderung der Zerstörung des Jüdischen Mutter-Kind Verhätnisses Während der Nazizeit in "Die Grössere Hoffnung" von Ilse Aichinger und "Anya" von Susan Fromberg Schaeffer, Sigrid Y. H. Andersen
Department: German Studies
Black Colonization: Past, Present and Future, James Arnold
Alienation and Redemption in William Faulkner's South, Michael A. Barnhill
Department: History
Causes of Changing Organizational Goals, External, Internal, and Environmental: A Case Study of UNICO National, Bruce G. Benedict
William Blake and Gulley Jimson: Seeing with Imagination, John A. Bromell
Department: English
Bhakti as the More Complete Path to Liberation within Hinduism: An Examination of the Gaudiya Vaishnava Sect, Lynn M. Brunner
Department: Religious Studies
Forgotten Minority: the Native American in Contemporary Literature 1960-1984, Susan Buckingham
Department: English
Devil in the American Short Stories: From the Mid Nineteenth Through the Mid Twentieth Century, Martha H. Burke
Department: English
"I Learned- at Least- What Home Could Be" Emily Dickinson's Vision For the American Dream, Laurie J. Campbell
Department: English
Jimmy Carter's "Pan-American" Success: the President and the Panama Canal Treaties, Lori J. Charvat
Department: International Relations
Uncle Tom, the Klan and Scarlett: Legacy of a Stereotype, Douglas J. Chilcott
Department: History
Children's Literature Reflecting Images of Afro-Americans: Positive and Negative, Priscilla L. Cooper
From Pre-Adolescence to Maturity in Five Fantasies, Dana Sue DeLon
Department: English
Native Son: Towards a Black Aesthetic, Donald L. Dennis
Department: English
Public Enemies, Public Opinion: Prohibition Chicago, Crystal J. Dodd
Department: History