Africana Studies | Archaeology | Art History and Studio Art | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Biology | Business Economics | Chemical Physics | Chemistry | Chinese | Classical Studies | Communication Studies | Communication Sciences & Disorders | Comparative Literature | Computer Science | East Asian Studies | Economics | Education | English | Environmental Studies | Film Studies | French and Francophone Studies | Geology | German Studies | Global and International Studies | Global Media & Digital Studies | History | International Relations | Mathematics | Music | Neuroscience | Philosophy | Physics | Political Science | Psychology | Religious Studies | Russian Studies | Sociology and Anthropology | Spanish | Statistical & Data Sciences | Theatre and Dance | Urban Studies | Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Senior Independent Study Theses from 2005
La Música Y La Lengua Dos Hermanas De La Vida Parte II, Scott Griffin
Department: Spanish
Shadow Cast Forward: the Austrian Pan-German Movement, 1800-1918, and Its Influences on Hitler's Political Vision and Worldview, Colin James Grindall
Department: History
Obeying the Law: An Exploration of Benford's Law and Its Application to the Detection of Accounting Fraud, Lauren Gruenebaum
Department: Mathematics
Can Bankruptcy Be Predicted? the Creation of a New Bankruptcy Prediction Model, April Guarnera
Department: Business Economics
"What Do You Mean, I Can't Drink the Milk?": the Psychological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident, Annabell Christin Haessler
Department: History
Examination of Image Recognition With Neural Networks, Katherine Haines
Department: Computer Science
Effects of Severance Tax Incentives on the U.S. Oil Industry: Based on Extractive Firms Behavior For Oil Production and Exploration, Carlyn Rebecca Hall
Department: Economics
Understanding Single-Sex Education: How Group Gender Composition Affects Predictions and Interpretations of Task Performance, Sarah M. Hamerstone
Department: Psychology
Inmates Have Taken Over the Asylum: a Study of Argentina's Grassroots Worker Cooperative Movement, Katherine Harold
Department: History
Gravity Model Analysis of Trade Creation and Trade Diversion in the South Asian Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA), Syed Imran Hasnain
Department: Economics
City Architecture, the People's Perspective, Ashley E. Hecker
Department: Art and Art History
Friendship Structures: Motives in Forming and Managing Ideal and Actual Friendships, Tyler S. Heisterkemp
Department: Psychology
Making Life Simpler: An Investigation of Some Isoperimetric Problems, Katherine Henley
Department: Mathematics
Effects of Juniperus communis Oil on Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Strain UT189, Elizabeth Margaret Herbert
Department: Biology
Perfectionism and Obsessive-Compulsive Tendencies: An Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effects on Athletes and Non-Athletes, Erin N. Herl
Department: Psychology
Goodbye Sympathy? Goodbye Humanity: How Sympathy and Compassion Can Solve the Animal Rights Debate, Shane Ryan Hess
Department: Psychology
Effect of Generic Competition on Name Brand Price Premiums in the Pharmaceutical Industry: An Empirical Analysis, Jonathan Douglas Hicks
Department: Business Economics
Adolescent Identity and Romantic Relationships, Rebecca Hicks
Department: Psychology
Michel Foucault: Power, Ethics, and Their Prescription For An Adequate Model of the Physician/Patient Relationship, Andrew Woodburn Hillyer
Department: Philosophy
Starvin' Marvin Versus the Fatcats: An Examination of the Duty to Give Aid, Miles Holding
Department: Philosophy
Entre Deux Espaces: La Femme Africaine a Paris, Noel Grace Hollinger
Department: French and Francophone Studies
"A Rabbi, a Priest and a Terrorist Walk Into a Bar...": How An Adverse Experience Affects Views in Political Correctness, Brandon Holman
Department: Psychology
"Manly Man" and "Girly Girl": a Likely Couple, or Just Coincidence? a Study of Psychological Androgyny, Sex Roles and Their Effects on Partner Selection and Relationship Satisfaction in College, Courtney M. Holmes
Department: Psychology
Sibling Ties: A Family's Struggle with Adoption, Katherine Ruth Homer
Department: English
Humane Caregiver: Physicians and Nurses As Poets, Sula M. Hood
Department: English
Synthesis of 2-Nitrobenzylidene Derivatives, Melinda Horst
Department: Chemistry
Women of Watergate, Kelley M. Hubbell
Department: History
Pet Dogs As Moderators of Physiological Responses to Stress in Learning Disabled and Normally Functioning College Students, Martha E. Huiskamp
Department: Psychology
Une Fiction: Sirven Et Les Comptes D'Elf, Brian Bartlett Hunt
Department: French and Francophone Studies
"Alter the World; It Needs It": the Modern Presence of Bertolt Brecht's Epic Theatre, Whitney Huss
Department: Theatre and Dance
Are You Down With Downward Facing Dawg?: the Adaptation of Yoga in America's Popular Culture, Erin Jacob
Department: Religious Studies
Reductive Dechlorination of Tetrachloroethene and 1,1,1-Trichloroethane By Zero-Valent Iron, Ryan D. Jayne
Department: Chemistry
Discover the Oyster: Gendered Foodways in the United States, Sarah Michele Johanson
Department: Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Discover the Oyster: Gendered Foodways in the United States, Sarah Michele Johanson
Lifetime of Happiness: the Development of Levels and Elicitors of Happiness, a Cross-Sectional Study, Abigail Johnson
Department: Psychology
Jah! Ras Tafari: Rasta Vibrations- A Look at the Moving Cultural Force, its History and Present State, Monique Johnson
Department: Religious Studies
Foreign Currency Denominated Debt and Currency Derivatives As Hedging Tools: a Simulation Approach, Miks Karklins
Department: Economics
Tests of Faith: An Empirical Analysis of the Efficiency of Islamic Banks Vs. Conventional Banks in Malaysia During the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, Avais Aquil Karmali
Department: Economics
To Get a Voice Heard: The Development and Production of a Documentary Film As An Application of a Qualitative Study, Jessica Keath
Department: English; Sociology and Anthropology
Gender Differences in Pre-School Aggression: Intrinsic Gender Differences, the School Setting, and Parental Discipline Techniques, Meaghin Kennedy
Department: Psychology
Effects of Two Anti-Fibrotic Agents, Decorin and Pentoxifylline, on Muscle Wound Healing in Rats (Rattus Rattus), Allison E. Kent
Department: Biology
Convenience, Obesity, and Households' Allocation of Home Time, Ryan Martin Kilpatrick
Department: Economics
Shorelines: Cleveland to the Cape, Anne K. Kissling
Department: Art and Art History
Immunization, Oculotrophin Pmg, and the Ischemic-Reperfusion Model of Glaucoma, Andy Klise
Department: Biology
Tardy Justice Is Hardly Justice: An Explorative Study of the Presumption of Innocence and of Its Necessary Application in Pretrial Procedures, Sabrina Koester
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Expression and Purification of the Small Heat Shock Protein Zmhsp17.8-CII, Melisa L. Kundracik
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Rise of the Extreme Right in Western Europe Since 1945: Theories and Cases, Michael Rubin Kwong
Department: Political Science
Nothing New About Nafta: How Maquiladoras Paved the Way For Mexican Neo-Liberal Economics, Felicia Lambe
Department: History
"Princess Jasmine? She's More Than Just An Arabian Hottie With a Bare Midriff! Gender and Ethnic Stereotypes in Children's Animated Film", Amy Joy Latalladi
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Making the Grade or Grading the Makers: A Look at Nclb in America, Christopher James Laubenthal
Department: Political Science
Development and Evolution of the Army Air Force and its Bombardment Strategies Employed in the Pacific During World War II Through the Example of the 11th Bombardment Group's History, Cyrus Nathaniel Lawyer
Department: History
Du Plein Emploi Aux 35 Heures: Repenser La Place Du Travail Dans La Societe Francaise Depuis Les Trente Glorieuses, Andrew Michael Le Blanc
Department: French and Francophone Studies; History
Online Confusion: An In-Depth Look at the Design Elements of a Web Based Database and User Interface, Zach Leeds
Department: Mathematics; Computer Science
Consumer Decision Making: An Interactive Account Between Information Load and Presentation Format, Hyun Joon Lee
Department: Psychology
Visual Acuity and Physical Condition of the Eyes After Moderate Damage From Ultraviolet Light Exposure in Albino Rats, Allisyn Leete
Department: Biology
Government Warning--The Ingredients of this Regime may be Carcinogenic: A Comparative Case Study of Corruption in Four Developing States, Audra Lewicki
Department: Political Science
Power to Negotiate: How Power Symmetry Affected American Bilateral Arms Control Treaties, Eli Lewine
Department: Political Science
"The Story of Our Lives Becomes Our Lives:" Lesbian Readers and the Construction of a Lesbian Self Through Textual Experience, Sheila Liming
Department: Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; English
Furniture or Art? a Visual Exploration of Objects Integrating Sculpture and Design, Jeffry J. Liptak II
Department: Art and Art History
A Study of Adolescent Girls' Definitions of Sexuality and How Outside Influences Impact these Definitions, Aubrey Dawn LoCascio
Department: Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
With No Uncertain Terms: An Examination of the Effects of Legislative Term Limits on State Fiscal Management, Matthew A. Long
Department: Political Science
Importance of Different Sensory Systems in Animal Learning, Alexis Louttit
Department: Biology
Response of Lythrum salicaria (Purple Loosestrife) Seed Banks to Repeated Annual Treatments of the Aboveground Vegetation Using Glyphosate Contain Herbicides, Brian D. Lutz
Department: Biology
Churchmen As Resisters: the Public and Secret War Waged By Protestant Pasters Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemöller, J. David Lyle
Department: History
"Religion in China Under Communist Rule", Jeff Maceyko
Department: Religious Studies
"Loving You This Way Is a Crime": Desire as Causation for Social Deviance and Self-Destruction in the Films of Pedro Almodóvar and David Lynch, Melissa K. Malone
Department: English
A Study of Marijuana Use and the Subcultures of a College Campus Using Symbolic Interaction and the "Hang-Loose" Ethic, Michael Malone
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Factors Affecting Sex Allocation in Two Populations of a South-Central Welsh Bird, the Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), Benjamin McCarty
Department: Biology
"A Mother Bore Each One of You:" A Study of the Goddess in Ancient Ireland, Amy Irene McDowell
Department: Religious Studies
Effects of Accutane on the Development of Depressive-Like Symptoms in Rats, Susan McDowell
Department: Psychology
Moving Through the World One State at a Time: An Investigation of Markov Chains, Erin McGinnis
Department: Mathematics; Computer Science
Stock Price Reaction to a Recall of a Pharmaceutical Product: An Event Analysis, Lisa McMillen
Department: Business Economics
Tipping Point: Determinants of the Choice to Attend The College of Wooster, Richie McNally
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Sugar Plum Fairy's Christmas Tradition: An Americanization of the Nutcracker, Jessica K. Metcalf
Department: History
America's Hang-Up: a Social History of the Telephone From Bell to Cell, Anne Elizabeth Michaels
Department: History
Geophysical Study of Northern Cyclone Canyon Graben in Canyonlands National Park, Utah: Sediment Depth and Implications For a Cross-Sectional Model, Joshua Alan Michaels
Department: Geology
Physically Based Modeling Using the Mass Spring System With An Analysis of Numerical Solutions, Chad Miller
Department: Computer Science
Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Male Negro: How Discourse Leads to Tragedy, Courtney L. Miller
Department: English
I Do Not Want to Die: Fear, Fantasy, and Grief in Death-Related Literature For Children, Elizabeth A. Miller
Department: English
Every Hand's a Winner: Reasons People Gamble, Garnett Miller
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Claus Stauffenberg, Ludwig Beck, Hans Oster and the Construction of a Model For a Military Resister to Adolf Hitler, Michael T. Morris
Department: History
Oligomerization and Chaperone Activity of Two Small Heat Shock Proteins From Zea Mays, Emily N. Morse
Department: Chemistry
Strength of a State: Modeling Hard and Soft Power, Allison M. Nau
Department: Mathematics
En El Nombre Del Trabajador Explotado: a History and Discussion of the Bracero Program, Andrea B. Nelson
Department: History
Lost Boys: Sir James M. Barrie and Peter Pan, Margo Nelson
Department: English
Paper on Selected Works For Senior Recital, Parke Nicholson
Department: Music
United States Operations Mission: Economics and Technical Aid to South Vietnam Before the Second Indochinese War, 1950-1960, Parke Nicholson
Department: History
I Don't Want to Be the Assistant: Black Leaders in Major League Baseball Since 1947, Ross K. Nickel
Department: History
Post-Event Representations of the Bombing of Hiroshima: in Memory, Testimony and Witnessing, Kenzo Niwa
Department: History; Art and Art History
Virtual Environments: Gender in Spatial Learning Ability in a Virtual Morris Water Maze, Nicholas Ryan Novak
Department: Psychology
Casting a Wide Net: An Investigation Into How Political Campaigns Are Utilizing the Internet For Political Gain, Joshua Nowack
Department: Political Science
Art of Changing Minds: a Comparative Study of the Political Significance of the Works of F.T. Marinetti and Vaclav Havel, Michael C. Nunnari Jr.
Department: Political Science
Economic Causes and Consequences of Terrorism, Gerrit Cornelis Frans Ockers II
Department: Economics
Berg, the Wagnerian Serialist: An examination of musical references to Wagner's Tristan und Isolde in Berg's Lulu, Jeremy W. Orosz
Department: Music
Assessing the Diversity of A-Genotype Strain of 2,4-Diacetylphoraglucinol-Producing Pseudomonas Fluorescens Using Suppressive Subtraction Hybridization, Adam E. Osborne
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dreamtime: A Look Into Australia's Aboriginal Religion, Phyllis Owiredu
Department: Religious Studies
Behavioral Comparison of Allopatric and Sympatric Red-Back Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) in Interactions With Slimy Salamanders (Plethodon glutinosus), Emily Pagano
Department: Biology
Photo Finish or a Finished Photo? a Picture of Hard-Fought and Low-Key U.S. Senate Competition, 1998-2004, Douglas Mark Palmer
Department: Political Science
Voices of Travel: Exploring Study Abroad, Travel Literature and Contemporary Issues of Travel Through the Creation of a Magazine, Angel D. Pappalardo
Department: English
Following Yellow Brick Roads: a Visual Exploration, Elizabeth Grace Peebles
Department: Art and Art History