"A Study of Marijuana Use and the Subcultures of a College Campus Using" by Michael Malone


This thesis explores a symbolic interactionist's view ofthe campus subculture as well as attempting to show that those students who use marijuana are more likely to subscribe to the "hang-loose" lifestyle and the values of the subculture. Through the use of a survey sent through campus mail, data was collected from 110 The College of Wooster students. This data was analyzed and did show that those students who subscribe heavily to the behaviors and values ofthe "hang-loose" ethic are most likely to be marijuana users and are at the core of the campus subculture. Further research is suggested to help solidify these theories and to find more supportive data. Adding more students to the study and possibly including interviews this study could gain validity and become even more useful.


Nurse, Anne M.

Second Advisor

Hurst, Charles E.


Sociology and Anthropology

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis

Available for download on Thursday, January 01, 2150

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© Copyright 2005 Michael Malone