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Theses/Dissertations from 1997
The Landmine Campaign and the Increasing Salience of NGOs, Sharmila Lawrence
Cooperative Culture: a Study of Cultural Constructions of Health and Health Foods at One Co-Op, Christina Leed
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Inequality in Education: an Inquiry into Awareness, Attitudes, and Justification of New Trier High School Students, and an Analysis of New Trier's Curriculum, Adrienne Lockwood
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Midterm Congressional Elections, Kevin K. Luce
Pray Love, Remember: a Novella, Antonia Mandry
Department: English; History
Examination of Erythromycin in Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Media, Sara L. Mark
Department: Chemistry
Characterization of Water Content in Corneal Tissue Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Michael Paul Martinelli
Department: Chemistry
The Determinants of Shoplifting Among College Students, Jillian L. Matheson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Factors that Affect Educational Aspirations: a Case Study of the Educational Aspirations that Parents Hold for Their Children and Children's Educational Aspirations, Megan L. McCabe
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Faith, Youth, Calling, Short Term Mission, Prayer, Action, Faith, Christina H. McKean
Department: Religious Studies
Advertisements By Myself, Mark Melnick
Department: English
Locusts in Bronze, Nathaniel J. Missildine
Department: English
Pottery Types of the Protohistoric Ohio Region, Timothy Montbach
Department: Archaeology
Hourglass No One Has to Turn: a Collection of Poems, Neil Moore
Department: English; Spanish
Tradition Versus Translation: a Study of I Corinthians 3:1-5 With Regards to the Problem of Historical Accuracy, Sarah M. Morron
Department: Religious Studies
Trials and Triumphs: Images of Womanhood, Caroline W. Muchekehu
Department: English
What About the Men?: Moving towards a gender and development approach for sustainable human development a comparative case study of Kenya and Botswana, Patricia K. Mugambi
Department: International Relations
Soap Operas: An Interpretive Analysis of College Students' Viewing Rituals, Janet L. Murray
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
La Educación Bilingue: Los Programas del Pasado y el Presente, Carol Oakleaf
Common Women: An Examination of Writings By White Women and Women-Of-Color in the Construction of Community, Julia D. Oliverio
Department: English
Conventions, Controversy, and the Environment: a Study of Newspaper Articles Mentioning Environmental Issues Pertaining to the 1988 and 1992 Presidential Campaigns, Robin Oswald
Department: English; Chemistry
It Isn't a Book About Cops: Ed Mcbain's 87th Precinct Novels - a Study of Social Commentary Within Genre Fiction, Allehandro J. Parker
Department: English
No More Butts: An Analysis of a Non-Linear Model and Tobacco Regulation, Alex R. Patterson
God's Golden Box: the Role of the Ark of the Covenant As a Relic Within Both Ancient and Modern Societies, Erik Lars Peterson
Department: Archaeology
Structure and Funtion of Folkstories of Northeastern Ohio's Puerto Ricans, Roni J. Rea
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Lysias: in the Past and in the Present, Emily K. Reseigh
Department: Classical Studies
Investigation Into the Compositional Changes of the Cornea After Radial Keratotomy Surgery, Kerry J. Riley
Department: Chemistry
The New Age Movement: a Study of New Age Philosophy as Well as Its Relationship to Religion and Revitalization Movements in the Almost 21St Century, Jane Rogers
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
A Quantitative Analysis of School District Level Influences on Student Achievement in the State of Ohio, Terry L. Ruskin
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
"Moving From Dependency to Autonomy: Liberation Theology's Critique of Capitalism and Hope For Latin America", Kristi K. Sanford
Department: Religious Studies
The Disneyification of Women Since 1937, K. Schlademan
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Modern Madwoman: Insights From Twentieth Century Novels By Women, Heather A. Schuckman
Department: English
Redefining Woman: Images of Motherhood and Attitudes towards Abortion, Carrie A. Sergi
Examination of the Collapse of the Anasazi Civilization in the Chaco Canyon Region, Terressa Skinner
Department: Archaeology
Influence of the Classics on Henry David Thoreau, Aaron V. Skrypski
Department: English; Classical Studies
Concepts of Mother: Motherhood, Mother Tongue, and Motherland in the Novels of Buchi Emecheta and Alice Walker, Amanda J. Smith
Department: English
Music For the Accordion: a Collection of Poetry, Susannah C. Sprong
Department: English
The Transition from Peacekeeping to Peace-Enforcement: A New Paradigm for UN Operations, Meredith J. Spungin
Decision Making Processes and Foreign Policy: Public Opinion and the Wars in Korea and Vietnam, Amanda J. Stanley
Chair That Sits at the End of the Hallway, Katherine E. Steger
Department: English
A Continuous Thread: Women From the 1930s to the Present, Katherine G. Stewart
Department: Art and Art History; History
On the Stoop: a Collection of Short and Short-Short Stories, Mary Tartir
Department: English
The Strength of Community: Liberation Theology in El Salvador and Guatemala, Juliana B. Taylor
Department: Religious Studies; Spanish
Ruby Fire: a Romance, Jacqueline Tolonese
Department: English
Feminist Speculative Fiction: Reshaping the Archetypal Patterns of Motherhood Rooted in Myth, Margaret A. Toth
Department: Classical Studies; English
The Third Reich and the Kingdom of God: the Absolute Claims of Two Absolute Belief Systems, Stephan K. Turnbull
Department: German Studies
What does it take to become a "Successful" Dictator? Five Types of Dictatorship: A Case Study of 80 Contemporary Dictators since 1945, Mashu Uruta
Department: Political Science
Carnival Fish, Audra M. Variakojis
Department: English
Making Jack a Dull Boy: Alienation in the Modern Work Force, Stephanie R. Viti
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Religion and the Education of Muslim and Hindu Communities in America, Miriam J. Wahid
Department: Religious Studies
Alcoholism as a Culturally Constructed Phenomena: Al-Anon as an Indicator of Cultural Values, Christy Ann Watts
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Variables Which Influence the Decision to Terminate Life: A Study of Attitudes Toward Euthanasia, Mary Beth Weimer
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
So that Is What Brothers and Sisters Are For! Birth Order: How It Effects the Social Interaction and Academic Performance of Children in Elementary School, Katie Whitehead
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Air Underneath My Wings, Mariama K. Whyte
Department: English
Jennifer Willis Actually Turns in Independent Study, Jennifer Willis
Department: English
Spatiality, the Anglo-American Home, and the American Dream: an Analysis of Contemporary Domestic Space in the United States, Erin E. Wilson
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Mary Magdalene in Text: a Whore or Leader?, Heather M. Wilson
Department: Religious Studies
Sneaky Monks and Other Fuzzy Stories, Brad A. Winter
Department: English
Serving Up the Soul: a Multi-Genre Examination of the American Diner, Susan Wittstock
Department: English
The Meanings of Food in Hindu Indian Culture (A Study of Food, Dietary, and Eating Practices of Hindu Indian International Students at the College of Wooster), Allison M. Wu
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Shrine of the Sorrowful Mothers, a Marian Shrine in Bellevue, Ohio, Julie A. Yeager
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
One Unsatisfied Customer, Derek J. Young
Department: English
Tent Worms and Other Stories, Kathryn A. Youther
Department: English
Great Writers of the People: a Fictional Journey Through the Writings of Fyodor Dostoevdky, Walt Whitman, Allen Ginsberg, and Douglas Coupland, Joseph J. Zenir
Department: English
Spatial Location and the Needs of Battered Women, Karen Zimmer
Department: Urban Studies
Christian Line of Authority From the Apostasy to the Restoration, Carrie A. Zuro
Department: History
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Sustaining Culture through Ecotourism: A Comparative Case Study of the Kuna of Panama and the Maasai of East Africa, Liya Aklilu
U.S.-Japanese Trade Relations after Hegemony, Alison M. Alexander
Historic Presevation: Examining Whether Renovating Public and Commercial Buildings Is a Profitable Policy that Will Promote the Revitalization of Cleveland's Central City, Kandis D. Anderson
Department: Urban Studies
Perspectives on Censorship in Adolescent Literature, Erin Martha J. Balsat
Department: English
Developing the Atomic Bomb: Cooperation, Collaboration, and Success Within the Manhattan Project, Clinton Behm
Department: History
Women in the Military: the Evolution of the Struggle For Equality in the United States Military With An Emphasis on the Debate of Women in Combat, Brijin L. Boddy
Department: History
"Allons Au Café!!!" Le Rôle et La Significance du Café et de I'Alcool Dans La Société Française, Ryan Boeding
Department: French and Francophone Studies
Toni Morrison: the Advantage of Post Colonial Writing, Heather S. Bond
Department: English
Restructuring of the American Canon in the Twentieth Century, Maureen Bowles
Department: English
Jacob's New Kite: a Study of Self-Esteem in Children's Picture Books, Amy Boyden
Department: English
Anti-Semitism in the United States during the Second World War, Dorie A. Buchman
Mainstreaming in Elementary Education: a Study of Handicapped Children and Their Right to An Appropriate Education, Susan H. Bunch
Department: History
Dances of Universal Peace: An Ethnography of Sufi Spirituality through Dance, Christine Cairns
The Budget Battle: The Role of the Speaker in the House of Representatives - The Case Studies of: Thomas O'Neill and Newt Gingrich, Scarlett E. Caminiti
Analysis and Interpretation of the Aurelian Column, David Carew
Department: Archaeology
Lessons Learned, Lessons Lost: the Evolution of German Blitzkrieg Doctrine, 1914-1942, Kenneth W. Casais
Department: History
God's By-Products and Other Discrepancies: A Critical Analysis of Plato's Magnesia and Liberation Theology as Viable Utopic Constructions in Relation to Mainline Christian Tradition, Courtney Caswell-Payton
The Impact of British Rule on Indian Society: a Discussion, Neelabja R. Chowdhury
Department: History
Environmental Organizations, GIS and Ideology: A Case Study Analysis, Benjamin K. Christensen
Juvenile Justice in the United States and Our Symbolic National Policy, Tyson A. Christ
Women's Travel Literature From Russia, M. Alexandra Clark
Department: Russian Studies
Teaching Banned Books: the Case of Little Black Sambo, Elizabeth C. Conrad
Department: English
Fly on the Wall, Beth Cooperman
Department: English
Yitzhak Rabin An Extinct Breed of Leadership in the Middle Eastern Conflct, Eric G. Core
Department: History
Grunts, Brass Hats, and the Media: World War Two and Images of Battle in the American Imagination, Scott A. Crawford
Department: History
From Fifteen To?: The Future of European Integration, Amrita Daing
Department: International Relations
Cadavers and Calculators: Are We Sending Mixed Signals? An Intricate Look at the Relationship Between Administrators and Physicians in a Growing Appalachian City and What Happens When a For-Proft Corporation and Managed Care Come Knocking on the Door, Esteban T. de Koos
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Reform in Russian History, Thomas F. Della Torre
Department: History
From the Bully Pulpit to the Idiot Box: The Effects of Presidential Rhetoric on Entertainment Television, Anastasia A. Diamond