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Theses/Dissertations from 1990
The Effects of Using Significant Others and Positive Imagery in the Advertising of Alcohol on Seventh and Eighth Grade Students, James Michael Kelley III
Northway Narratives, Stacy A. Kelly
Department: English
The Rhetoric of Exclusion: African-Americans in the Rhetoric of Democratic Party Platforms and Presidential Nominees from 1964 to 1984, Joseph J. Kennedy IV
The Rape of Our Earth: An Unnatural Phenomenon: the Deforestation Dilemma, Anya D. Kenny
Department: International Relations
40,000 Years Is Not a Bicentenary: White Australia Has Black History, Julie R. Kerr
Department: History
Time Zones and Other Stories, Bruce J. Kim
Department: English
The Excess Volume Effect of the Binary Liquid Mixture Perfluoromethylcyclohexane + Isopropyl Alcohol, Dennis E. Kuhl
Department: Physics
Foreign Direct Investment: Threat or Asset?, Steven A. Kuri
American Military Leadership and Command: Omar N. Bradley, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Matthew B. Ridgeway, Willam C. Westmoreland, David C. Lake
Department: History
Women Who Write: Motivations, Fears, and Achievement, Samantha Elise Langley
The Decline of the United States' Hegemony in World Affairs and Implications for Future Policy, Jeffrey W. Lasell
Developing a Children's Literacy Canon, Kimberly A. LaVinn
Department: English
Converging Interests of a Twelve-Member Community: the Search For a European Community Foreign Policy, Elsa A. Linke
Department: International Relations
Attitudes and Perceptions of Art Therapy: an exploratory study, Leslie D. Lipson
Women's Reproductive Rights in the Russian Republic of the Soviet Union, Theresa A. Lowe
Department: History
Reflections on Dickens, Peter J. Mack
Department: English
Gendered Spheres and Contraceptive Choice, Cheryl Martin
Ralph Vaughan Williams' Songs of Travel: an Analysis, Steven A. McKelvey
Department: Music
Family Patterns in Contemporary Novels Written By Women, Elise C. Merrell
Department: English
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Portrait of a Prophet, Francis P. Miller II
Functional Theory Behind the Organization of African Unity and Its Policy Goals, Michelle Miranda
Department: International Relations
The Effects of Political Clientelism and Incumbency Advantage on the Margin of Victory in Senatorial Elections, Kristine G. Mushett
Symbolizing Fatherhood: The Image and Reality of Contemporary American Father, Wilde M.
Stopover, Stephen N. Ndegwa
Department: English
The Political Culture of Ethnicity and Democracy in Kenya: Proposing an Alternative Model, Stephen Njuguna Ndegwa
The League of Nations and Collective Security, Kirk R. Neureiter
Department: History
The Effects of Writing in the Math Classroom on Math Anxiety and Math Achievement, Margaret Sanford Nott
Department: Mathematics
Superheroes and Six-Shooters: Conventional Heroes in Cinema, Geoffrey O'brien
Department: English
Krishna and Christ: An Approach to Dialogue, Thomas A. Oommen
Selective Representation: Political Action Committee Spending in Congressional Elections, Daniel Charles Pancake Jr.
Children's Acquisition of Culture Through Education, Alison R. Parsons
The Mystery of the Garden of Eden, Gregory W. Peacock
Department: English
Antartica's Resources and the International Arena, Trond B. Peersen
Department: International Relations
Explanation of Black Studies Curriculum Development in the High School, Karl J. Penn
Department: English
Atrribute Differences Between Female Athletes and Female Non-Athletes, Estela Pereira
Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev: the Evolution of a Friendship, Brian J. Phillips
Department: History
The Necessity of a Return to Ethics: An Examination of the Effects of Fear and Stigma in the AIDS Health Crisis, Greg G. Phlegar
Exclusionary Governmental Policy as a Means Toward Periphery State Development: Is it the Path to Developmental Achievement?, Sean William Pickett
Soviet Policy Toward the Middle East Since 1948 With a Focus on the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Lorna S. Pires
Department: International Relations
Victimization in the United States as a Function of Selected Lifestyle Characteristics, Scott R. Powell
La Gramatica Logica de la Oracion Compuesta Coordinada, Daniel R. Radvansky
The Socializing Effects of College Varsity Sport Participation, Philip M. Rea
Constructing Reader-Response Theory: Gender, Ideology, and Context, Maggie Redic
City Governance: The Mayor's Role in School Desegregation, Ruth A. Reynolds
Chinese Landscape Painting and Neo-Confucian Philosophy: Kuo Hsi and Tao-Chi, Kelly Richmond
Department: Art and Art History; History
"The Relationship Between Children and Fairy Tales", Julie D. Rivinus
Department: English
A Selection of Poems, Douglas Q. Sachtleben
Department: English
The Evolution of the United States Government Policy towards American Indian Reservations, Elizabeth H. Satow
Abortion Rights In Christianity, Nicole A. Schack
Discrimination Against Women in the Labor Force: Gender Pay Differentials, Julie A. Schmidt
Introductory Thermodynamic Study of the Cryopreservation of Corneal Tissue With Antifreeze Glycoproteins By Differential Scanning Calorimetry, L. Wayne Schultz
Department: Chemistry
Titan of the Keys: Hemingway in Key West, Christopher R. Sharp
Department: English
Gardens and Dreams: Scenes From a Novel, Margaret L. Singleton
Department: English
Robert Owen's Communitarian Vision, Michael Snavely
Department: History
An American Vision or Just a Fairy Tale: A Study of the Rhetoric of the 1988 Presidential Campaign, Stephanie Maria Stapleton
A Cross-Cultural Study of Dreaming Between Americans and the Sioux Indians, Heath Stevens
Collection of Really Short Stories, Margaret Stumpff
Department: English
The Impact of Network News During the 1988 Presidential Election Campaign, Robert R. Timken
Religious Metaphorical Types in Twentieth Century Literature, Preston S. true
Department: English
How Has ASEAN Helped in the Growth and Development of the Countries in the Association?, S. Samuel Tumiwa
Department: International Relations
Singing New Songs in a Foreign Land: Latin American Base Communities and Sarvodayan Ashrams, Stephanie Vader
Feministopias: Linguistic Revolution as the Key to Social Change, William Van Cleave
Feministopias: Linguistic Revolution as the Key to Social Change, William Van Cleave
Department: English
The Effect of Cultural Heritage on Attitudes and Behavior Toward the Elderly, Cassandra Louise Weaver
Neither David Nor Goliath: An Analysis of Palestinian and Israeli Nationalism, Thomas C. Webster
Department: International Relations
"Radical Existentialism:" Movies as a Reflection of the Youth Culture in 1960s America, Michael S. Wells
Department: History
Clyde Edgerton, Pat Conroy, Bobbie Ann Mason- Three Writers of the Modern South, Phillip C. West
Department: History
Juice of Life:Ten Films By Robert Altman, Paul Wilkinson
Department: English
IGBO Masks and Masquerades: a Reflection of Culture, Cheryl S. Wilson
How Kenyan Women's Roles Have Been Affected by Education, Mia Wright
Cop Talk: An Oral History: Approach to the Changes in Urban Policing Since 1945, Abigail L. Wurf
Department: History
Defense Unity in Western Europe: Changing Policies, Changing Attitude, Jennifer Young
Department: International Relations
Floating Man, Patrick N. Ziselberger
Department: English
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Nursing as a Mirror Reflection of Women: A Crisis Situation, Robert S. Abernethy IV
Casestudy of a Community-Based Service For Rehabilitation of Juvenile Offender, Lee H. Adams
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Humpty Dumpty Was Right: the Negative Effects of Canon Perpetuation on Interpretative Freedom, Alicia Collin Aebersold
Department: English
Adolf Hitler; the Defeat of the German Generals, Richard W. Allen III
Department: History
Evaluation of the Folch Extraction Technique, Lenora Anderson
Department: Chemistry
Unfolding the Creative Potential: Homosexual Ordination in a Patriarchal Church, Tanya A. Arbogast
U.S. Policy Toward Nicaragua: Is It Sound?, Amy C. Arnold
Department: International Relations
An Exploration of Ecosophical Ontologies: Conceptions of "Nature" and the Human Role in Christian Stewardship and Deep Ecology, Margret Bailey
Social and Personal Well-Being of a Field Sample of Married and Divorced Men and Women, Kristen A. Baumann
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
One Nation, Divisible: Cultural and Economic Interactions and the Political Realities of the GDR-FRG Relationship, Joshua Bauroth
For a Bronze Coin: a Collection of Poems, Amy L. Biddle
Department: English
Convergencias Tematicas en la Poesía Política de Claribel Alegría y Carolyn Forche, Beverly-Jo Bing
Postmortem Public Reaction to American Presidents, Jennifer K. Blair
Department: History
Cruel Circus, Elise J. Bonza
Department: English
Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking: a Hypertext Approach, Donald S. Buchanan
Department: English
Determination of Zinc Content in the Sclera, Choriod and Retina of Human and Bovine Eyes Using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Anthony Burke
Department: Chemistry
We Are Sisters: the Status of African and Italian Women in Nineteenth Century America, Carlye A. Burwell
Department: History
Literature in the High School English Curriculum: Its Purpose and Effect on the Selection of Poetry, Michael S. Cammarata
Department: English
The Ninth Amendment: a Case of Neglect, Robert B. Campbell
Department: History
How to Be a Human Woman: Three in Accord, A Study of the Portrayals of Twentieth Century Women in the Novels of Margaret Atwood, Margaret Drabble, and Lee Smith, Anita Beth Carl
Department: English
Es Weht Ein Frischer Wind...Die rolle der satire in dem literarischen Kabarett in Berlin, 1918-1933, Alicia L. Carter
Department: German Studies
Constitutionalism as a form of Liberation Theology, Cornell P. Carter
A Look at Holocaust Literature: the Efffectiveness and Expansion of Holocaust Literature As a Learning Tool, Kimberly G. Chase
Department: History; English
Einige, Die 'Nein' Sagten. Wie Und Warum? Deutsche Gegen Das Dritte Reich: Ein Kampf Für Freiheit, Sarah S. Closser
Department: German Studies
The Effect of Transportation on the Concentration of Pollution, Jeffrey D. Cook
The Overemphasis on Winning in Amateur Sports For Males at the Junior Level, Richard E. Danch
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
The Public and Private Benefits of Historic Preservation, Christopher Francis David