Global & International Studies Senior Independent Study Theses | Global & International Studies | The College of Wooster


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2024


Global Feminist Perspectives on Venezuela: A Historical Feminist Analysis from a Venezuelan American, America Betancourt Guevara
Department: Global and International Studies; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


Playing For Power: Evaluating Sportswashing With a Case Studies Approach, Ben Byars
Department: Global and International Studies


The Authoritarian Backslide: Democratization and Repression in Transitional Regimes, Elise Jones
Department: Global and International Studies; Political Science


Who is Really to Blame? Examining the Impact of Teacher Accountability on Learning Outcomes in Francophone West Africa, Byera Kashangaki
Department: French and Francophone Studies; Global and International Studies


Does Foreign Direct Investment Negatively Affect Preservation of Culture in the Global South? Case Studies in Thailand and Cambodia., Antonia Eva Owens Detwiler
Department: Global and International Studies


What is the Impact of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) on the Productivity and Promotability of an Employee?, Giselle Rivera
Department: Economics; Global and International Studies


Taiwan: Public Diplomacy and Foreign Perception, Elijah W. Shoaf
Department: Global and International Studies; Political Science


Divided Government and Decision Units: An Examination of Foreign Policy Deliberations in the French Executive, Abigail Grace Thomson
Department: Global and International Studies; French and Francophone Studies


Pluralistic, Inclusive, Global Engagement in Support of American Youth, Evelyn Trumpey
Department: Global and International Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2023


Emboldening the Insolent: How Governmental Treatment of Refugees Affects Far-Right Support, Alexa Carlozzi
Department: French and Francophone Studies; Global and International Studies


Can The Swiss Have Their Cake And Eat It Too?: An Examination Of Swiss Identity And Public Support For European Integration, Jenna L. Dyroff
Department: French and Francophone Studies; Global and International Studies


“Navigating the Storm”: Exploring the Relationship Between Stochastic Market Disruptions and Supply Chain Resilience., Elyazid N. Elhamriti
Department: Economics; Global and International Studies


Discerning Through Discourse: Constructions of French Identity Regarding Russia and Ukraine in the 21st Century, Adeline Hennebury
Department: French and Francophone Studies; Global and International Studies


Political Stability and Oil Price Relationship, Siyan Ji
Department: Global and International Studies


Human Right Violations and Systematic Oppression of Baha'is in Iran, Ryan Koroush Khazra
Department: Global and International Studies


The Power of Narratives: Exploring the Influence of Propaganda Narratives on U.S. Ethiopian Migrants’ Remittance-Sending Behavior Post 2020 Ethiopia/Tigray Conflict, Alegnta Mezmur
Department: Economics; Global and International Studies


A Critical Examination of Internal Self-Determination: A Case of Ethiopia, Salem Nega
Department: Global and International Studies


Les Mourides: Perceptions of Religious Authority and Political Decision-Making, Henry Pellegrin
Department: Global and International Studies; Religious Studies


The CFA Zone: An Assessment of Factors Impacting Human Development, Namara Rwakatare
Department: French and Francophone Studies; Global and International Studies


Music and Migration: The Demand for Hybrid/World Music in the U.S., Mekdes Shiferaw
Department: Global and International Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2022


Impacts Of The Securitization Of Development In Colombia, Libbie DePastino
Department: Global and International Studies; Spanish


How Effective Is The “Pivot To Asia” Policy On Counterbalancing And Strengthening Alliances? A Case Study On U.S.-China-Japan Relations., Tina Lam
Department: Global and International Studies


Once An Enemy, Always An Enemy? The Role Of Political Leaders' Rhetoric In Intractable Conflicts, Alexandra Manopoulou Ms
Department: Global and International Studies


Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Decision-Making in the Face of NFIP Policy Changes, Mohini Sharma
Department: Global and International Studies; Sociology and Anthropology


Female Legislators And Growth: Why Having More Women In Policymaking Matters, Ngwe Sin Ms
Department: Global and International Studies


Violent Means For Secure Ends: How An Absence Of State Social Safety Nets Impacts The Prevalence Of Violent Political Activity, Tabitha Skornik-Hayes
Department: Economics; Global and International Studies


Remittances – A Child’s Ticket To Better Education: A Case Study Of Nepal; Evaluating The Schooling Decisions Of Households Receiving Remittances In Nepal, Rishika Todi
Department: Economics; Global and International Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2021


Inheritance Rights and Women’s Intrahousehold Bargaining Power: A Case Study of Indonesia, Rita Chiboub
Department: Global and International Studies


An Evaluation of the Relationship Between Income Inequality and Price Discrimination, Christopher Gately
Department: Global and International Studies


Peace Be With You: An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Interfaith versus Single-faith Peacebuilding Programming at Reducing Violence in Religious Conflict, Sydney Maureen Hanes
Department: Global and International Studies


Corporate Pressure Makes Regime Diamonds: An Analysis of the Impact of Multinational Corporations on International Environmental Regime Effectiveness, Katie Harvey
Department: Global and International Studies


The Impact of Opinion Leaders on YouTube Towards Consumer Purchase Intention, Yu Hu
Department: Economics; Global and International Studies


Stick or Carrot? How Multinational Venture Capital Firms Balance Compensation and Monitoring across Political Environments., Huzhi Li
Department: Global and International Studies


How did the China-US trade war affect Chinese High- Technology Manufacturing industry?, Ruoqi Liu
Department: Global and International Studies


Resource Boom, Manufacturing Bust: The Dutch Disease and Deindustrialization in South America, Gabriel Melmed
Department: Global and International Studies


The War for Germany's "Redemption", David E. Naugle
Department: German Studies; Global and International Studies


“Will the dragon come to the aid of the lion?”: Understanding Sino-African ties through the lens of policy implementation, civil society, and Sustainable Development., Kidsena Tafesse
Department: Global and International Studies


Fighting for Identity and Autonomy: Cultural Suppression, Political Exclusion, and Violence in Secessionist Conflicts, Shane M. Wallace
Department: Global and International Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2020


The Impact of Trade with the Regional Hegemon, China, on ASEAN Countries by Examining Their Behavior on International Arena, Ryoko Asakuma
Department: Global and International Studies


How Do Income Shocks Affect Schooling In Guatemala? Using Household Data To Examine Tradeoffs Between Child Labor And Education, Jorge De Leon
Department: Global and International Studies


1997 Korean Currency Crisis: Its Causes, Resolution and Social Impacts, Pyeongan Hong
Department: Global and International Studies


Make Some Noize: Rap as a Form of Political Protest in Russia, Daphne Letherer
Department: Global and International Studies; Russian Studies


Sun Yat-sen, The Three Principles of the People, and Ideology in China, John Demetrios Petersen
Department: Chinese Studies; Global and International Studies; Political Science


Talking about EU: The Impact of Leaders' Discourse on Public Support for the European Union, Marco Roccato
Department: Global and International Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2019


Healthcare Decisions in the Arctic, Emma Griffith
Department: Global and International Studies


Does China’s Involvement in Foreign Aid in Underdeveloped African States Result in Developmental Growth?, Cornelius Gyamfi
Department: Global and International Studies


The Neutrality Dilemma: The Influence of Humanitarian Neutrality within Médecins Sans Frontières and the International Committee of the Red Cross, Bronwen Kessler
Department: Global and International Studies


Does Economic Liberalization Lead to Democratization?: A Comparative Case Study of South Korea and China, HaeMin Kwak
Department: Global and International Studies


Is it still 1991? How the status of contemporary Russian women, in relation to men, has remained unchanged in politics, education, the workforce, health, and the home since the fall of the Soviet Union., Claire Russ
Department: Global and International Studies; Russian Studies


No Time to Waste: An Examination of the Climate Change Norm and its Role in Increasing Observer Participation in the UNFCCC, Ethan Scully
Department: Political Science; Global and International Studies


A Formal Analysis of an Informal Settlement: The Case of Joe Slovo, Amy R. Wisseman
Department: Global and International Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2018


Save the Forest (Dependent Communities): An Analysis of Potential Factors That Help Explain the Inclusion of Forest-Dependent Communities in Redd+ Readiness, Maite A. Knorr-Evans
Department: Global and International Studies


Making Room for Refugees: Understanding Trends and Valuable Criteria in the Humanization of Refugees through the Analysis of Multimedia, and Oral History, Heather C. Lockhart-Neff
Department: Global and International Studies


Caste Discrimination in the Indian Labor Market: Examining the Regional Differences in the Effect of Caste Affiliation on Wage Inequality in India’s Labor Market, Komal Mesvani
Department: Global and International Studies


Who Sets the Agenda: Patterns in Private Donor Funding to the World Health Organization and Donor Influence in Global Health, Hannah Passmore
Department: Global and International Studies


One God, One Race, One Tongue: A Study of Racial Inequality of Colombia, Dylan P. Pederson
Department: Global and International Studies


Location Location Gender: How Variables Impact Household Head Financial Decisions in Rural and Urban Regions throughout China, Margaret Sestito
Department: Chinese Studies; Economics; Global and International Studies


Living Well or Living Better? How a Failure to Implement Changes to Ecuadorian Environmental Policy Hindered the Treatment of the Ecuadorian Indigenous Community, Sarah Vonck
Department: Global and International Studies; Spanish

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2017


The Femme Fatal: How do Different Gendered Messaging Techniques Impact Public's Attitudes Towards Perceived Threat of a Female Terrorist?, Haley C. Davis
Department: Global and International Studies


Germany and the Syrian Refugee Crisis: The Complexities of National Identity and the Handling of the Syrian Refugee Crisis, Megan Koeneman
Department: Global and International Studies; History


To Protect and Serve: Homicide Rates and Policing Policies in Central America, Michaela J. McNaughton
Department: Global and International Studies


Gods of War: The Impact of Religion on the Human Cost of Civil Wars, Eric Nolin
Department: Global and International Studies


When it Rains it Pours: A Comparative Case Study of the Relationship between Climate Variability and State Security in the West African Sahel, Aleksi M. Pelkonen
Department: Global and International Studies


Culture for Culture’s Sake: The Politics and Economics of the UNESCO World Heritage Brand on Tourism, Cara N. Peterson
Department: Global and International Studies


Running in Place: The United States War on Drugs in Colombia (1960-2003), Aidan N. Prien
Department: History; Global and International Studies


Gods and Guns: Examining the Effects of Shared Religious Plurality on Military Expinditure, Marco A. Sapien
Department: Political Science; Global and International Studies


Where are you from and why are you here?: A Study of Negative Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes' Effect on Public Support for Syrian Refugees', Sarah C. Strum
Department: Global and International Studies


Economics under Fire: Understanding GDP and HDI through Social Capital and its Relationship with Noteworthy Intra-State Conflicts, Samuel T. Waters
Department: Economics; Global and International Studies


Politics of the Apolitical: A Study of Operational Autonomy and International Non-Governmental Oganizations (INGOs), Rachel Wilson
Department: Global and International Studies

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2016


Home is Where You are Needed?: The Role of Government-Provided Incentives in Determining the Outcome of International Student Mobility in the Source Country, Elisa Priscilla Toto
Department: Global and International Studies