Senior Independent Study Theses from 1976
Charles Dickens' Portrayal of Social Conditions in Dombey and Son and Hard Times, Jayne A. Hart
Department: English
Dickens' Character and the Industrial Question, Bruce J. Koppert
Department: English
Fernando Arrabal: Development and Change, Anne Liske
Department: English
Collection of Short Stories and Animal Fables, Gregory J. Marvin
Department: English
"Voices Lost" and Other Stories, Amy McKinley
Department: English
Four Essays on Andrew Lang, Rob Roy
Department: English
Language Arts in the Open Classroom, Susan E. Tew
Department: English
Pastoral in the Poetry of A. E. Housman, Paula Wilhelm
Department: English
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1975
Last of Life 1958-1972: A Brief Study of Some Changes in the Declining Years, Jeffrey R. Adair
Department: English
Line Broke, the Monkey Got Choked, David Batchelor
Department: English
Thematic and Character Development in Three Historical Novels Written For Children, Margaret A. Baxstrom
Department: English
Creation of Reality Through Language, Margaret L. Castiglia
Department: English
Incongruence: A Collection of Stories, Charles R. Earl
Department: English
Comparative Study: The Odyssey and Fairy Tales, Lisa Gebhardt
Department: English
Reading in America: Current Trends, Causes, and Solutions Aimed Toward the Average or Gifted High School Student, Cynthia A. Geier
Department: English
Time to Laugh, a Time to Wonder: The Contributions of Dr. Seuss to Children's Literature of Fantasy, Carol L. Jackson
Department: English
Satire of Jane Austen, Ruth Kerley
Department: English
Bernard Malamud: Redemption Through Suffering in Five Novels, Anne M. Loveland
Department: English
Comedy in the Novels of George Meredith, Barbara A. Lutz
Department: English
De Britannicis Religiosis Carminibus Tertii Decimi Et Quarti Decimi Saeculorum, James McCarthy
Department: English
"My I.S.": A Collection of Short Stories, Chris Moore
Department: English
Die Ansicht Der Gerechtigkeit in Ausgewahlten Werken Von Friedrich Durrenmatt, Jeanne Noss
Department: English
Wisdom of the Fools in Tradition and in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and King Lear, Marian T. Redding
Department: English
Joseph Sheridan Lefanu and Bram Stoker As Supernatural Gothic Authors, Candy Richards
Department: English
George Eliot and Henry James: The Victorian Heroine and Marriage, Linda F. Riedesel
Department: English
Milton's Use of the Pastoral in Six Works, J. Elizabeth Sapp
Department: English
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in the High School Classroom, Rebecca Snyder
Department: English
Richard's Role in Richard II, David A. Tuttle
Department: English
"The End": A Collection of Short Stories, Richard T. Winner
Department: English
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1974
Palarica to the Rescue, Julie Else
Department: English
Problems of Translation and Endo Shusaku's the Sea and Poison, Margaret Ann Fittkau
Department: English
Sir Gawain As the Exemplar of Human Perfection, Nancy Haddick
Department: English
Significance of Fantasy: A Discussion of Narnia and Middle-Earth, Dorothy H. Hay
Department: English
Five Picture Books, Marilyn Hitchcock
Department: English
Poetics of Reality: A Look at John Montague's the Rough Field, Deborah G. Horner
Department: English
Frank O'Connor's Fiction: Stories of Ireland, Patricia A. Hoskins
Department: English
Lamp of a Poet: Emily Dickinson, Melody Lothes
Department: English
My Own Museum, Randy Luvaas
Department: English
Thomas Hardy's View of the Way the Victorian Age and Its Conventions Shaped and Controlled the Possibilities and Roles of Women, Kathy McNeill
Department: English
Zora Neale Hurston: Evolution of a Writer, Deborah L. Mintzer
Department: English
Significance of Modern Science Fiction, Jeffrey Scott Moore
Department: English
Melissa and the Green Elephant: A Creative Project, Roxanne Nay
Department: English
Works of Madeleine L'Engle, Sue Port
Department: English
Teaching of Competency in Communication: Media Literacy and Traditional Literacy, Bonnie Snyder
Department: English
George Eliot's Older Characters, Marion Tilley
Department: English
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1973
Oh, My God, Who Am I?, Robert E. Buchanan
Department: English
Value of Children's Literature: The Nature and Appeal of "Nancy Drew", Linda B. Castle
Department: English
Great Collapse of '73, Robert Dyer
Department: English
Poet's Tongue: A Conception, Creation and Development of the Visionary Hero as a Character in the Poetic Works of William Butler Yeats, Debra Gilbert
Department: English
Alienation and Its Implications For the Lawrentian Vision, Jennifer L. Greene
Department: English
Nature of Man in the Work of Golding, Mark Gregory
Department: English
Eudora Welty: The Gift of Human Vision, Susan Deidre Holycross
Department: English
Image of Queens and Other Short Stories, Majorie Hodge Kramer
Department: English
Role of Women in Jame Joyce's Ulysses, Margaret Milligan
Department: English
Conflict Between the Principle of Submission and the Temptation of the Promethean in the Novels of Thomas Hardy, Patricia L. Poulton
Department: English
Theme of Honor in Faulkner, Suzanne Schluederberg
Department: English
Henry James and the Ghostly, Deborah G. Sherck
Department: English
Fragment of a Modern Science Fiction Novel, Michael H. Smith
Department: English
Medieval English Lyric As Represented By the Secular Lyrics of M.S. Harley 2253, Susan M. Voorhees
Department: English
Autobiography: An Effective Means of Black Communication, Yvonne Washington
Department: English
There's Still Time to Change the Road You're On, Douglas Welch
Department: English
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1972
D.H. Lawrence and Woman's Position in the Western World, Terry Williams
Department: English
Theme of Suffering in the Works of Bernard Malamud, Linda R. Yergin
Department: English
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1971
Gwendolyn Brooks: Themes and Techniques Visible Through a Study of Her Works, Olivia Moore
Department: English
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1969
Creative Writing Project, Thomas P. Albu
Department: English
Perception and Time in Poetry: a Romantic Problem, Michael S. Allen
Department: English
Short Stories of William Tenn: An Example of the Possibilities and Limitations of Science Fiction, Burleigh P. Angle
Department: English
Tennyson's Ulysses: Sources and Structure, Jean Asbury
Department: English
W. Somerset Maugham's Views on Women, Gail Bielby
Department: English
Irving Stone: the Technique of Fictional Biography, Julia P. Boyer
Department: English
English in American Public Schools, Barbara K. Brown
Department: English
Maslowian Analysis of Character in Adam Bede and Middlemarch, Jane K. Davison
Department: English
Drama of O'Neill's Plays, Ralph Day
Department: English
C. S. Lewis: Myth and Apologetics, Gisele Fitch
Department: English
Alfred Tennyson and Matthew Arnold: Two Poetic Answers to the Victorian Challenge, Barbara Herbert
Department: English
Henry Fielding As Narrator, Nancy J. Hover
Department: English
Hawthorne and Puritanism, Patricia Ingram
Department: English
Selected English Poems From Trinity College Cambridge 1450, Martha F. Krieg
Department: English
In the Heart of the Sacred Beast, Charles Kussmaul
Department: English
Drama of W. B. Yeats, Judith A. Miller
Department: English
On Being Black: a Study in American Negro Literature, Claire C. Miner
Department: English
Cultural Trends in the Development of Contemporary American Black Theater, Marjorie Monson
Department: English
Studies of Computer Research in Language and Literature, Kathleen M. Moore
Department: English
Bestsellers in Perspective: Analysis of 10 Bestseller, 1965-1968, Peter Mosenthal
Department: English
Achilleus and the Modern American Literary Hero, Kathleen Patterson
Department: English
New Perspective on Later Plays of Eugene O'Neill: a Revaluation of the Iceman Cometh, Long Day's Journey Into Night, a Moon For the Misbegotten, Lynn Pocock
Department: English
Arthur Miller: Dramatist in An Age of Disillusionment, Betsy Ridge
Department: English
Elmer Edgar Stoll: Man and Critic, Carol A. Snyder
Department: English
Two Tongues of Robert Burns, Lynne Spencer
Department: English
Thomas Hardy's Novels As Reflections of His Views of Human Existence, Jennifer Stevenson
Department: English
Approaches to the American Language, Gina Wengatz
Department: English
Critical Reception F. Scott Fitzgerald Received Between the Years 1920-1950, Elizabeth A. Wessler
Department: English
Tales the Fairies Never Told, Eric C. Wolf
Department: English
Senior Independent Study Theses from 1968
Ten Short Stories: An Exercise in Structural Analysis, Sarah I. Cheaney
Department: English
The Indian in Colonial American Writing: the Background of the "Noble Savage", Jennifer L. Coddington
Department: English
Review of the Development of the Periodical, Mary G. Fancher
Department: English
Poetry in the Seventh Grade: the Unit Approach, Sandra J. Graybill
Department: English
Quartet: the Early Novels of William Somerset Maugham, Paula Hagen
Department: English
Self Knowledge Theme in the Early Fiction of Robert Penn Warren, Robert C. Hahn
Department: English
Creative Project: Six Short Stories, Janet R. Harris
Department: English