Business Economics Senior Independent Study Theses | Business Economics | The College of Wooster
The full text of Senior Independent Study Theses submitted during and after 2012 are available to download only by College of Wooster users. Unless listed as an exemplar, all other theses are restricted.


Senior Independent Study Theses from 2018


A Behavioral Approach To CAPM, Ethan Myers
Department: Mathematics; Business Economics


Understanding Municipal Bond Ratings Using Ordered Multinomial Logistic Regression, Thao Nguyen
Department: Business Economics; Mathematics


The Effects of Compensation Structures on Employee Productivity: A View from the Lab, Noah Parker
Department: Business Economics


Does a Choice of the Investment Bank Matter in the IPO Process?, Vilius Sulnis
Department: Business Economics


The Effects of the Affordable Care Act on State Health Insurance Markets, Drew B. Tornow
Department: Business Economics


Foreign Aid in the Face of Corruption: An Estimation of the Impact on Health Indicators and Poverty in Developing Countries, Jessica Verghese
Department: Business Economics


Vertically or Horizontally Running?: A Study of The Organization of Firms in The Fashion Industry Using Transaction Costs Theory, Phuong Thao Vu
Department: Business Economics


Currency or New Asset Class? An Introduction to the Bitcoin Economy and an Empirical Analysis of Bitcoin Price Determinants, Spencer B. Wood
Department: Business Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2017


Theory Versus Reality: Contract Farming Within Uganda, Margaret Archibald
Department: Business Economics


The Effects of Marijuana Decriminalization on the U.S. Prison Population, Michael Bay
Department: Business Economics


Determinants of Fundraising Efficiency for Religious and Nonreligious Nonprofit Organizations, Benjamin F. Cluss
Department: Business Economics


The Economic Oracle: Do certain Macroeconomic Indicators possess predictive content for Future Real GDP and Economic Recessions?, Aniruddh Fatehpuria
Department: Business Economics


The Role of Labels in Valuation and Consumer Purchasing Decisions, Emily H. Foley
Department: Business Economics; Environmental Studies


The Work and Childbearing Dilemma: A Study on Labor Participation and Fertility Rates in Japan after the "Abenomics" Reform, Liam Fukushima
Department: Business Economics


Determining the Precise Dynamics of Contagion, Alexander Goldstein
Department: Business Economics


Household Risk Aversion: Analysis Pre and Post Financial Crisis, Jacob A. Graff
Department: Business Economics


Estimating the Value of Residence on the Production of Education in Undergraduate Institutions, Myo Paing Han
Department: Business Economics


The Determinants of Large Bank Profitability in the United States after the 2008 Financial Crisis: A Theoretical and Empirical Study, Joshua Jeffrey Herold
Department: Business Economics


The Housing Disaster: Consumer's Risk Perception Change After Hurricane Katrina, Brianna C. Kabdebo
Department: Business Economics


A Theoretical and Empirical Study on the Financial Crisis of 2008 and its Effect on a Firm’s Capital Structure, Ryan Kamada
Department: Business Economics


The Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model and a Test for Efficiency in the Underlying Stock Market, Sanjana Kumbhani
Department: Business Economics; Mathematics


Minor League Baseball Ownership Structure: An Analysis of the Use of Vertical Integration by Major League Baseball Teams, James E. Lackner
Department: Business Economics


The Impact of the Tax Rate on Foreign Direct Investment in High Income Versus Low Income Countries, Allison Munson
Department: Business Economics


An Investigation of Debt Financing in Industrial Firms Pre-Post the Financial Crisis: A Theoretical and Empirical Study, Matthew Parmelee
Department: Business Economics


It Is Not About How Much You Pay, But How You Pay It: The Motivational Effects of Compensation on Worker Effort Using Self-Determination Theory, Unnati Singhania
Department: Business Economics; Psychology


Food for Thought: An Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on the Food Security for South African Farming Households, Sarah Torio
Department: Business Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2016


A Theoretical and Empirical Study of No-Fault Insurance and its Effects on Driving Behavior, Oscar Ambris
Department: Business Economics


Were Credit Rating Agencies the Real Wolf of Wall Street?: An Assessment of Credit Rating Agency Behavior in Relation to the Mortgage-Backed Security Market, Eda E. Bell
Department: Business Economics


"Smogpocalypse": An Analysis on the Impacts of Coal Consumption in China Through Urban and Rural Provinces, Kelly G. Brethauer
Department: Business Economics


The Post-9/11 GI Bill: An Educational Attainment Comparison for Late 20th and Early 21st Century U.S. Veterans and Non-veterans, Vincent D. Congedo
Department: Business Economics


Neighborhoods on the Rise? Predicting Neighborhood Change in Philadelphia, Aidan Conley
Department: Business Economics


The Substitutability of Debt Financing and Incentive Compensation in Aligning the Interests of the Firm: A Theoretical and Empirical Study, Jack D. Crawley
Department: Business Economics


Applying Academic Research on the Importance of a Small Retail Business's Location to Construct a Business Plan for the Entrepreneurial Venture Deerhaus Decor LLC, Benjamin Deering
Department: Economics; Business Economics; Interdepartmental


The Motion Picture Industry: An Analysis of the Factors that Impact Box Office Performance, Christopher Fafalios GP Fafalios
Department: Business Economics


To Consume or Not To Consume: A Study on Multivitamin Supplements, Michael A. Ferris
Department: Business Economics


Forward Premium Puzzle: A Multi-Facted Time View, Divvya Haralalka
Department: Business Economics


The Motherhood Wage Penalty; an Empirical Investigation of Children's Impact on Mothers' Earnings, Yazan Herzallah
Department: Business Economics


Less Brown and More Green: A Test of the Porter Hypothesis on Hog Productivity in North Carolina from 1993 to 2014, Paul J. Kelbly
Department: Business Economics


Minimum Wages Effect on Unemployment Across Age Groups: a Study of the Impact of Minimum Wage on Different Age Groups of Unemployment., Joshua M. Kipfer
Department: Business Economics


The Impact of Human Capital on a Security's Return through the Capital Asset Pricing Model Framework, Lily Mohre
Department: Business Economics


Legalization of Prostitution and its Impact on the Market for Human Trafficking, Varunavi Newar
Department: Business Economics; Mathematics


Accessibility and Employment Subcenters: How Transportation Infrastructure Influences Firm Location Decision, Daniel P. Quinn
Department: Business Economics


The Impact Increasing Public Investment to Fund the Olympics Games has on a Host Country, Kenneth J. Reckart
Department: Business Economics


Gift Exchange with Firm Performance Adjustments: Behavior in Random-Assignment, Perfect Labor Supply Setting, Douglas Small
Department: Business Economics


Our Children are Our Future: An Evaluation of the Role of Children’s Health Insurance Program in Improving Children’s Health and Educational Outcomes, Ke Song
Department: Business Economics


Effects of FDI on Economic Growth in Eastern European Transition Countries, Nikoloz Tsereteli
Department: Business Economics


Effects of FDI on Economic Growth in Eastern European Transition Countries, Nikoloz Tsereteli
Department: Business Economics


Speak English to Trade: A Study on the Impact of Language Commonality on the U.S. International Trade of Electric Machinery and Equipment, Diep Ngoc Vu
Department: Business Economics


An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between the Diversity in Backgrounds of a Firm’s Board of Directors and a Firm’s Innovation Levels, Marla L. Walton
Department: Business Economics


Representation Out of Formation, Tarik H. Welch
Department: Business Economics


Sending Signals: Examining if Brazil Experiences Multiple Signaling Effects from Hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympics, Zachary J. Woullard
Department: Business Economics


Board Structure Effect on Firm performance: An Investigation of Potential Differences Between Chinese and U.S. Firms, Yanli Xiong
Department: Business Economics


A Simultaneous System of Internal Control: An Empirical Study of CEO Compensation Structure, Board Composition and Firm Performance, Jacob Zoldan
Department: Business Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2015


Parental human capital and returns to education: The divide between urban residents and migrants in China, Salma Ait Hssayene
Department: Business Economics


Evaluating the Impacts of Strategic Consolidation in Facilitating Multifunctional EMR Adoption and the Comprehensive Cost Effects in U.S. Hospitals, Rachelle Lee Brenner
Department: Business Economics


Fair Play from UEFA? A theoretical and empirical study of the time horizon employed by UEFA’s Financial Fair Play and its effects on the profitability of English Premier League clubs., Philip J. Dalman
Department: Business Economics


Glory, Glory Fan United!: A study of the relationship between fan loyalty and team performance in English Premier League Football, Priyanka Datta
Department: Business Economics; Mathematics


Life in the Fast Lane: A Study of Broadband Industry Regulation, James Elliott
Department: Business Economics


Can a Fundamentalist Approach to Stock Pricing Explain Share Price Movements?, Michael P. Ewanechko
Department: Business Economics


Evaluating Education in Japan: Why Juku Schools May be Threatening a Child's Ability to Succeed and Increasing the Income Inequality Gap, Jake Cornelius Fisher
Department: Business Economics; Philosophy


Impact of Asymmetric Information on the Likelihood of Deception: An Experimental Study from a Communication Studies and Economics Perspective:, Benjamin David Grombala
Department: Business Economics; Communication Studies


Beyond ß: An Analysis of Alternative Risk Measures, Jai Kedia
Department: Business Economics; Mathematics


Who is Actually Competing? An Analysis of the Competitive Saving Motive, John C. Lanz
Department: Business Economics


The Effects of Labor Market Reforms and Labor Force Characteristics on Chinese Wages, Holden J. Miller
Department: Business Economics


Does Performance-based Executive Compensation Matter More for the U.S.-based Multinational Corporations or the U.S. Domestic Corporations?, Phu Phyo
Department: Business Economics


On the Relationship Between Product Diversification and Firm Performance, Jay T. Selby
Department: Business Economics


Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Effect of Unemployment Rate on an Employee's Decision to Quit, Kenneth F. Vance
Department: Business Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2014


Green Technology Transfer: Analyzing the Impact on Developed Countries through Environmental Technological Transfers between Developed and Developing Countries, Varun R. Bhandari
Department: Business Economics


Does Product Diversification Matter? Theoretical and Empirical Analysis on the Product Diversification- Firm Performance Relationship, Kendall E. DeBoer
Department: Business Economics


Poverty Traps in Economic Development: Heterogeneous Production in a Cross-Section of Countries, Logan Fitch
Department: Business Economics


Does the Trend Need a Mend? The Effects of Herding Behavior on the Returns to Higher Edcuation, Amy K. French
Department: Business Economics


Financial Crisis Compensation Aftershock: An Examination of the 2008 Financial Crisis on CEO Compensation Structure, Brett C. Frongillo
Department: Business Economics


“I Can’t Afford Not to Go to College!”: An Analysis on the Effects of Financial Aid on the Human Capital Investment Decision, Kyrstin C. Gibson
Department: Business Economics


What do Students Value in an Institution of Higher Education? A Study on Institutional Attributes and Tuition at Private Colleges in the United States: A Hedonic Approach, Ana Godonoga
Department: Business Economics


The Black-Scholes Options Pricing Model and its Implications on the Underlying Security Market, Steven D. Hagen
Department: Business Economics; Mathematics


Does the Overpayment of Athletes Affect Performance? A Study of the National Basketball Association, Levi D. Halsey
Department: Business Economics


Does it Pay to Be Responsible? The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on a Firm’s Financial Performance, Jonathan E. Huisel
Department: Business Economics


The Welfare of The Homeless: An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Government Assistance Programs on Utility, David W. Jackson
Department: Business Economics


Double Pay: An Empirical Analysis on the Affects of Revenue Sharing and the Luxury Tax, on Competitive Balance in Major League Baseball, Zachary J. Klein
Department: Business Economics


Wal-Mart: For Better or Worse? - A Theoretical and Empirical Exploration of the Long Run Competitive Effects Wal-Mart Has on Local Retail Sector Growth in Ohio Micropolitan Counties, Dean N. Marchitelli
Department: Business Economics


The Effects of Hospital Consolidation on Hospital Financial Performance and the Potential Trade-Off of Hospital Consolidation for Society, Aaron W. McKee
Department: Business Economics


The New Era of Moneyball: An Analysis of MLB Teams’ Payroll Distribution and Its Effect on Team Performance, Bryan J. Miller
Department: Business Economics


How to Account for and Measure Human Well-Being, Anders K. Møller
Department: Philosophy; Business Economics


Optimizing Merit Scholarships for Enrollment Management at The College of Wooster, Tin Nguyen
Department: Computer Science; Business Economics


Does CEO Pay Structure Matter? Research and Empirical Analysis on the Relationship CEO Compensation Structure Has on the Financial Performance of the Firm, Scott D. Purcell
Department: Business Economics


The Effects of Medicaid Reimbursement Rates on Nursing Home Quality, Edward J. Reese Jr
Department: Business Economics


The Economic Benefits of Being Accountable: Modeling the Impact of Political Transparency on Economic Growth in Resource-Rich Developing Countries, Ian Reid
Department: Business Economics


The Determinants and Effects of R&D intensive FDI, Usman Shabbir
Department: Business Economics; Political Science


Chapter 11 Bankruptcy: An Analysis of the Relative Financial Performance of Firms Post-Bankruptcy, Joseph Stoffer
Department: Business Economics


An Empirical Study Focused on the Causal Relationship Between School Quality and Housing Prices in Suburban Communities in the Columbus Metropolitan Area, Douglas C. Thorpe
Department: Business Economics

Senior Independent Study Theses from 2013


Get Back to Work, Sir: An Empirical Study of CEO Compensation with Regards to Company Monitoring, Glenn Caventer
Department: Business Economics


Location, Location, Location: An Empirical Study of the Factors That Determine the Location of Natural and Organic Grocery Retailers in the United States, Alexis Donnorummo
Department: Business Economics


The Effects of Labor Market Characteristics on Interstate Migration: An Empirical Analysis, Paul Kessler
Department: Business Economics


The Board of Doctors: How Insider Directors Affect Non-Profit Hospitals Governance, Alexander D. LaJoie
Department: Business Economics


Is Corporate Governance Optimally Organized? a Study Examining the Interrelationships Between Ownership Structure and Board Composition As Mechanisms to Monitor Management, David Mallett
Department: Business Economics


Valuation and Horizontal Acquisitions: An Analysis of the Source of Value Created From Horizontal Acquisitions, Jake Mussay
Department: Business Economics


Is It Worth It?: A Study of the Economic Impact Professional Sports Franchises have on a Community, Matthew Ranck
Department: Business Economics


How Ceo Compensation Structure Effects the Stock Price of Real Estate Investment Trusts, Scott Simpson
Department: Business Economics


Asymmetric Information, Adverse Selection, & Contract Adjustment in the Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (Cmbs) Market., Samuel Susanin
Department: Business Economics


Firm Productivity: How a Firm's Wage Structure Impacts the Productivity of It's Workforce, Zachary A. Weidrick
Department: Business Economics