"Evaluating Education in Japan: Why Juku Schools May be Threatening a C" by Jake Cornelius Fisher



Education is important not only for a child’s developmental life, but also for the long-term effects it has on the life of the society as a whole. Japan is a special case in educational observation as they have an interesting phenomenon that arises in childhood development known as cram schools or juku. These private schools also are attempting to provide education that is ‘superior’ to public education to prepare a child for entrance exams. However, in a country that focuses heavily on community, and instills community bonding in the early childhood developmental structure of education, these entrance exams are causing studnents to become extremely competitive. Later on in life, this may cause major income inequalities in the country. Are these cram schools and private schools harming public education and the children’s sense of community? Are they widening the income inequality wedge in the country? Are children from lower economic backgrounds less able to achieve a better future for themselves? The purpose of this research is first understand what education should really provide to a child, how educational institutitions should prepare an individual to lead a good life, and whether there is a problem with the way Juku schools are impacting Japanese society and income inequalities.


Burnell, Barbara

Second Advisor

Schiltz, Elizabeth


Business Economics; Philosophy


Educational Methods | Education Economics | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education


Japan, Education, Philosophy of Education, Economics of Education

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2015 Jake Cornelius Fisher