"The Motion Picture Industry: An Analysis of the Factors that Impact Bo" by Christopher Fafalios GP Fafalios


The study of motion pictures in relation to economics is a unique and interesting topic because of a films ability to attract consumers to theatres and maximize its revenues. Thus, this study examines the factors that affect box office performance. A sample of 251 films were observed from January 2013 to August 2015. I postulate five hypotheses in the theory chapter that are then analyzed from the results of the regressions in the results section of the empirical chapter. Four specifications are run using a cross section regression with an OLS estimator. Two of the four specifications use total box office revenue as the dependent variable and the other two use net box office revenue. Overall, across all four regressions, the data shows that the most successful films have higher critic ratings, are sequels, and are shown in many theatres.


Charalambos, Michael


Business Economics


Business | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Organizational Behavior and Theory | Other Business

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2016 Christopher Fafalios GP Fafalios