This study examines the impact of hospital consolidation on the financial performance of consolidating hospitals. In doing so, this study also addresses the potential trade-off of hospital consolidation for society between decreased competition and improved efficiency. Based on economic theory, we hypothesize that hospital consolidation leads to an improvement in hospital financial performance by decreasing competition, which allows consolidating hospitals to charge higher prices, and by increasing efficiency, which lowers the costs of providing a given level of services for consolidating hospitals. Furthermore, we hypothesize that consolidation produces a competition/efficiency trade-off for society, as illustrated by the Williamson Trade-Off Model. We empirically test these hypotheses by running random effects regressions for a financial performance, price, and average cost model. Our results indicate that financial performance does improve for consolidating hospitals following consolidation, but there does not appear to be a trade-off for society. In fact, we find evidence that consolidation increases prices, but leads to an insignificant change in hospital efficiency/costs.
Sell, John
Business Economics
Recommended Citation
McKee, Aaron W., "The Effects of Hospital Consolidation on Hospital Financial Performance and the Potential Trade-Off of Hospital Consolidation for Society" (2014). Senior Independent Study Theses. Paper 5895.
Health Economics
hospitals, hospital consolidation
Publication Date
Degree Granted
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type
Senior Independent Study Thesis Exemplar
© Copyright 2014 Aaron W. McKee