"The Effects of Medicaid Reimbursement Rates on Nursing Home Quality" by Edward J. Reese Jr


This paper studies the relationship between the Medicaid reimbursement rate and the quality of care nursing homes offer their residents. I hypothesize that the Medicaid reimbursement rate will have a negative on the quality of care in nursing homes. I analyze theories and past literature to present this hypothesis. Data from nursing homes in the state of Ohio is used to empirically estimate the effect the Medicaid reimbursement rate has on the quality of care in nursing homes. The results indicate that the Medicaid reimbursement rate has mixed effects on quality of care when quality is measured by the physical and mental states of the residents, but it has a negative effect when quality of care is measured by the overall satisfaction of the resident and their families.


Burnell, Barbara


Business Economics


Other Business


Medicaid, nursing home, quality, care

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2014 Edward J. Reese Jr