The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-01-29
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of the Wooster Voice includes an article discussing the importance of observing the annual Day of Prayer for Colleges as well as Wooster's role in the same. A description of the events of the day were also included in the article. Another article touches upon the success of the performance by Katherine Ridgeway CO. The section dedicated to Athletics includes an article informing the student body that a skating rink has been opened on the athletic field and is now available for use by students at a small fee. Later in the paper, a section titled Exchanges includes brief descriptions of noteworthy events and accomplishments at various other colleges. The last page covers fraternity events.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-02-05
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of the Wooster Voice includes an article highlighting the importance of the debate team and urges Wooster underclassmen to try out. Another article talks about loyal friend of Wooster, Louis H. Severance and his journeys to Japan, Korea, China and the Philippines to attend three large church conferences. A creative piece called The Dorm Clock Speaketh its Mind is included in this edition. In Athletics, a small announcement informs the student body of the newly hired varsity football coach of 1907. The Editorial addresses the student body, encouraging them to maintain a group spirit so as to eliminate violations of the rights of others to college property. The article ends various historical advertisements from local businesses.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-02-12
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of the Wooster Voice includes an article describing the $125,000 endowment given to the college by John D. Rockefeller. Another article on the informs the student body of the new residence hall, Holden Hall, that is finally ready to accommodate the female students. The editorial includes an article reminding the student body that the correct name for the institution is The University of Wooster, and not Wooster University and encouraging them to wear the name with pride. Community members plan an event at the City Opera House. A section called Stories Picked Up features an piece on a brief interaction at a hat shop.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-02-19
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of the newspaper begins with an article that describes the upcoming State Oratorical contest at Wooster. Another article recounts the discussions that took place at a lecture presented by the Judge Den B. Lindsey of Denver. The events and meetings of various literary societies are featured in several paragraphs. The Editorial features an article called "Carelessness or Ignorance," which is on the issue of students using 'college slang' in their manuscripts. "Severance Duplicates The Rockefeller Gift to Wooster and Carnegie Adds Fifty Thousand," is about the various donors gifting the college with money. The last couple pages of this newspaper are filled with advertisements from local businesses.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-02-26
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition includes an article describing Wooster's victory at the State Oratorical Contest for the second year in a row. Another article recounts the success of a music recital that was held at the Memorial Chapel. Later in the paper, the athletics section recounts the highlights and lists the scores of the basketball game that took place in Delaware earlier in the week. The editorial piece encourages the student body to actively participate to help fulfill the goal of raising $200,000 by commencement.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-03-05
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of the newspaper includes a creative writing piece by a Wooster student who recounts his experiences studying abroad in Gibraltar, Spain. Another article titled Debating News discusses the ongoing preparation for the start of debate season as well as possible topics up for debate. The athletics section covers Wooster's victory against Pennsylvania in a close basketball game. Advertisements from local businesses fill the last few pages of this newspaper.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-03-12
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of the Wooster Voice includes an article on the Republic Convention of the city of Chicago where Wooster Alumni was selected, and nominated for the judge of the superior court. Another article informs the student body of the upcoming freshman debate that is preliminary to the annual Sophomore-Freshman Contest. Similarly, another article informs the student body of the upcoming alumni meeting and dinner of the Pittsburg Alumni Association of the University of Wooster. Later in the paper, the Athletics section includes the baseball schedule for the upcoming season. The Editorial section focuses on spring athletics. Advertisements from local businesses fill the last couple pages of this newspaper.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-04-09
Wooster Voice Editors
"Y. M. C. A. Conference," is about the new officers elected into the Young Men's Christian Association attending a training conference. In "The Roman Forum," Professor Notestein gives his impressions on the Roman Forum. "Strenuous Efforts," is about the progress made with the endowment fund. In "Alumni Hold Annual Meeting and Dinner," the annual meeting and dinner of the Pittsburgh Association of the University of Wooster begins.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-04-16
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of the Wooster Voice includes an article titled The Year In The Y.M.C.A, which reviews the work done by the Y.M.C.A from 1906-1907 and delves into the highlights and results of its service. This article spans two pages and is followed by a similar article titled The Year In The Y.W.C.A which does the same for the Young Women's Christian Association in America. Another article discusses the Presidents' Training Conference, a Y.M.C.A. gathering that was held in Wooster this year. This edition of the newspaper focuses on the work done by the two associations, and the section dedicated to Editorial also reviews the importance of this organization. Later in the paper, an article describes the debate that took place between Wooster and Pittsburg.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-04-23
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of the Wooster Voice includes an article on the commencement honors that were partially announced the previous week. Another article describes the new inclusion of a Glee Club and Mandolin Club at the University of Wooster. The section titled Literary Societies, includes weekly updates of each literary society, the discussions that took place during their weekly meetings, and any upcoming events they might be hosting. Later in the paper, an article discusses the upcoming inter-class track meet to start off the season. Articles from local businesses fill up the last few pages of this newspaper.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-04-30
Wooster Voice Editors
"The Battle of the Allia," is a featured letter written by Professor Notestein. In "Wooster Song-Book," the new University of Wooster Song-book has been published and released on the market. "A Reply to 'Some Friends,'" is about feature on a unnamed student having been expelled.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-05-07
Wooster Voice Editors
"Interstate Oratorical," is about the Interstate Oratorical Contest held in McCormick Chapel. In "Color Day," the third annual celebration instituted by the class of 1905 has been commenced. "Commencement Concert," are about the soloists being announced for the concert. In "Volunteer Conference," eight delegates from the Wooster Volunteer Band went to the Conference of the Northern Ohio Volunteer Union.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-05-14
Wooster Voice Editors
"Greeks Banquet," is about how the Wooster fraternities gathered for the Pan-Hellenic banquet in the American House. In "Wooster At Kenyon," Wooster went to Kenyon to debate the question Resolved that Cuba should be annexed to the U.S. and won. "Freshmen Banquet Juniors," is about how the class of 1910 hosted an annual banquet for the juniors. In "Freshman--Soph Debate," the annual debate between the freshmen and sophomores was held.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-05-21
Wooster Voice Editors
"Expression Recital," is about the Expression Recital that was held by the department of Oratory. In "Graduating Recitals," the program for the graduating recitals was released. "Voice Board of Control," is about how the new Board of Control of the Wooster Voice met and made arrangements for next year's officials. In "Stories Picked Up," the late President A. J. Cassatt of the Pennsylvania railroad told a railroad story at a luncheon.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-05-28
Wooster Voice Editors
"Change In Constitution," is about the changes that were made in the constitution of the interstate association. In "Commencement Program," the schedule for the thirty-seventh commencement program has been released. "Commencement Speakers," are about the nine seniors chosen to deliver orations on graduation day. In "Athenaean Farewell," the Athenaean closed out with a successful year.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-06-04
Wooster Voice Editors
Football Coach E.L. Skeel wrote a letter to the football coaches and players. Merle Price is the new editor-in-chief for the Voice and Johnson West is the new business manager. The last piano recital for the graduating music students. Athletics features various articles that gives updates on the sports on campus. Exchanges is a feature about the lives of various students. Advertisements take up the last two pages of this issue.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-06-13, Commencement Edition
Wooster Voice Editors
This special edition of the Voice gives the details of the 1907 Commencement Ceremony. The first page has the baccalaureate and the farewell speech typed out. The third page is a photograph of the 1907 graduates in their cap and gowns. The sixth and seventh pages are of the commencement program and the graduates with their major and minors. The remainder of the pages follow the usual Voice format, and the articles conclude the school year.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-09-24
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of the Voice features articles about the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A.. "Curtain," is a recap of the year for both organizations. In "The Y. M. C. A. Reception," and "The Y. W. C. A. Reception," both are about the receptions that were hosted. "Our Management," is about the Voice's management providing a update.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-10-03
Wooster Voice Editors
The first page of this edition includes three articles. The first article is on the football coach's words of the beginning of the season. The second is written by Karl Compton on his outlook for the football season. The final article is the business manager's viewpoint. The quarterback was injured in practice on Thursday. The sophomore class elected their class officers on Saturday. On page two there is a section titled "Personal Mention" that gives details about current happening of students lives. Page three has the rules for the Irving Contest detailed. The athletics section begins on the fourth page with the roster on the fifth page.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-10-09
Wooster Voice Editors
The first page has an article detailing the football rally that took place on Thursday. The new faculty are also included on the first page. On Wednesday evening, Marguerite White led the YWCA meeting with the topic, "The Routine of the Christian Life." The YMCA had the topic of "Essentials" at their meeting on Wednesday led by Karl Compton. The athletics updates section is on page four.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-10-16
Wooster Voice Editors
"An Important Coming Event," is about the upcoming Minstrel Show which has been called the the event of the year. In "Oratorical Association Election," a meeting was held in order to vote in new administration. "Additions to the Preparatory Faculty," is about the changes that were made in the preparatory and commercial department. In ""The 'One-Horse' College," is a featured poem by a class of 1906 student.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-10-23
Wooster Voice Editors
"In Memoriam," are written features about the death of College of Wooster students and staff. This includes Professor William H. Wilson PH.D., Clinton Laughlin and Edward Shields McConnell. "Y. W. C. A.," is about the Y. W. C. A. securing Miss Gintner to address the association.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-10-30
Wooster Voice Editors
"The Wooster Glee And Mandolin Club," is about the Glee and Mandolin Club officially being formed. In "Dr. Hills Resigns," pastor of the Westminister Chapel Dr. Oscar A. Hills resigned. "Theta's Entertain," is about a event hosted by Kappa Alpha Theta for the mothers and city alumnae of the chapter. In "The Greater Wooster," a poem written by Waldo H. Dunn is featured. "1909 Gives Banquet To 1911," is about the fall reception thrown by the junior class for the freshmen class.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-11-06
Wooster Voice Editors
"Home Coming Day," is a feature about the homecoming day game against Case Western Reserve University and the banquet afterward. In "Phi Gam Smoker," thirty-five men enjoyed a smoker at the Phi Gam fraternity house. "Tug--Of--War," is about the sophomores defeating the freshman at a game of tug of war at the Junior-Freshman banquet. In "Dick Evans Dead," a student who was injured at the Case Western game passes away.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1907-11-13
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of The Voice includes an article describing the week of prayer that took place on campus. The section titled Campus Notes includes an article informing the student body of the upcoming memorial service being held for a fellow student, Richard Evans. Another article discusses the recently elected basketball managers for the junior and senior class years. The Editorial delved deeper into the life of Richard Evans, as well as the events that took place during the week of prayer.
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