The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-01-12
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of the 1910 Wooster Voice was published on January 12. "The Third Down," is written story that is featured in this issue. Under News Items, it highlights the news around the community. In "A Real Treat," the famous Hinshaw Grand Opera Quartette, is coming to perform. "Very Entertaining," is a review of the first Oratorio concert of the season. In "A Review of 1909 Season," "Thy Why of It," and "The Men on the Team," are all articles about the football season. Pages nine to fourteen are comprised of advertisements.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-01-19
Wooster Voice Editors
This is the 1910-01-19 edition of the Wooster Voice. "The Rochester Convention," details about the Quadrennial Convention of the Student Volunteer Movement. In "Alpha Delta Psi Entertains," the members of Alpha Delta Psi host a dinner. The "News Items," gives updates about on people in the community. "Fine Program," features the program for the Hinshaw Grand Opera Company. In "Le Cercle Francais," the annual initiation ceremony takes place. Pages nine to twelve are made up of advertisements.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-02-02
Wooster Voice Editors
This issue begins with a letter from Erich Weltzien to "D.A. Lowrie" which describes the etiquette and proceedings used in Germany for dueling. The editors note that, "...several Wooster students have been corresponding with Berlin students the former writing German the latter English." The authors go on to describe the activities of the student senate and a varsity basketball game. A letter to the editor is included in which a first year suggests including such subjects as, "How to Make Hens Lay in Winter or The Proper Proportion of Cane- Juice in Maple-syrup." There is a note about the status of the newspaper. A memorial service for Paul Axtell is recounted.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-02-09
Wooster Voice Editors
"Courtesy in Athletics," is a written discussion of spectator behavior and sportsmanship at a game against Kenyon. In "A. A. U. Athletics," training for the A.A.U. Track & Field competition is discussed. "News Items," features the news from the community. In "Hear Ye! Hear Ye!," the authors described a basketball game. "Our Dis-Honor System," and "The Honor System," are about the student senate and how they attempted to develop a honor system. In "Organ Recital," Prof. J. Lawrence Erb had a captivating organ recital.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-02-16
Wooster Voice Editors
This issue begins with a description of remarks given by Dr J. B. Shaw, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church of Chicago, on the Day of Prayer at Wooster. The authors note that, "...the General Education Board of New York unanimously voted to appropriate $150,000 from its trust funds to aid The University of Wooster in its effort to complete its endowment." Further information is given about the efforts of the Board of Trustees to build the endowment. The authors announce Walter Bradley Tripp's planned visit to campus and reflect on the value of long examinations. The authors describe "Le Cercle Francais" during which participants made valentines. Fraternity activities are described, as is a Y.W.C.A candy sale. Advertisements in the newspaper are particularly large during this period.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-02-23
Wooster Voice Editors
"Washington's Birthday," is the first article in this issue and it details the meaning behind the celebration of George Washington's birthday. In "Phi Gamma Delta Section-Convention," the second-convention of Phi Gamma Delta held a informal reception for the visiting chapters. The edition includes a full page advertising the Famous Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra's visit to the City Opera House. "Handy Definitions for Students," is piece that features definitions to help students on their exam papers. The end feature various advertisements from stores.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-03-02
Wooster Voice Editors
This particular issue of the voice is written entirely by women of the college and focuses primarily on topics related to women. The start of the issue details how two sororities competed for the membership of Gwendolyn Dorothea Lancaster. The edition includes an article on the third annual conference of the Y.W.C.A. of Ohio and West Virginia. There is a section discussing the importance of hearing a woman's point of view, and how there are more similarities than differences in the sexes.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-03-09
Wooster Voice Editors
"Alumni Pins," details Alumni associations and relations. In "The 'W' Society," the Wearers of the Wooster W form a new organization. "A Student Attraction," advertises the upcoming performance from the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. In "Our Walks," the Voice urges students to walk on the sidewalks to avoid creating bare spots on the grass. "Lieut. Chas. F. Gammon, Representing the American Bible Society, Gives Illustrated Lecture," is about a lecture given by Lieut. Gammon on China.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-03-16
Wooster Voice Editors
"Regarding 'Thank You'," a response to a previous piece on male-female etiquette and how women say thank you. In "An Artistic Performance," a review for the orchestra's performance is featured. "Will Strike Wooster," is about the Amherst Dramatic Club visiting Wooster on a annual trip. In "Handy Definitions for Students," is the continued feature of including definitions in the Voice to help students on their exam papers. There is also a tiny mention of two typewriters being added to the equipment of the commercial department.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-03-23
Wooster Voice Editors
"The Minstrels," is about the Fifth Biennial College Minstrels coming to perform. In "Peace Contest," the third annual peace oratorical contest commenced. "The Basket Ball Season," is a piece about the entire basketball season including statistics and records. In "A Rare Treat," Wooster audiences had the chance to see the Amherst Dramatic Club perform Shakespeare. Also features an article about Channing Ellery, the manager of the Ellery Band of Sixty Royal Concert and his farewell concert.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-04-13
Wooster Voice Editors
This issue details a successful concert vacation taken by the glee club. An article highlights some of the work done by the Y.M.C.A. The edition also gives short citations from one Miss Kowlees, on the annual Y.W.C.A efforts of that year. There is an apology to the university and student body from a D.M. Ervin, for his use of profanity on campus.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-04-20
Wooster Voice Editors
"Grand Finale," is about the end of the lecture-concert course at the College of Wooster. In "'W' Regulations," the Student Athletic Committee dew up the Code By-Laws. "Halley's Comet Affecting Dorm Girls," is about how the girl's sleep cycles are affected by Halley's Comet. In " Best Concert Yet," the University Glee Club had a great last concert. "Two Ministers Pass Away," features the deaths of Rev. Heindel and Rev. Glenn. On page 8 there is a section of the paper that has been cut out, this section was most likely an advertisement.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-04-27
Wooster Voice Editors
"Girls' Concert," is about how the Girls' Glee Club put on a great show. In "Oratorical Contest," the Oratorical Contest being held at Allegheny College and the events that will transpire. "The Best Of All," is about a organ recital given by Prof. Erb in the Memorial Chapel. In "A Great Man Comes to Wooster," an international peace lecture is given by John W. Foster, former secretary under President Harrison. The end of the paper includes ads for local retail.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-05-04
Wooster Voice Editors
"Juniors Win Meet," is the first piece of this article and it talks about Wooster's latest track meet. In "Noted Man Here," it continues from the last article discussing the international peace lecture given by John W. Foster. Another article details the Lake Erie Summer Conference of the Y.M.C.A. Men. In "Debates On," it features the debate team that competed at Allegheny College.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-05-11
Wooster Voice Editors
"Varsity Bunches Errors," and "A Double Victory," are the first two features in this edition detailing Wooster's victories in baseball and debate. In "Willard Play," is a positive review on the performance of "Cricket on the Hearth." "Second Graduate Recital," is about the second musical recital performed by two graduates. Organizations such as Lincoln Literary Society, Irving Literary Society, and the Y.W.C.A. are highlighted. "Day By Day." is a featured poem written by I. O. Way.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-05-18
Wooster Voice Editors
"Color Day," details the events of Color Day, a celebration for College of Wooster students. In "Third Graduation Recital," two more conservatory students perform. "Wooster Wins In Eleventh," is an article detailing baseball win against Case Western. The edition includes a letters to President L. E. Holden from L. H. Severance regarding his disapproval of fraternities and sororities and the college's Alumni. "Delta Tau Delta Installation," is about the installation of the Psi Delta Upsilon fraternity into the national fraternity of Delta Tau Delta.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-05-25
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition includes an article detailing the most recent track meet, where Wooster emerged victorious. Another article describes a lecture given by O.C. Barber, the Match King at the Chapel on Clean Scientific Farming. One of the sections is dedicated to the musical recitals that took place that week. Additionally, an article recounts the Junior-Freshmen banquet that took place earlier that week. Advertisements from local businesses and the Wooster community are distributed throughout this newspaper.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-06-01
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition covers a debate between Wooster and Denison in great detail. Another article outlines how to take honors at The College of Wooster. This newspaper has dedicated approximately three pages to sports - recounting football games, tennis matches and baseball games, along with the listing of scores. This edition also includes a one page advertisement on The Index, which was to be released later that day for the cost of $1.50.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-06-08
Wooster Voice Editors
"Conservatory Gives Public Concert," describes a concert held by the Conservatory Association. In "Freshmen Win Interclass Debate," the Freshmen emerged victorious in a debate against the sophomores. "Graduating Recital," is about the last of the spring recitals occurring. In "New Managers Elected," the Voice board elected the new members for next year. "The Wooster Voice Commencement Number - The Class of 1910," is a featured picture of the Class of 1910. The paper ends with numerous advertisements from local businesses and the Wooster community.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-06-14
Wooster Voice Editors
"40th Annual Commencement," is about the 1910 commencement, that also features the program. In "1910 In The World," the seniors talk about what they will be doing after graduation. "Senior Reception," is about Dr. and Mrs. Holden hosting the annual reception for the Senior Class. In "Class Song," a song for the class of 1910 is featured. "Class Day Exercises," is about the Senior's Class presentation of the annual play The Professor's Misfortunes. "The Coburn Players," is about an organization of actors coming to Wooster to perform As You Like It. The paper ends with advertisements from local businesses and the Wooster community.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-10-05
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of the newspaper includes a poem on the front page, dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Holden called Hail, and Good Cheer. Another piece on the front page discusses the student senate, its aims and activities. Later in the paper, an article describes what it is that the progressive Republicans stand for and what they have been portrayed as by the general public. Football games are recounted in great detail and scores are listed. Page two contains a pre-Nazi use of the swastika in an overcoat advertisement.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-10-12
Wooster Voice Editors
This is the 1910-10-12 edition of the Wooster Voice. "Peace," is a written feature by Dr. Sylvester Scovel about various peace movements worldwide, citing Japanese Imperialism in Korea, Austrian domination in the Balkans, and general mistrust worldwide. In "Volunteer Band," the first meeting for the Volunteer Band was held. "Game In Detail," features a play by play for the football game. "Correction," is about a mistake in the roster that the Voice had to fix. In "The Organization of the Student Body of the University of Wooster - The Constitution," the various articles and rules are featured.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-10-19
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition includes an article covering how the Synod of Ohio gathered for one of its sessions and changed the charter with Mr. Scovel as the moderator. The following article discusses President Holden's report to Synod. Later in the paper, an article recounts an exciting game of tug of war between the Sophomores and Freshmen with the Sophomores emerging victorious. Additionally, football games are recounted in great detail and scores listed.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-10-26
Wooster Voice Editors
"Bilski's," is a creative piece detailing the writer's experience at a Brazilian hotel. In "News Items," it features major events and announcements of the week. "Varsity Defeated But Not Outplayed," recounts a football game in great detail. In "Who Study Missions," details the importance of studying Christian missions. "Result of Men's Glee Club Trials," features the results of the new glee club. Advertisements from local businesses and the local community have been distributed throughout the paper.
The Wooster Voice (Wooster, Ohio), 1910-11-02
Wooster Voice Editors
This edition of the newspaper includes an article called Class Memorials describing the tradition of seniors leaving behind a momentum on campus upon graduating. Another article is dedicated to the new guest lecturer Reverend A. F. Schauffler, and his lecture on Biblical studies. This edition also includes a sonnet, inspired by Shakespeare. Additionally, football games are recounted in detail and scores listed. Advertisements from local businesses and the community are distributed throughout the paper.
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