"« Je cheminerai avec toi » : Le rôle des communautés engagés dans le t" by Jennifer Renner

Alternative Title

“I Will Walk With You”: The Role of Engaged Communities in the Work of Jesuit Refugee Service


This study seeks to understand the correlations between external influences and the work of Jesuit Refugee Service. To best understand if and how external factors influence, JRS USA and JRS France are both studied within the framework of each country's unique historical context of refugee resettlement, current legal procedures, and public opinion. This thesis opens by providing an in-depth overview of Jesuit Refugee Service as an organization, important terminology and classifications, and differentiation in the meaning of the word “refugee” according to the United Nations, the United States of America, and France before analyzing each country more intensely.


Burch, Laura


French and Francophone Studies


Catholic Studies | European History | Other Anthropology | Other French and Francophone Language and Literature | Political History | United States History


refugee, France, United States, Jesuit Refugee Service

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2024 Jennifer Renner