This research highlights the role of the animation industry in economic development, showcasing it as a potential route for new job opportunities and technological advancements. To specify this relationship, as animations become popular, various theme parks attract individuals by showcasing well-known and familiar characters. This attraction can extend beyond the border, drawing tourists from around the globe and thus stimulating the economy of the hosting country. Panel data spanning 18 years (2004-2022) across 7 countries and 19 theme parks was used to analyze this relationship, encompassing data from reputable sources such as The Worlds Bank, The Theme Park Database, and Google Trends. After several stages of analysis, this research concluded that animation popularity increases theme park visitation trends, which later attract tourists to various locations. Therefore, the animation industry could be a tool for stimulating economic development.
Luri, Moses
Economics; Statistical and Data Sciences
Recommended Citation
Sokurovi, David, "Economics of Animation: Role of the Animation Industry in Promoting Development" (2024). Senior Independent Study Theses. Paper 10911.
Business Analytics | International Business | Marketing | Organizational Behavior and Theory | Recreation Business | Social Statistics | Technology and Innovation
Animation industry, Economic development, Job opportunities, Technological advancements, Theme parks, Tourist attraction
Publication Date
Degree Granted
Bachelor of Arts
Document Type
Senior Independent Study Thesis
© Copyright 2024 David Sokurovi