"Evaluating Effective Components of Educational Environmental Signage f" by Oliver Snow


There are countless sources of environmental degradation in the world that we live in, almost all of which result from the actions and indolence of human beings. On the other hand, there is a boundless range of ecosystem services and naturally occurring processes that counteract the negative forces humans put on the global environment. My objective within this research paper was to further understand the characteristics of what makes signage content effective with the goal of implementing those findings at the William J. Robertson Nature Preserve in Rittman, Ohio. The expectation was that if I could develop signage for this preserve with the most effective possible educational content, the constituents of the preserve would be more knowledgeable and prepared to make sound, environmentally conscious decisions in their own lives. Following my research on differing signage styles and designs I utilized surveys to gain an understanding of the specific characteristics that make nature-related signs more or less engaging for the average preserve-goer. Upon the completion of my study, I found the importance of utilizing hybrid-style signs (those whose makeup is an even blend of graphics to text) outweighed the utility presented in the form of solely image-based or text-based signs. Considering the results of my study, I would advocate for the use of hybrid-style signs when developing signage content for nature preserves or related sites.


Moreno, Carlo


Environmental Studies


Environmental Education


environmental education, conservation, wetland restoration, signage

Publication Date


Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type

Senior Independent Study Thesis



© Copyright 2024 Oliver Snow